Eph 3:5 "Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto His holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; 6 That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ by the gospel." (Eph 3:5-6
What is God doing in Christ Jesus, and precisely what is the identity and nature of the New Covenant that He is mediating? Some would answer that God is basically rescuing the lost. Others would affirm that He is invading society in order to change it and make it acceptable in His sight. Still others have no concept of God doing something in the world. They can only think of what God expects men to do in this world. In all of these varied views, and many more, rarely is anything said about eternity, or displaying the wisdom of God to heavenly personalities, or preparing the saints to judge both men and angels, and take the Kingdom. As soon as men pose any question concerning God's purpose in Christ, or what Christ is doing for God, men tend to revert to philosophical and personal opinions. It seems to me that the truth of the matter is that unenlightened men are not at all prone to consider what God is doing - His "eternal purpose," or His "good, and acceptable, and perfect" will. They had rather get down to matters having to do with men living in the world, making the world a better place to, or some other matter related to those things. However, let us think this out for a moment. Consider what God has done so far without any human assistance whatsoever. The vast creation, with all its various complexities was the start - and it really had to do with forming an arena in which His determined work would be done. The creation itself is not the work. Then there was the devastating flood that destroyed every living person except for eight, all of the impersonal animal life except the animals in the ark, and all ,of the vegetative life. This was followed by God aborting the project in the plain of Shinar, and scattering the people by confounding their languages. Then one man is singled out and told many nations would come from him, one of which would be a dominant nation in His sight. From that nation would come a Man through whom all the world would be blessed. The sins of the world would be laid upon that Man, and He would take them away, rise from the dead, and be given all power in heaven and earth. That brief summation alone should confirm that something was on the horizon of Divine purpose. How else can the involvement of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the vast multitude of angels be seen as necessary in the appointed work? How can such a staggering investment be required to merely make men better? Paul is addressing this matter by revealing a purpose that was unknown before Christ.
Eph3:5a "Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men . . ."
Paul now opens further what he has just referred to as "my knowledge in the mystery of Christ." He will not commence a rehearsal of the indispensable things Jesus has accomplished: the taking away of sin, the destruction of the devil, the spoiling of principalities and powers, the reconciling of the world, the ending of the Law as a means to righteousness, etc. He will rather commence an exposition of WHY Jesus did these remarkable and necessary things. He will not tell us that all of this was done in order that the world might be saved. He will not launch into a dissertation concerning the marvelous love of God. He now shines the spotlight on the objective of salvation, the intention of Divine love, and the reason for justification. There is a purpose that has driven all of these things, and it is not at all what shallow thinking religious men suppose. In fact, it will sound absurd to the carnal mind, and appear unworthy of the staggering investment that has been made by God, and the ongoing ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are considering a purpose that required the removal of sin, a new creation, and a continual change that consummates in being conformed to the image of God's Son. It necessitated the giving of the Law, and the formation of a distinct people through whom the One who would execute God's will would come. This people required a special progenitor, special land, a special Law, and a special covenant. They were all preparatory for the Progenitor of a generation that would never die, the giving of a new and better covenant, and an eternal inheritance. But Paul will now focus on a mystery that was not formerly made known.
WHICH IN OTHER AGES. Other versions read, "other generations," NASB "former generations," NIV "past generations," CJB "in the past," GWN "previous generations," NJB "times past," TNT "olden times," LIVING and "earlier ages." WEYMOUTH
The language itself suggests there are inferior and superior generations. There are unacceptable and acceptable generations. There are generations to whom God will not reveal what He is doing, and generations that will come to know such things. Ponder the "other ages."
There was the age prior to the Law, from "Adam to Moses." Great men living during that era included Adam, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. Minimal revelation was given during this age. Nothing concerning an "eternal purpose" was made known.
There was the age from the giving of the Law until John the Baptist. More great men lived during this time - men like Moses, Aaron, Joshua, Caleb, Samuel, David, Solomon, and the Prophets. More was revealed during this time. Still, an "eternal purpose" was not clearly made known, and the things revealed about a coming Messiah were not comprehended - even by men who earnestly sought to know who the Messiah would be, and when He would appear (1 Pet 1:11). It was during this age that a major division in humanity took place by Divine action: Jew and Gentile. One group heard from God and one did not. One was favored of God, and one was not. One was given all the advantages necessary to be able to identify right and wrong, and the other only had the testimony of an uncultured conscience.
There is a purpose - a Divine purpose - that was intended to be announced to a certain generation, and carried out through succeeding generations. Further, in all of this it must be remembered that, in God's sight, generations that experience superior Divine workings must never go backward. They are held accountable for surpassing the generations before them.
