Tit 1:13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; 14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth. 15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. 16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. (Titus 1:13-16)



               In a time when scholastics have been unduly exalted, and spiritual shallowness is in vogue, an ungodly tolerance for doctrinal error is being fostered. Sectarianism has provided a way of people conveniently m maintaining and teaching erroneous views of the things of God. Men are even taught to respect variant and contradicting views of the Word of God in the name of brotherly love. In all of this there are several underlying suppositions. First, that God is tolerant of corrupted views of something He has revealed. Second, that doctrine has no bearing on one’s participation in the salvation of God. Third, that a person can remain in God’s favor whole adopting views of salvation that allow him to continue living in contradiction of that salvation. Fourth, that purity has nothing to do with teaching. Fifth, that the profession of knowing God equates to really knowing Him. Although such things may not be expressly taught, when erroneous teachings are embraced and perpetrated, they foster these conclusions, even if they are not expressed. If God is, in fact, “a God of truth” (Deut 32:4), and “the Lord God of truth” (Psa 31:5), then any misrepresentation of Him or His will contradicts His Person, as well as His will. On this matter it ought to be noted that, in strict accord with the statement of Jesus, a tolerance of error is fostered by an ignorance of Scripture and the power of God (Mk 12:24). This text will state the danger of error and the nature of those who perpetrate it with great pungency. In addressing Titus, who is to set in order the things that are wanting in Crete, Paul will leave no doubt concerning his posture toward those who continue to obstinately teach error to the brethren. 


               Titus 1:13 “ This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; 14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.”

               THIS WITNESS IS TRUE. The witness to which Paul refers is, “The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies” (1:12). There are people wh have group characteristics. The Anakims were noted for their height (Deut 2:10-11). There was a whole generation of Israelites who “erred in their heart” (Psa 95:10). Israel was once referred to as “a nation laden with iniquity” (Isa 1:4). The Chaldeans were described as “a bitter and hasty nation” (Hag1:6). Solomon spoke of a generation that “cursed their father, and doth not bless their mother” (Prov 30:11). It is not that no one can be delivered from such environs. Rather, it is that extra effort must be given to remain undefiled by these bodies of people. This is the reason for the next admonition.

               REBUKE THEM SHARPLY. Other versions read, “severely,” NASB “say sharp words,” BBE “be severe in correcting,” NJB “speak to the Christians there as sternly as necessary,” LIVING “refute them sharply,” ISV and “deal sternly, even severely with them.” AMPLIFIED The word “sharply” means abruptly, precipitously (straight to the point) , severely, and curtly (to the point). THAYER Paul told Timothy to “rebuke before all” (1 Tim 5:20). Casual reprimands in an aggressively sinful society are out of order! When cancerous inroads are made into thinking, it cannot be dealt with as though it was harmless.

               Being in the household of God involves being able to receive sharp and pointed words when necessary. To be sure, they are not to be uttered hastily and with no regard for the welfare of the individual. However, neither are rebukes and warnings to be taken as an insult. The next clause informs us concerning the reason for such an approach.

               THAT THEY MAY BE SOUND IN THE FAITH. The “they” of reference is the flock in assembly. The picture is of the false teachers speaking out in the assembly, and Titus abruptly and severely exposing their error. It is done in order that the people of God may be “sound in the faith, and free from error.”AMPLIFIED In other words, corrupt teaching directly impacts upon one’s faith. Jesus once said of the generation to whom He spoke, “But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Matt 15:9). When, for example, Jesus gave a scathing rebuke to the scribes and Pharisees, it was in the presence of a “multitude” (Matt 23:1, 12-36). This circumstance confirms the deteriorating effect that false teaching has upon those who hear it. That kind of teaching is like a consuming cancer (2 Tim 2:17).

               NOT GIVING HEED TO JEWISH FABLES. Other versions read “myths,” NASB “fictions,” BBE “folk tales,” LIVING and “legends.” IE Paul also warned Timothy of listening to “fables” (1 Tim 1:4). These were fictitious stories that shaped the thinking of men, yet were not revealed in Scripture. They may have been altogether lies, or exaggerated accounts of historical occurrences. There are religious movements that are based upon what reported took place independently of Scripture: the Cain Ridge Revival (1799-1803), The Azuza Street Revival (1906-1915), The Vineyard Movement (1982-1997), The Reformation Movement (1517), the Restoration Movement (early 1800's). These were very real events, yet are often by exaggerated statements, misrepresentations, and human interpretations. The grounding of one’s faith, and the basis of one’s doctrine upon such movements is wrong. So far as doctrinal presentation is concerned, all of them are mingled with fables. As is the case with all teaching, what is true is to be embraced.

