Gal 5:7 “Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth? 8 This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you. 9 A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Gal 5:7-9)
How serious is it when there is a decline in the spiritual posture of the child of God. What if there is an erosion of the devotion that was once expressed, or even a departure from God while the individual is maintaining a profession of faith? You will be hard pressed to find any who consider this a serious and jeopardous situation. Many believe this is really normal, and no one should be surprised if they find themselves going backward instead of forward. Some have sensed that they are not where they should be, but choose to blame it on someone else. Our text, however, acknowledges that others were involved in the declination of the Galatians, yet they themselves are the ones who chose to go backward. They are the ones who “removed from Him” who had called them “into the grace of Christ.” They are the ones who chose “another gospel” (Gal 1:6). In other words, in Jesus they were perfectly capable of resisting the devil, refusing to accept a false gospel, and continuing to faithfully run the race. Somewhere amidst all of the psycho-babble that is flooding the religious landscape, this is being concealed. Plans and methodologies are being perpetrated that lead people to be tolerate of making little or no progress, and even going backward. When someone was running well, progressing toward the goal, and growing up into Christ, and then were led off the path, they must be brought to realize they are in a state that can very well lead them into the lake of fire. God will not save people who choose Law over grace, and another gospel to the true Gospel. He will simply not allow a person to neglect Christ, adopt another approach to God, and still land at last in heaven, to ever be with the Lord. Nor, indeed, has He ever represented Himself as acting in such a manner. The provisions are so abundant, so adequate, and so accessible, that it is inexcusable for them to be ignored, or placed to the side in favor of a worldly approach to life. Nor, indeed, can anyone be permitted to live in a sloven manner and not be warned about it. Solemnly we are told to “warn them that are unruly,” insubordinate, or idle NIV (1 Thess 5:14). Salvation must not be neglected, for if it is, men cannot possibly escape the wrath of God (Heb 2:3). Paul is warning the Galatians, sounding the alarm, and shouting, so to speak, in their ears. They were on a road that was leading to sure destruction, moving them to travel without God, without Christ, without faith, and without grace. Nothing good can be said of such a condition.
Gal 5:7 “Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?”
One of the requirements of effective edification, exhortation, or comfort – as well as rebuke and instruction in righteousness – is to speak clearly about the condition of the individual. There can be no ambiguity concerning either blessed or unacceptable traits. So it is that Paul speaks pointedly about the condition in which the Galatians were found.
YE DID RUN WELL. Other versions read, “were running a good race,” NIV “going on well,” BBE “were doing so well,” GWN “began your race well,” NJB “were getting along so well,” LIVING “were running the race nobly,” WEYMOUTH and “were running beautifully.” ISV
Here, running has to do with advancing in the race set before us (Heb 12:1), which involves receiving a prize (1 Cor 9:24). It also relates to advancing in the matter of fulfilling the will of the Lord (Gal 2:7). As used here, the word “well” means, “beautifully, finely, excellently, well . . . rightly, so that there shall be no room for blame.” THAYER
In other words, they were growing up into Christ in all things (Eph 4:15), running with patience the race set before them (Heb 12:1-2), and growing “in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Pet 3:18). They were advancing in the manner ordained by the Lord, cleaving to the Lord with purpose of heart (Acts 11:23). They were abiding in Christ (John 15:4,7), continuing in God’s goodness (Rom 11:22), and continuing in the faith (Col 1:23) – continuing in the Son” (1 John 2:24). However, a kind of spiritual naivety was eventually found among them that made them foolish concerning evil communications. They allowed someone to teach among them that was really operating under the auspices of the devil.
WHO DID HINDER YOU? Other versions read, “cut in on you,” NIV “prevented you,” NRSV “was the cause,” BBE “stopped you,” CJB “interrupted you,” MRD “came to obstruct you,” NJB “has held you back,” NLT and “interfered with you.” LIVING
Every defection from the faith can be traced to an unequal yoke, friendship with the world, and accommodating oneself to the enemies of the faith. There is an astounding amount of ignorance and unbelief on this matter extant within the professed church. Much of it is traceable to the mistaken notion that friendship in the flesh contributes to advancement in the Spirit, and that is nothing more than an imagination that is to be thrown down to the ground.
