Eph1:10 "That in the dispensation of the fulness of times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him . . ." (Eph 1:10)
If we could properly classify things, which would be most important - what we ought to do, or what God has purposed to do? A large percentage, if not the majority, of "Christian" emphasis is being place on the former. If you were to remove from the landscape of Christendom everything related to what men ought to do, or what men can be in the earth, you would not have very much left! However, here are some things that would remain: God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and holy angels. We would still have the Gospel, the promises, fellowship with Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit. There would still be reconciliation, atonement, justification, cleansing, faith, hope, and love. All of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge would remain, with the Scriptures, the body of Christ, together with everlasting consolation and good hope. The names of the elect would still be written in heaven, the new and living way would still be open, and the New Covenant would still be in place. We would still have the blood of Christ, the mind of Christ, and the grace of Christ. There would still be the cross of Christ, the riches of Christ, and the doctrine of Christ. Circumstance cannot remove a one of these things, and faith can appropriate them all, whether it is the popular thing to do or not.
Sound doctrine revolves around these realities - things that cannot change or be removed. The awareness and persuasion of these things builds faith and stabilizes the soul. The knowledge of these things awakens faith and hope, causes sin to appear unreasonable, and holiness to make perfect sense. There are no legitimate concerns that these do not address.
Paul's strategy, if I may call it that, is to shine the brightest light on the Ephesians, and to do it at the first of his letter. Their commitment to faith and love fitted them for such an approach. He will tell the people what God is intending to do in Christ Jesus. That will shed light on everything else. Further, because the purpose of God is not variable it contributes to spiritual solidity, firmness of character, and resoluteness to fight the good fight of faith.
Eph 1:10a "That in the dispensation of the fulness of times . . ."
This is the language of purpose - Divine objective. The greatness and extensiveness of God's salvation, the lengthy preparation for its implementation, and the intricate involvements of God with man, declare that something more is involved than giving man a fresh start. While care must be taken not to minimize conversion, it must not be stressed to the point that the purpose of it all is obscured. Salvation is not a sanctified way of focusing on mankind. It remains fundamentally true, there is "One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all" (Eph 4:6). Paul is developing this superiority doctrinally.
THAT. Other versions read, "with a view to, NASB "to be," NIV "as a," NRSV "unto," ASV "for the" DARBY "toward the," NLT "in regard to," YLT "and this was His purpose," LIVING "to usher in," ISV "God's goal," ERV and "He planned for." AMPLIFIED
This is WHY God "blessed us with all spiritual blessings" (1:3). It is His reason for choosing us in Christ before the foundation of the world (1:4). It is why He predestinated us unto adoption (1:5). It is the reason why we were "made accepted in the Beloved" (1:6). It is why we "have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins" (1:7). It is the cause that moved Him to "abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence" (1:8). It is why He has made known "the mystery of His will" (1:9). If this point is missed, there is no true or lasting meaning to everything that has been said thus far. If any part of what has been said is considered outside the context of this verse, it shall have been considered wrongly.
THE DISPENSATION. Other versions read, "an administration suitable," NASB "put into effect," NIV "plan," NRSV "the ordering," BBE "His purpose," LIVING "the government," WEYMOUTH and "finish His plan." ERV
The word "dispensation" means "the management of . . . oversight, administration. . . the office of administrator . . . a manager or overseer." THAYER The idea is that of God Himself managing and bringing to fruition what He has purposed. It is not that God purposed something, and man brings it to pass. Man's participation has nothing to do with managing the process itself. Men are not causing the purpose of God to be fulfilled, as some allege. God is not waiting for men to do something before He does what He has determined. What men do relates to preparatory work, not finalization.
This means that Divine provision (all spiritual blessings) is not the point, but leads to it. It means that choosing us in Christ was not the objective, but was a necessary prelude to it. Being predestinated to adoption was not and end of itself, but was required to fulfill God's purpose. Being made accepted in the Beloved is not the conclusion, but leads to the conclusion. Redemption and forgiveness are not the end, but a means to the end. God's aim is not merely to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence. That is rather what paves the way for Him to do what He has intended. Making known the mystery does not conclude the work, but rather prepares the way for the work fo be concluded.