               THE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN. The are requirements that men have invented They may involve interpretations, various forms of logic, and what is conceived to precedents and inference. However, they are commandments that men have developed, and they are not to be heeded. Such commandments void worship (Matt 15:9). They represent an addition to God’s Word, which strictly forbidden (Deut 12:32; Isa 29:13; Rev 22:18). These commandments may have to do with the observe of days, following humanly-conceived plans and procedures, and even the obtaining of salvation.

               THAT TURN FROM THE TRUTH. This is a description of the men who create and/or teach fables and the commandments of men. Such are men who “turn from the truth,” or “reject the truth.” NIV They have “turned away their ears from the truth” in order to embrace fables and man-made commandments (2 Tim 4:4). They have refused Him who speaks from heaven in order that they may hear those who speak from earth (Heb 12:25). If they ever did embrace the truth, they have turned from it to return to the broken cistern of human wisdom. The Amplified Bible says they “turn their backs on the truth.” That is, before a person can take hold of error, they must let go of the truth. It is not possible to hold the truth with one hand and error with the other. A person cannot straddle a subject by hanging one foot on the side of error and the other on the side of truth. When a preacher or teacher declares something that is not true – even if it is unintentional – some aspect of the truth is forfeited. This is why Apollo had to be “more perfectly” in “the way of God” (Acts 18:26). Something was forfeited by continuing preach John’s baptism after Jesus had been exalted. If that was true of Apollo, whose heart was right, how much more is it true of those who promote the fables, traditions, and commandments of men. Oh, how our day needs the instruction of these verses!


1:15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.”

               Paul now elaborates on the criticality of both those who teach error, and those who embrace it. He will address the subject of purity, which is the essence of the experience of salvation.

               UNTO THE PURE. In this word, Paul is dealing with procedural religion, which is driven by man-made ordinances and rules – particularly regarding food and drink (1 Tim 4:3; Mk 7:15; 1 Cor 8:8). He will show that defilement cannot proceed from outside the body to within the heart. A person who is clean within cannot be defiled by external influences. Such influences must be imbibed, or taken within, before they can have a defiling effect. This is why Jesus said, “These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man” (Matt 15:20). Contradicting the ceremonial law the traditions of men, Paul said: “For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving” (1 Tim 4:4). Even foods forbidden by the Law of Moses are “sanctified by the Word of God and prayer” (1 Tim 4:5).

               In view of this, one might reason that continued exposure to false teachers cannot defile the person. However, such a view contradicts the very passage with which we are dealing. That would make sharp rebukes pointless, and soundness in the faith needless. The mitigating factor in false teaching is that it eats like a cancer, working its way into the inward parts (2 Tim 2:17). This text is addressing erroneous teaching concerning foods, particularly perpetrated by some Jewish teachers. This does not have to do with morality, for having purity within does not make fornication pure. “All things” does not refer to what a person does, but to impersonal things that are outside of the person. Particularly, in Christ there are no unclean foods, and those who teach to the contrary are fundamentally wrong and worthy of sharp rebuke.

               Faith has a sanctifying effect upon the soul. Therefore the Word speaks of “them that are sanctified by faith” in Christ (Acts 26:18). That circumstance frees us from bondage to the laws and commandments of men, but not from a refusal to submit to false teachers.

               THEM THAT ARE DEFILED. This is a most remarkable statement: “but to the defiled and corrupt and unbelieving nothing is pure.” AMPLIFIED Notice that corruption is linked to unbelief! This is because it is faith that purifies the heart (Acts 15:9). Corruption or defilement within, therefore, is the result of a lack of faith. If faith can ever ben overthrown (2 Tim 2:18),. When a person is “defiled and unbelieving,” everything they say and do is impacted by their condition. Properly viewed, nothing can be lawfully ingested, for it is contaminated by their condition. There is not outward substance or deed that can alter their condition. There is no procedure or set of rules that can change their character of alter their disposition before God. Even “the plowing of the wicked is sin” (Prov 21:4). Even their religious activity becomes iniquity, as declared in Isaiah 1:13: “Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting” (Isa 1:13). Again it is written, “The sacrifice of the wicked is abomination“ (Prov 15:8; 21:27). Paul also wrote, “And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin” (Rom 14:23). When a person’s religion is framed by human tradition, it is made void. There Jesus said, “Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Mark 7:7).

