Eph 2:2 " Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience." (Eph 2:2)



The proper assessment of who we are and where we have been brought is contingent upon a good understanding of where we were and whose interests we were serving prior to being joined to the Lord. A misassement of our former condition will make it impossible o see where we are in Christ Jesus, and what a marvelous work has been done to get us there. If we fail to accurately assess where we were, we will not be able to truly see where we have been brought For this reason, Paul does not ask the Ephesians to diagnose their past. Instead, he affirms a past that is common to all men. Paul includes himself and all other believers in this revealed appraisal, adding "we all had our conversation in times past," "He loved us," and "we were dead in sins" (Eph 2:3-5).

It should not be necessary to reason in this manner, seeing that salvation is traced to God Himself. How serious can a situation be to require Divine intervention? And, who does not know that salvation is God thrusting Himself into the situation. Without the will of God, the situation was so bleak that the entire human race is depicted as being in a moral and spiritual graveyard - "dead in trespasses and sins" (2:1). That condition was not descriptive of a domestic situation, a social state, or a spiritual condition that was obvious to the human eye. This had to do with man's relation to God, and his suitability for Divine approval and fellowship. From that perspective, the human condition was so bad that it brought no real concern to men. Although they were created and placed in both time and place to seek the Lord, this was not their vocation. Unbeknown to them, they had been captured by the enemy, and were serving his interests. By nature, no one was excluded from this circumstance. The only people who made any kind of progress toward God were those to whom He revealed Himself - and even then, the revelation was partial, and not sufficient to adequately address the universal guilt of sin. Men like Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David, and the prophets, were men that were noted for their faith - but they themselves were still in the category of men who had to be saved, delivered, and directed from above.


Eph 2:2a "Wherein in time past . . . "

Paul will now describe the former condition of those who are in Christ Jesus. It remains the condition of all those who are not in Christ Jesus. This is the fallen state - the condition in which men are not acceptable to God. It is a state that causes the wrath of God to be upon them, and in which they are condemned. It is the circumstance that demanded salvation and a Savior.

WHEREIN. Other versions read, "in which," NKJV "in the which." MRD The word "wherein" refers to the condition just ,mentioned: "dead in trespasses and sins." It is a condition in which the individual is dead toward God - insensitive to Him, and unable to live in a constant awareness of Him. It is a state in which there is no accord with God, no lasting benefits from Him, and no access to Him. As will be described in this section, it was a circumstance in which there was no hope. If God Himself did not make a move toward us, we would have been condemned. That is the condition we were IN - and we were held there by the wicked one.

WE WERE IN TIME PAST. Other versions read,"you formerly," "you used," "you once," NRSV "in the past," BBE "you previously," CSB "aforetime," ERV "before," MRD "were once habitual to you," WEWYMOUTH "at one time," ABP

Here, then, we see that there is a line of demarcation in the life of a believer. Before that time, we were dead in trespasses and sins. It is the time before we were "born again" (1 Pet 1:23), experienced the "washing of regeneration" (Tit 3:5), or were "reconciled unto God" (Rom 5:10), were made "a new creation" (2 Cor 5:17), and were "joined unto the Lord" (1 Cor 6:17).

When describing those who are in Christ Jesus, it is apparent that a significant change has taken place in them. This is what enables the distinction now proclaimed to be made. Without the confirmed presence of that change, this passage has no utility. Ponder how the saints are described in the book of Ephesians alone. It is a salient testimony to the reality of moral and spiritual change.

It is within the context of what and who we are in Christ that makes the description of what we were before so meaningful. In spite of this, there are many professed believers that are not appreciative of where they are in Christ, or the condition from which such people are delivered.

By saying "in time past," the point is made that this description no longer characterizes those who have raised up with Christ (Eph 2:6). It is imperative that this be seen. Those who insist on identifying "Christians" with the recalcitrant Israelites, and all other men, have betrayed their ignorance. If, in fact, there is no fundamental difference between those in Christ and those who are not, then believers have not been re-created, they are not the workmanship of God, and they have not passed from death unto life. Those who insist on saying we are all sinners - "it is just that in Christ are forgiven" may mean well (although I doubt it), but they have reproached God and demeaned Christ by suggesting the ineffectuality of what the Lord has done.