Speaking practically, this means that "the great commission" is not the real objective. It means that winning souls, as vital as it is, is not the primary work. It means that having a successful church in this world is not the ultimate aim, nor is personal satisfaction, growth, and stability the conclusion of the matter. All of that is preparatory for the fulfillment of an eternal purpose that was kept secret from the foundation of the world.
THE FULNESS OF TIMES. Other versions read, "when the times will have reached their fulfillment." NIV "fulness of time," NRSV "when they [times] are complete," BBE "when the time is ripe," CJB "when the times had run their course," NJB "at the right time," NLT "the time were full come," TNT "the climax of the ages." AMPLIFIED
This speaks of arriving at a previously appointed time - as when the Son was sent forth and was born of a woman "in the fulness of the time" (Gal 4:4). It is the kind of fulness that took place when Israel came out of Egypt "the selfsame day" (Ex 12:51). Elsewhere this is referred to as an "appointed" time (Gen 18:14; Ex 9:5; Job 14:14; Hag 2:3). Just as surely as there was a time appointed for Jesus to enter the world, and a specific day on which the day of Pentecost was "fully come" (Acts 2:1), there is a time appointed when God's grand objective will be completed. All of the preparatory work shall have been completed. The bride will have made herself ready. The church will have been duly prepared for a habitation of God. The harvest of both the righteous and the wicked will be reaped. There will be no further need for the world. Time will come to a grinding halt, death will be swallowed up in victory, and all enemies will be vanquished. Satan shall have been publically brought down in shame and disgrace. The words of all of the prophets since the world began will have been fulfilled (Acts 3:21). What follows will then be accomplished, bringing God's glorious purpose to absolute and precise fulfillment.
1:10b " . . . He might gather together in one all things in Christ . . ."
How would one state the purpose of God - -the ultimate and grand purpose? For most, it is an assignment that is too challenging. However, the Lord revealed to Paul the way it could be stated succinctly. As a general rule, the summation of a purpose is only possible when the various parts of it are perceived. Paul has shown Kingdom competence in both areas: the comprehension of the parts, and the summation of the whole. Mature Kingdom thought is revealed in an ability to speak in this manner. It is not wise to say we know so much about a matter that we are not able to summarize it, That inability confirms the matter is not known as fully as it can be.
GATHER TOGETHER INTO ONE. Other versions read, "summing up of all things," NASB "Bring all things . . . together," NIV "to gather up all things," NRSV "might come to a head," BBE "bring everything together," CSB "re-establish all things," DOUAY "unite all things," ESV "all things might again be made new," MRD "collect in one all things," WEB "bring into one the whole," YLT "restoring the whole creation," WEYMOUTH and "to unify all things and head them up and consummate them." AMPLIFIED
If we were to obscure this statement, most professing believers would never be able to conclude it. It appears to the unlearned to have no real relevance for men today. It is too vague for unbelief to decipher it.
The truth of the matter is that men have learned to live with division - particularly within the professed church. Even though the word has been given by the King, "that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind, and in the same judgment" (1 Cor 1:10), and that divisions are an indication of carnality (1 Cor 3:3), yet such things are generally tolerated without the slightest twinge of conscience.
The impropriety of division is seen in the revealed objective of God - "to gather together in one . . ." That means that the "all things" of reference are intended to blend together. They are made to fit together. Where the "unity of the Spirit" (Eph 4:3) and "the unity of the faith" (Eph 4:13) are not being realized, flesh has successfully penetrated the church.
Let it be clear that everything mentioned thus far is in order to the realization of this
purpose (see Table at the right). These are not cold and lifeless doctrines or theological
positions to be argued and debated. This is rather what salvation is all about. Why the church
exists. It is why there is grace, and it is why commandments are given.
These points are of such a grand nature that many have made them their emphasis, imagining that if any or all of these things are experienced, that is the end of the matter. But this is not true! If the stated objective is not realized, none of the things that have been mentioned will have been of any importance.
ALL THINGS GATHERED IN CHRIST. There is only one place all legitimate things can be gathered! I say "legitimate" because there are some things that cannot be united in Christ:-i.e. wheat/tares, Spirit/flesh, faith/unbelief, good/evil, the righteous/the unrighteous, truth/lie, etc. The only things that can be united are those that have the approval of God, and have been wrought in Him.