WAS NOT MADE KNOWN. In all of these generations there existed a mystery of Divine objective that was purposefully concealed. It "was not made known." Other versions read, "not given," BBE "not opened," GENEVA "not disclosed," NET "was unknown," NJB "God did not share," LIVING and "were not told this." IE
THE SONS OF MEN. Other versions read, "to men," NIV "humankind," NRSV "people," GWN "human beings," NAB "humanity," NJB and "human race." WEYMOUTH
Although man has been made in the image of God, he does not know the purpose of God intuitively - before or after the fall. Although he is the most intelligent of all terrestrial creature, he cannot discover the purpose of God by reasoning, deducing, or piecing together the details that he does know. There are things that cannot be known except by God making them known. So far as we know, God did not make known the details of the resurrection to Job. Yet, he reasoned that even though his body decayed, yet in his flesh he would "see God" (John 19:26). There is no record of God telling Abraham about a city whose Builder and Maker is God, yet he sought one (Heb 11:10). So far as we know, God did not reveal anything about a heavenly country to the saints before the Law, yet the sought one, concluding that it was "better" than any country upon earth (Heb 11:16). There are holy conclusions that can be reached, as these cases confirm. However, when it comes to the mystery that was made known to Paul, no one had in any way seen it before it was revealed. It was a mystery that could not be unraveled, even by men of great faith and understanding.
When it comes to the matters relating to God's "eternal purpose," and the means through which that purpose is being carried, even the holy angels, excelling in wisdom, and even desiring to look into these things, are not able to do so on their own (1 Pet 1:12). An angel could identify a great multitude of saved people to John (Rev 7:14), but he could not of himself divulge God's "eternal purpose." The mystery has been, however, revealed, and it is imperative that it be told.
3:5b " . . . as it is now revealed unto His holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit."
Paul writes very precisely at this point, for he is addressing a mystery that has not been made known unto the sons of men. Here he uses a modifying clause, suggesting that something of the mystery had been made known, but not sufficient to disclose the fulness of it.
AS IT IS NOW REVEALED. All of the standard versions (KJV, NKJV, ASV,NASB,NIV, RSV, and NRSV read "as it has now been revealed."Other versions read, "but the revelation of it has now been made known," BBE "as the Spirit is now revealing," CJB "as fully as now," WILLIAMS "as now it was revealed," ABP "until God's Spirit told it," CEV and "but God has revealed it now." GNB Here, the words "as it is now" mean to the extent that it is now revealed, or as fully as it is now made known. Before, what has now been revealed was wrapped in mystery, so that a full idea of it could not be possessed.
THE WORD "NOW." The word "now" is not one relating to strict chronological time - as men would ordinarily use the expression "right now." This is a Kingdom way of referring to the period that commenced with the exaltation and enthronement of Jesus at the right hand of God. It is essential that men learn to think in this manner. Some people think of "now" as since the spiritual gifts ceased, or since the Scriptures were completed, or since the church was established. A significant number of teachings revolve around Scriptural views of "now."
It is critical that men learn to reason from the perspective of an exalted, reigning, interceding, and mediating
Christ. This is because Kingdom effectuality
is all traced back to the present position and
ministry of Jesus Christ. The glories of the
New Covenant are never traced back to the
day of Pentecost. No primary doctrine is
established upon the passing away of
spiritual gifts, or the completion of the
Scriptural canon. The era of the New
Covenant is never represented as having two
stages - one while the apostles were alive, and the other after they had passed from this world.
As used here, the word "now" is defined as the period during which the mystery that was formerly hidden is being revealed, or made known. It commenced with the exaltation of Christ, which followed the removal of sin, the mortal wounding of Satan, the plundering of despotic principalities and powers, and the ending of the Law for righteousness. Only when these were accomplished could the veil of obscurity be removed from the hearts of men. Even then, God will employ means through which the saved will come into the knowledge of what He is doing.
HOLY. The word "holy" means "pure, blameless," STRONG'S "set apart for God," THAYER "dedicated," FRIBERG and "Morally pure, upright." UBS The loftiness of the word is seen in the fact that God Himself is said to be "holy" (Psa 99:5,9; Isa 5:16) - in fact, He is thrice holy (Isa 6:3; Rev 4:8). This is not a casual term, or a word that speaks of a condition that does not really exist, but is only a way that God condescendingly views someone. The word is like a two-sided coin. One side involves personal holiness and purity, while the other side involves being especially used by God - set aside for His employment.
HIS . . . APOSTLES AND PROPHETS. Other versions read, "His emissaries and prophets," CJB and "His holy apostles (consecrated messengers) and prophets." AMPLIFIED
An "apostle" is "a delegate, a messenger, one sent forth with orders." THAYER Of special note were "the twelve apostles" to the Jews (Rev 21:14; Matt 19:28; Gal 2:7), and Paul, the "apostle of the Gentiles" (Rom 11:13). Two other men are called "apostle" - Barnabas (Acts 14:14), and James, the Lord's brother (Gal 1:19). Although these were not numbered with the twelve, they were men sent forth with a message, who had special insight into the things of God.