TIME PAST. The time that is "past" is the time prior to being in Christ Jesus. It is the time when we were "without Christ . . . having no hope, and without God in the world" (Eph 2:11). It is the time when we were "not a people," and "had not obtained mercy" (1 Pet 2:10). That period of time is described to have been sufficient for us "to have wrought the will of the Gentiles" (1 Pet 4:3). There is no justification in returning to a manner of life that is lived without an acute awareness of God. Living to please self and for the basic enjoyment of this world are not violable options for those who are in Christ Jesus. It is totally unreasonable to return to a way, or manner, of life from which we had to be delivered. That, Peter, affirms, is like a dog returning to its vomit, and a sow that was washed to its wallowing in the mire (2 Pet 1:20-22). The state produced by such a return is described as "worse with them than at the beginning," or "than the first" AMPLIFIED - from which they had been retrieved (2 Pet 1:20). The condition of the modern church confirms a significant number have rejected this truth.


2:2b " . . . ye walked according to the course of this world . . ."

This is a description of our condition before we were "baptized into Christ" (Gal 3:27), "born again" (1 Pet 1:23), or became "a new creature" (2 Cor 5:17). This condition had nothing to do with being male or female, bond or free, or Jew or Gentile. It was not related to our environment, parents, domestic circumstance, or social status. This has to do with human nature.

Furthermore, what does not impact upon our relationship; to God, cannot be a basis for restriction in the body of Christ. This is precisely why it is written, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal 3:28). What God has made a person in Christ Jesus becomes the basis for one's association with the other members of the body of Christ.

This is also a description of what took place "in time past." It is the heavenly assessment of how we lived, and has no regard to how our lives may or may not have appeared to men.

YE WALKED. Other versions read, "once walked," NKJV "formerly walked," NASB "used to live," NIV "used to live," NIB "passed your lives," MONTGOMERY and "followed." CEV

The word from which "walked" is translated is periepath,sate. The lexical definition of this word is, "equivalent to make one's way, make progress, in figurative discourse equivalent to make a due use of opportunities," THAYER "how one conducts one's daily life behave, live," FRIBERG and "walk in the sense of live, conduct oneself." GINGRICH Let us look more closely at this definition.

Make one's way. This has to do with establishing a purpose for living - establishing the primary reason for living, and going about to fulfill that objective.

Make progress. This is the result of deliberate and focused living. It involves one making progress in reaching the objectives, or goals, one has established as the reason for living.

Make due use of opportunities. Opportunities are here defined as a chance, or opening, to fulfill ones purpose for life - a period of time during which basic desires may be met.

Conduct one's daily life. "Walk" has to do not only with the entirety of life, but with everyday existence. One's "walk" has to do with what a person does every day.

Behave. One's behavior relates to how he responds to circumstance. Every reaction or initiative is an expression having to do with what is fundamental in the person's life. No person of sound mind lives in contradiction of their purposes and preferences. Man has been created with this nature - to live in harmony with what they feel to be most essential and advantageous.

In this text, then, Paul is addressing the manner in which we lived, which was really nothing more than the expression of what we were and what we wanted!

ACCORDING TO. Other versions read, "you followed," NIV "following," NRSV "went along with," LIVING "in accordance with," WILLIAMS and "you were following." AMPLIFIED

The words "according to" mean "1) down from, through out 2) according to, toward, along." STRONG'S The definition "down from" is to be viewed as something coming from a primary source - like the head of a stream. "Throughout" and "according to" emphasize that what comes from the source of reference is like that source in nature or character.

Therefore, what follows is a primary description of the manner in which we formerly lived. Contrary to the notions of many, that manner was not driven by personal preference, although our preference was involved. The preference, however, was the result of both our nature and our delusion. Whether we could see it or not we were "deceived" (Tit 3:3), and in bondage (Gal 4:3).

THE COURSE OF THIS WORLD. Other versions read, "ways of this world," NIV "this worldly age," CSB "this world's present path," NET "by the principles of this world," NJB "like the rest of the world," NLT "the spirit of this present world," WILLIAMS and "the course and fashion of this world." AMPLIFIED

"The course of this world" is described by Jesus as a "broad way" that "leadeth to destruction" (Matt 7:13). Concerning its nature, it has a "fashion" that "passeth away"(1 Cor 7:31). The course of the world is like the flow of a great river - it is headed in a certain direction, and it is not a good one. It is not toward God, nor is it toward as blessed eternity. Whoever follows "the course of this world" will end up like the world - destroyed!

To follow the course of this world is to live as though this world was going to continue forever. It is to plan and purpose without eternity being in clear view. It is to live for self, and be captured by the spirit of the age. The complicating factor in this kind of life is that one has to be "delivered" from it (Gal 1:4). It is not possible to live according to the course of this world without being enslaved by it. The dreadful thing about this kind of slavery is that the persons continue to think of themselves as being free, even though they are firmly shackled to the decaying order. Under such a bondage, everything one thinks and does is pointless, because it is headed in a direction that ends in futility. It seems important - even vital - but it is not. Life becomes pointless and vain to the degree that it is lived after the manner of this world, or according to its course. No mortal, nor any form of mortal wisdom, can deliver one from this dilemma.


