Lesson 1 - Introduction to the Book of Daniel (1:1-3)
Lesson 2 - The First Great Test of Faith (1:4-8)
Lesson 3 - Favor Wisdom, and God-Honoring Results (1:9-16)
Lesson 4 - Knowledge, Wisdom and Learning Stand the Test (1:17-21)
Lesson 5 - The Wisdom that Does Not Stand the Test (2:1-12)
Lesson 6 - Handling a Life Threatening Crisis (2:13-18)
Lesson 7 - Daniel Extols the name of the Lord (2:19-23)
Lesson 8 - Daniel Boldly Stands Before the King (2:24-30)
Lesson 9 - Nebuchadnezzar's First Dream Interpreted (2:31-45)
Lesson 10 - Nebuchadnezzar Responds to the Interpretation (2:46-49)
Lesson 11 - The Second Test by the King's Decree (3:1-23)
Lesson 12 - Delivered from the Furnace and Promoted by the King (3:24-30)
Lesson 13 - Nebuchadnezzar Testifies and Has A Dream (4:1-9)
Lesson 14 - The Second Dream and Its Interpretation (4:10-28)
Lesson 15 - Nebuchadnezzar, Filled with Pride, then Humbled (4:29-37)
Lesson 16 - Belshazzar Is Brought Down Because He Did Not Learn (5:1-30)
Lesson 17 - Darius and the Third Testing of Daniel (5:31-6:15)
Lesson 18 - Daniel Passes the Test of Faith (6:16-6:28)
Lesson 19 - Daniel's First Vision of the Beasts from the Sea (7:1-8)
Lesson 20 - Daniel's Vision of the Day of Judgment (7:9-12)
Lesson 21 - Daniel's Vision of the Son of Man (7:13-14)
Lesson 22 - The Explanation of the Vision Is Given, #1 (7:15-21)
Lesson 23 - The Explanation of the Vision Is Given, #2 (7:22-28)
Lesson 24 - Daniel's Second Vision, the Ram and the He Goat, #1 (8:1-8)
Lesson 25 - Daniel's Second Vision, the Ram and the He Goat, #2 (8:9-15)
Lesson 26 - An Interpretation Is Given to Daniel (8:16-27)
Lesson 27 - Daniel's Intercessory Prayer, #1 (9:1-11)
Lesson 28 - Daniel's Intercessory Prayer, #2 (9:12-19)
Lesson 29 - Daniel Receives Insight Concerning the Messiah (9:20-27)
Lesson 30 - A Special Thing Is Revealed to Daniel (10:1-9)
Lesson 31 - An Angel Battles His Way to Earth with a Unique Interpretation (10:10-21)
Lesson 32 - The Future Is Unfolded to Daniel, #1 (11:1-6)
Lesson 33 - The Future Is Unfolded to Daniel, #2 (11:6-13)
Lesson 34 - The Future Is Unfolded to Daniel, #3 (11:14-11:19)
Lesson 35 - The Future Is Unfolded to Daniel, #4 (11:20-11:27)
Lesson 36 - The Future Is Unfolded to Daniel, #5 (11:28-11:35)
Lesson 37 - The Future Is Unfolded to Daniel, #6 (11:36-11:45)
Lesson 38 - Michael Stands Up for the People (12:1-4)
Lesson 39 - A Glimpse of the Future, and Divine Concealment (12:5-13)
Lesson 40 - A Summation of the Book of Daniel
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