The "prophets" of reference were among those place in the church, as mentioned in Ephesians 4:11 - given for the perfecting of the saints, and the edifying of the body of Christ (Eph 4:12). Paul referred to these prophets, saying they ranked second only to the apostles (1 Cor 12:28). They were noted for their ability to discern truth what was difficult for others to receive (1 Cor 14:37). They also were noted for speaking "to men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort" (1 Cor 14:3).
BY THE SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit revealed this secret to these apostles and prophets, and enabled them to articulate it precisely and in a way that could be understood.
3:6 "That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ by the gospel."
This is the "mystery" that has been made known. I would venture to say that it would be very difficult to find a single person who would, from his own understanding, give this description of the mystery. In fact, if this was not written in Scripture, it is difficult to explain how any of our contemporaries would know it.
SHOULD BE. Other versions read, "are," NASB "have become," NRSV "were to be," CJB "have," GWN "be," YLT "will have," LIVING "are now," IE "to be," ABP "has given," CEV and "are now to be." AMPLIFIED
The words "should be" are translated from a single word meaning, "to be, to exist, to happen, to be present," STRONG'S It must be remembered that this is the language of Divine determination. While what has been determined is now taking place, the point here is that it is taking place because it was determined by God. He will tell us by what means this is being accomplished, but the point is that God is accomplishing what He determined before the foundation of the world. Therefore "should be" is not said after the Sinaitic manner, as "ought to be." It is rather the language of Divine Sovereignty - "this shall be!" The fact that this is the accomplishment of God Himself forbids any other interpretation of the expression.
FELLOWHEIRS. Other versions read, "heirs together," NIV "have a part," BBE "co-heirs," CSB "inheritors also," GENEVA and "have the same inheritance." GWN
OF THE SAME BODY. Other versions read, "members of the body," NASB "members together of one body," NIV and "members of the same body." NRSV
The church, or body of Christ, is also described as a single olive tree (Rom 11:17-24), a single household (Eph 2:19), a single family (Eph 3:15), "one body" (Eph 4:4), and "one new man" (Eph 2:18).
If this is a purpose conceived before the foundation, or blueprint, of the world, then the acceptance of the Gentiles is not God's reaction to the failure of the Jews to recognize and receive Jesus when He entered into the world. Rather, this was His plan all along, determined before men had done neither good nor evil. This means that Israel has not been wholly cut off, rejected, and consigned to the trash-heap of humanity. The nation has been preserved by a holy remnant (Rom 9:27; 11:5). Neither the prophets nor the apostles spoke of a time when the Jews would not be a part of the church, or would be fully stripped out the tree of Divine purpose.
God did not cut off part of the body (Eph 2:15) - which He would have to do if the Jews ceased to be a people.
PARTAKERS OF HIS PROMISE IN CHRIST. God's promise in Christ refers to what He has accomplished in Christ, being promised of old time. It include he demise of the devil (Gen 3:15), being blessed by God (Gen 12:3), being protected by Jesus (Isa 32:2), experiencing the benefits of His intercession (Isa 53:11), iniquities being remembered no more (Jer 31:34), and the Lord being our righteousness (Jer 23:6). Those, and many other, promises were not given to the Gentiles, but to the Jews, to whom they "pertained" (Rom 9:3-5). Yet, here is a category of people whom God determined to partake of benefits that were never clearly promised to them.
BY THE GOSPEL. The means through which this marvelous work is accomplished is "the Gospel." It is not, and cannot be, accomplished by "another Gospel." The Judaizers could not cause it to happen by their insistence on circumcision. This word cannot be confidently delivered by any other message, for the Gospel, and the Gospel alone, is "the power of God unto salvation."
This is the Gospel that Paul preached - a Gospel that led Gentiles into an acute awareness that the word of blessing that was delivered to the Jews was fully realized in Christ Jesus. This was not a word that affirmed the Gentiles would also be given what was promised to the Jews. It was rather an announcement that they be brought into the household and made fellow-heirs!
This is a word that cannot be found in the prophets of old time. They spoke of the Gentiles coming to the Lord (Psa 86:9), seeking the Lord (Isa 11:10), the Messiah would be given for a light to the Gentiles (Isa 42:6), the Gentiles coming to the Jews (Isa 60:3,5), coming to Jerusalem (Jer 3:17), inquiring of the Jews (Zech 8:23), being giving to the Messiah as an inheritance (Psa 2:8), turning to the Lord (Psa 22:27), and God being exalted among them (Psa 46:10), etc.
Isaiah gave a hint of the oneness declared in our text, but in a very limited sense. "In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the land: Whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance" (Isa 19:24-25). But that, although wonderful, is nothing to compare with "fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ by the Gospel." That is a benefit for which they were not prepared. It is one they did not seek. And yet, there is not a single benefit promised in Christ that cannot be realized by any Gentile that believes on Him. The difficulty of our time is that very few people have any commendable idea of the magnitude of what is realized in Christ Jesus. Paul is laboring to dispel such ignorance.