2:2c " . . , according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience."

ACCORDING TO. This phrase explains why, in our former lives, we walked according to the course of this world. It was owing to the influence of the wicked one who, though subject to Christ, is a very real authority.

THE PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR. Other versions read, "the ruler of the kingdom of the air," NIV "to the prince of the powers of the air," ASV "lord of the power of the air," BBE "ruler of the atmospheric domain," CSB ""rule of the authority of the air," DARBY "prince that ruleth in the air," GENEVA "the prince potentate of the air," MRD "ruler who dominates the air,"NJB "the commander of the powers in the unseen world," NLT "the governor that ruleth in the air," PNT "the devil, he rules the world," CEV "the ruler of the evil powers over the earth," ERV "the ruler of spiritual powers in space," GNB and "You filled your lungs with polluted unbelief." MESSAGE

From one point of view, this is the same as "the god of this world" (2 Cor 4:4). That is, the world is now his headquarters, or place of activity. Having been cast out of heaven., he has now taken up residency in the atmosphere in which humanity lives. There he dominants and rules over the world, the whole of which "is under the control of the wicked one" NIV (1 John 5:19).

The official definition of the term "air" is "1) the air, particularly the lower and denser air as distinguished from the higher and rarer air 2) the atmospheric region." THAYER

The idea is that these evil powers, over which Satan presides, fill the air that is breathed by humanity. I do not mean to suggest that we breathe into our bodies these wicked spiritual beings. Rather, it seems to me that the suggestion in the text is that there is no natural way to escape the influence of this wicked horde. There is no place where humanity can live where these powers are not present and dominant. If we could see them, we would fall down in fear because of their fierceness and authority.

One of the judgments of the Revelation is described as the pouring out of a "vial into the air" (Rev 16:17). This has particular regard to the judgment of spiritual Babylon, "the great city," which operated under the control of Satan.

Prior to being in Christ, we were under the control of Satan, who worked through spiritual authorities who make their habitation in "the air." There was no way we could contend with such forces. In fact, we were unaware of both their presence and their power. There are social trends that they instigate. There are false doctrines that they perpetrate (1 Tim 4:1). Babylon is one of their primary dwelling places (Rev 18:2). These are among the "principalities and powers" against which believers "wrestle" (Eph 6:12). Were it not for "the whole armor of God" the confrontation would be a hopeless mismatch in favor of the devil and his hosts. The degree of ignorance within the professed church concerning this host of wickedness is staggering.

THE SPIRIT. Satan is a "spirit," as compared with a personality that is corporal, or has a body. This gives him the decided advantage when dealing with natural, or unregenerate, men. Because they are spiritually dead, they are unable to contend with Satan - in fact, they have no desire to do so. In Christ. However, "because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world" (1 John 4:4), the believer can overcome the wicked one, experiencing triumph.

THE CHILDREN OF DISOBEDIENCE. In whom does the "prince of the power of the air" work? It is in "the children of disobedience." Other versions read, "sons of disobedience," NKJV "those who are disobedient," NIV "those who go against the purpose of God,: BBE "children of unbelief," DOUAY "people who refuse to obey God," GWN "those who rebel," NJB and "the sons of disobedience [the careless, the rebellious, and the unbelieving, who go against the purposes of God]." AMPLIFIED

Being "children of disobedience" involved being born of disobedience - i.e. having disobedience in one's very nature. That is, the propensity of man is to disobey God. Compounding the whole matter, not only was man's inclination to disobey God, but Satan, who, as "the God of this world,"rules in the worldly order, working in "the children of disobedience." That is where he carries on his insurrection against the Living God. Those two factors - the inclination to disobey, and the readiness of Satan to work in such people, forms a humanly hopeless situation. Apart from Christ we could not contend with either one of those conditions - even if we wanted to, which we did not.

Now, think of how our former lives have been described in this text. (1) We were "dead in trespasses and sins." (2) We walked "according to the course of this world." (3) We walked "according . . . to the prince of the power of the air." (4) We were associated with "the children of disobedience." That is how the Lord , so to speak, found us. There was nothing in us that recommended us to Him, and nothing that we could do about our situation.

That circumstance dictated the kind of salvation hat was required - a salivation that included being quickened, or raised from death in trespasses and sins. There had to be a deliverance from the world itself, and from the despot who was its god and ruler.