The truth of the matter was that someone hindered the Galatians, aborting their growth in the Lord, and throwing them out of the good fight of faith. To “hinder” the people of God is a most serious matter. As used here, the word “hinder” means “to beat back,” THAYER “to cut into, to impede one's course by cutting off his way,” STRONG’S “to drive back. . .to be stopped,” LIDDELL-SCOTT and “to be driven back, or restrained.” LEH
Hindering is an act of hostility and aggression. It is an attack of evil forces that results in pushing one off of the strait and narrow way that leads to life. Let it be clear, that when the nature of spiritual life is interrupted a severance from the Leader has taken place, for He leads no one off of the “new and living way” that has been opened for men (Heb 10:20). Already Paul has clarified this to the Galatians, affirming they had “removed from” Him that had called them (Gal 1:6). Working through his own children (Matt 13:38), Satan had beat back the Galatians, stopping them from proper progression, and throwing them into a fruitless and lifeless state. Does that appear too strong? Consider what else Paul says of the Galatians.
NOT OBEYING THE TRUTH. Other versions read, “not giving ear to what is true,” BBE “not following the truth,” CJB “not influenced by the truth,” GWN ‘acquiesce not in the truth,” MRD “swerve from the truth,” WEYMOUTH and “not heeding and following the truth.” AMPLIFIED
This is the second time Paul has charged the Galatians with not obeying the truth (Gal 3:1; 5:7). Now, because of where they were, they no longer acquiesced with the truth that had freed them. They were no longer following the truth, but had been turned aside to ”fables” (2 Tim 4:4). The effect of a message reveals its source. The truth of God never leads a person or a people where the Galatians now found themselves. Elsewhere Paul affirms that those who do not obey the truth will experience “tribulation and wrath” (Rom 2:6). This is because salvation involves the “sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience” (1 Pet 1:2).
For those who “have known the way of righteousness” (2 Pet 2:21) to be driven back from the way of truth, so that they do not obey it, necessarily implies that they failed to put on “the whole armor of God” (Eph 6:11,13). More precisely, the teaching they received called for them to remove that armor, which included standing in the truth (Eph 6:14a), being provided with a protecting breastplate (Eph 6:14b), and possessing a shield that effectively quenches all the fiery darts of the wicked one (Eph 6:16).
Not obeying the truth is a condition in which the individual is at variance with the truth, loses their love for the truth, and lives in contradiction of it. When this occurs, someone has “hindered” the person, stopping all spiritual progress. It could be a single person, or many, but they brought a message that not only allowed the abandonment of truth, but forced it to happen.
5:8 “This persuasion cometh not of Him that calleth you.”
THIS PERSUASION. Other versions read, “ready belief,” BBE “persuasibleness,” DARBY “the arguments,” GWN “bias of your mind,” MRD “enticement,” NAB “prompting,” NJB “that counsel,” TNT “obedience,” YLT and “evil persuasion.” AMPLIFIED
Neither obedience nor disobedience is separate from persuasion. As used here, the word “persuasion” means “treacherous or deceptive persuasion,” THAYER “the process of convincing, (persistent) persuasion, solicitation, enticement,” FRIBERG and “the means of convincing.” LOUW-NIDA This speaks of directing into a way of thinking that leads the people to the wrong conclusions, and allows for the entrance and domination of disobedience. This kind of persuasion always leads to spiritual decline, a cooling of the affection, and a certain laxness that makes one vulnerable to the devices of the wicked one. It makes what is actually foolish to appear wise, and what is weak to seem strong. From the standpoint of men, it is delusion dressed in the garb of religiosity. From the unseen perspective, it is the deception of the wicked one.
In the marketplace of life, particularly religious life, there are all manner of things being brought to men– coming to them, so to speak. Some are from God, and some are not. Blessed is the person who can identify the source of what is being brought to them.