Whatever cannot find place and expression in Christ cannot be included in the "all things" that are united in Him. Everything that is truly sanctified in Him, and accepted and approved of God, will ultimately be united in the fulness of time, and in the same place. Even now, it is said of those in Christ Jesus, "For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal 3:27-28). There is an example of what actually takes place when we are "baptized into Christ." Yet, that is not the unity of which our text speaks, for it is not obvious. God will be glorified when the oneness He intends is unveiled, and the truth of the matter is made known. Then, there will be no question, no contradictions, no doubt about what the Lord has done. Now is the time when we must become acclimated to this kind of unity. Surface unity will not hold up in that day. Unity that focuses on humanity and human causes will not be included. Only those things that can be successfully brought together in Christ Jesus will be included. Technically speaking, while the earth remains, it is not yet the time when all things are to be gathered together in Christ. As long as there are tares and wheat, wheat and chaff, those who live by faith and those who do not, the fulness of time has not yet come. But, it will!
1:10c " . . . both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him . . ."
We should not expect small results from the great investment of God and of His Christ. Neither, indeed, is it in order for us to limit our thinking to this world and those who remain in it. Now the Spirit will expand our thought, calling upon us to stretch forward to the time when God's purpose - what He has willed and desired - is brought to fruition. A most precise unity will be achieved that can scarcely be imagined.
THINGS WHICH ARE IN HEAVEN. There are a number of things and personalities that are said to be in heaven. These will be included in the unity being described.
These are all things that we perceive by faith, and of which we presently enjoy the firstfruits. However, God's purpose is greater than what we presently possess, just as Canaan was larger than what Israel had when they defeated Jericho.
The "mark" toward which we are pressing (Phil 3:14) is not on the earth - it is in heaven! That is where the race will conclude and the crowns be given. There will come a time when we will "see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the Prophets in the Kingdom of God" (Lk 13:26). There will not only be some who will be "cast out" when they behold these saints, but those who will be joined to them as well. We will be consciously and perceptibly joined together with the holy angels who ministered to us (Heb 1:13-14), and the great cloud of witnesses who beheld us running the race with patience.
THINGS WHICH ARE ON EARTH. There will also be things on earth that are joined together. There will be those who were alive and remained until the coming of the Lord (1 Thess 4:15,17). Bodies will be raised from the grave, and will put on immorality as death is swallowed up in victory (1 Cor 15:53-54). Nature and the impersonal creation will also be liberated from the bondage of corruption and be united with the glorified sons of God (Rom 8:21). They groaned with us while we traversed the earth, and they will rejoice and sing with us in the glory (Rom 8:22-23).
EVEN IN HIM. Other versions read, "under one Head, even, Christ," NIV "under the Messiah's Headship," CJB "Then Christ would be Head of everything," GWN "to be with Him in Christ, forever," LIVING "should be unified through Christ," WILLIAMS and "unify all things and head them up and consummate them in Christ." AMPLIFIED
Actually, Christ is presently the "Head over all things" - but it is particularly for the church, to whom He has been given in the capacity of Head over all (Eph 1:22). For this reason it often appears as though Jesus is not really over all. The church is persecuted, Stephen is martyred, false prophets arise and deceive many, death appears to be the conqueror, etc. Yet, opposing powers are held in check, unable to thwart the purpose of God which is to bring the sons home to glory (Heb 2:10). However, wherever there is anything or anyone that comes against the purpose of God, it will be cast down for the sake of the elect. If Jesus did not presently have "all power in heaven and earth" (Matt 28:20), this would not be ;possible. He is fully "able even to subdue all things to Himself" (Phil 3:21).
However, our text is not speaking of subduing inimical forces, but of a harmonious working together of things in heaven and things formerly on earth - things that are together as they were intended. Then, in the fulness of the times, with His enemies being made His footstool, and no longer present, God will get on with what He purposed before He made the world. From the perspective of the redeemed, part of that activity will be reigning with Christ. From God's own perspective, it will involve expounding the magnitude of His grace throughout the ages to come (Eph 2:7). The church in its entirety, with all of it gathered together into one harmonious whole, will be the chief exhibit of the potency and effectiveness of the grace of God. I do not doubt that the work of grace will continue on in presently unknown ways. Salvation was only introductory.