The Galatians had a persuasion – a way of thinking – that had come to them. It did not come from God. It was not from above. It was a kind of perspective that disarmed the soul, and required those receiving it to remove themselves from the God who called them. It looked innocent, and even seemed to bring advantages to the people. But it was a spiritual Trojan horse that brought with it a host of evil spirits, corrupt thought, and contradicting imaginations. The reception of this persuasion put the Galatians in a place where condemnation moved closer, and grace moved away. They could not possibly be in a worse position, thinking all the while they had been sold a pearl of great price.
COMETH NOT OF. Other versions read, “does not come,” NKJV “did not come,” NASB “Is not from,” RSV and “was not from.” CJB Blessedness comes (Rom 4:9). Faith comes (Rom 10:17; Gal 3:23,25). Salvation “is come” (Rom 11:11). The blessing of Abraham comes (Gal 3:14). Every good and perfect gift comes (James 1:17). Christ came (Rom 9:5). But there are other things that “come” – like wolves “in sheep’s clothing” (Matt 7:15).
Here, Paul does not tell the people where the persuasion came from, but where it did NOT come from. His diagnosis is not one of human analysis, but of sanctified comparison. Their persuasion did not move them closer to the Lord, bring to them a proper perception of justification, of produce thanksgiving for the messenger Christ had formerly sent to them. They had heartily embraced an ordinance that was part of the Old Covenant, and contradictory of the New Covenant. It had understated grace and overstated work, minimizing faith and relegating Christ Himself to a subordinate position in their thinking. These results proved the persuasion did not come from the throne that rules the universe, and the Savior who is the Captain of salvation.
HIM THAT CALLETH YOU. Other versions read, “the One who calls you,” NIV “Him who has made you His,” BBE “the One who is calling you,” GWN “the One who called you to freedom,” NLT and “Him Who called you [Who invited you to freedom in Christ].” AMPLIFIED
Those who are vassals Law do not speak much of the call of God. In fact, the calling of God is sometimes derided among such deluded souls, as though it was a relic from the religious past. Already Paul has told them they were “removed from Him” who had called them “into the grace of Christ” (Gal 1:6). That is precisely why they were not receiving from Him!
The calling of God is repeatedly emphasized to the saints. This was their summons to partake of the table of salvation. It is a part of His eternal purpose, beginning with His foreknowledge and predestination, and concluding with the glorification of His people (Rom 8:28,30). Believers are refereed as “the called of Jesus Christ” (Rom 1:6), “called to be saints” (Rom 1:7; 1 Cor 1:2). Those in Christ are the ones God has “called” (Rom 9:24; 1 Cor 1:24). They were “called into the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord” (1 Cor 1:9). They have been “called to peace” (1 Cor 7:15), and “called unto liberty” (Gal 5:13). You are exhorted to “see your calling” (1 Cor 9:26), and know what is the “hope of His calling” (Eph 1:18), which is singular (Eph 4:4). This is a “high calling” (Phil 3:14), and a “holy calling” (2 Tim 1:9), and a “heavenly calling” (Heb 3:1). Believers are admonished to make their “calling and election sure” by adding to their faith certain virtues (2 Pet 1:5-10).
Yet, here we are faced with a people who have been convinced of a way of thinking that contradicted the reality and thrust of the salvation of God. They were at variance with the One who had called them, having departed from the objective of that calling. Is it possible to be in a more serious condition? And it was all traced back to flawed teaching – to the propagation of “another Gospel,” which was really not another, but was actually a message concocted by demons (1 Tim 4:1). Its design was to remove the people from the Christ to whom they had been called. It had effectively separated them from grace, hope, and God’s great salvation!
5:0 "A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.”
I do not doubt that the teaching that had caused the Galatians to swerve from the path to glory, was brought in by only a very few deceived men. Paul speaks as though this was the case, even though it is possible that his words were rhetorical: “who hath bewitched you” (Gal 3:1). The are referred to in the plural: “some that trouble you” (Gal 1:7), “they . . . which trouble you” (Gal 5:12). “They zealously” affected the people,” but not well” (Gal 4:17). They sought to make a “fair show in the flesh” (Gal 6:12), and gloried in the flesh of the Galatians, or in their outward appearance (Gal 6:13). Now Paul refers to them and their teaching as “leaven.”
A LITTLE LEAVEN. Other versions read, “a little yeast,” NIV “a pinch of yeast,” NJB “one wrong person,” LIVING and “A little leaven (a slight inclination to error, or a few false teachers).” AMPLIFIED
Another defecting church, Corinth, was told the same thing: “Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump” (1 Cor 5:6). “Leaven” refers to a corrupting influence. It could be a large body of erroneous teaching and a significant number of false prophets. However, in this case, as with Corinth, the quantity was not the point, but the pervading influence. In Corinth it was a single person (1 Cor 5:1-5). In Galatia it was an emphasis on Law, particularly upon circumcision. On one occasion, in Israel, it was a single man – Achan (Josh 7). In the church at Jerusalem, it was a husband and wife – Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5). In Colossae, it was teachers who philosophized, taught men to worship angels, and observe Jewish feast days and sabbaths (Col 2:16-17). But in every case, the danger seemed relatively small.
LEAVENETH. Other versions read, “works through,” NIV “makes a change,” BBE “corrupteth,” DOUAY “spreads through,” GWN “makes the,” NET “ferments,” NJB “to infect,” LIVING “will transform,” WILLIAMS and “perverts.” AMPLIFIED
False doctrine is like a spreading cancer (2 Tim 2:17). It soon corrupts the totality of one’s thinking, and brings debility to the whole body of believers. Just as surely as the Word of God works “effectually” in those who believe (1 Thess 2:13), so there is a doctrinal leaven that tends to corruption. That is precisely why Jesus said to His disciples, “Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees” (Matt 16:6). Later it is said of His disciples, “then understood they how that He bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees” (Matt 16:12). God’s people are to be keenly aware of what a “little leaven” can do. They are not to learn to live with small amounts of sin, or seemingly inconsequential doctrines that conflict with the truth.
When Corinth was given this word, they were commanded to “Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened.” (1 Cor 5:7). By saying they were “unleavened,” Paul meant that in Christ that was their condition, and they were to maintain it by casting out the corrupting influence, or the “old leaven.” At Corinth, as at Galatia, the corruption had already set in, fulfilling the saying that “a little leaven leavens the whole lump.”
THE WHOLE LUMP. Other versions read, “whole lump of dough,” NASB “whole batch of dough,” NIV “all the mass,” BBE “all the others,” LIVING and “the whole lump [it perverts the whole conception of faith or misleads the whole church].” AMPLIFIED
False doctrines and false teachers are not sterile. Even if they are surrounded with those of sound faith and insight into the truth, they are not automatically turned to the truth. Rather, they will infect the others. If this is not the case, then these words are not to be taken seriously.
At Corinth this whole matter was tied to the Lord’s Table, whereas in Galatia it was associated with justification. Both of these issues dealt with the core of the Gospel. Paul told Corinth that the presence of that fornicator corrupted the feast of salvation as depicted at the Lord’s Table. “For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth” (1 Cor 5:8). “Old leaven,” in the case of Corinth, was borrowed from the former manner of life, and belonged to the “old man” that was to be put off. At Galatia, it had to do with the Old Covenant which was established on inferior promises, and therefore did not change the hearts of the people. They were actually going backward, drawing back to perdition (Heb 10:39), yet thinking they had come into an advanced form of spiritual life.
Paul therefore speaks frankly to them of their condition. He does so because there was nothing good that could be said about it. If he were to address the matter of running well, he would have to speak of the past. In reference to their calling, it was in the past, and now they were living in contradiction of it. When referring to their reception of the Spirit, he could only speak of the past (Gal 3:2). If it was a matter of them walking in the Spirit, he had to reference their beginning, not their current condition (Gal 3:3). Their union with Christ could only be associated with the past, when they were baptized (Gal 3:27). But now, they had been removed from the One who had called them to the grace of Christ, and stood in danger of irretrievably falling from grace (Gal 5:4). And it was all caused by “a little leaven!”