               Keep in mind, Paul is not speaking of those in the world, but of those within the church. He is admonishing Titus to take action to ensure that believers are “sound in the faith.” Therefore, as used here, the phrase “defiled and unbelieving” applies to professing believers – those who have been adversely impacted by erroneous teaching from those “whose mouths must be stopped.”

               THE MIND AND THE CONSCIENCE. Other versions read, “they become unclean in mind and in thought,” BBE “understanding . . . conscience,” MRD “defiled and polluted,” AMPLIFIED “dirty mind and rebellious heart,” LIVING and “consciences and the way they think.” IE Their corrupted minds and consciences are the fountain from which all they say and do flows. Their “mind” speaks of the way they think, how they reason, and the process by which they reach conclusions. Their “conscience” is where their final conclusions are stored, which, in their case, sear the conscience making it worthless because of its loss of sensitivity (1 Tim 4:2). The conscience is where moral right and wrong are defined.

               There are teachings that corrupt the mind, leading men to think and reason incorrectly, assuming what it is not true, and avoiding what is true. When the conscience is defiled, it leads the person to imagine that his thinking is right, and therefore it does not condemn him when he speaks or acts in contradiction of God. For example, a person may think imagining that it is not possible “depart from the faith” (1 Tim 4:1), or be dominated by “an evil heart of unbelief” (Heb 3:12). This conclusions of this manner of thinking is then transferred, as it were, to the conscience that grants inner approval to violate the will of the Lord. All of that is the effect of receiving unsound doctrine. It is why the mouths of such must be “stopped,” and those who insist on perpetrating such dogma much be publically and sternly rebuked.


               1:16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny Him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.”

               Paul continues to comment on those whose mouths “must be stopped,” who are teaching things they ought not in or4der to obtain unlawful gain. He is uncovering their true character, for what a person teaches really makes known what they are. If they merely do not know, yet have a pure heart and a strong desire to know, they have been misled and will be able to be easily corrected, as was Apollo (Acts 18:25-27). However, this is not the type of teachers being addressed in this text. These are men who are seeking gain, not those who have a heart for the truth – and those who attitudes cannot be homogenized.

               THEY PROFESS THAT THEY KNOW GOD. The Amplified reads, “to recognize, perceive, and be acquainted with Him.” These teachers, whose mouths “must be stopped,” maintain that they are acquainted with God. They may even say God has spoken to them, or revealed some new thing to them. Before giving his advice to Balak, Balaam said about himself, “The utterance of him who hears the words of God, And has the knowledge of the Most High, who sees the vision of the Almighty” NKJV (Num 24:16). Isaiah referred to those “which swear by the name of the LORD, and make mention of the God of Israel, but not in truth, nor in righteousness” (Isa 48:1). Jeremiah spoke of a prophet named Shemaiah who “prophesied” to the people and caused them to “trust in a lie.” God told Jeremiah He would punish that false prophet “because he hath taught rebellion against the Lord” (Jer 29:31-32).

               Paul is speaking of those who come in the name of the Lord, yet He did not send them. They profess they have a message from God, but He has not given them one. He will not tell us how we can recognize such prophets – and they must be recognized if their mouths are to be stopped.

               IN WORKS THEY DENY HIM. Other versions read, “by their deeds,” NASB “by their actions,” NIV and “the way they live.” NLT To “deny Him” means to turn their backs on Him, BBE and “disown and renounce Him.” AMPLIFIED In other words, what they do negates their profession, proving they do not know God at all. They are like the fig tree laden with leaves, but having no fruit (Mk 11:13). They have a “form of godliness,” but because of their works it is evident that they are among those who “deny,” or reject, “the power thereof” (2 Tim 3:5).

               There is a direct correlation between the knowledge of God and the works of those professing it. It the works do not match the profession, the profession is false, for it is not possible to know the Lord, yet live in stark contradiction of Him. This is why those religious merchants who teach people to say they know and love the Lord, yet are continually overcome by sin are so wicked. Lest we be indifferent about this, the Spirit moves Paul to elaborate on the matter.

               THEY ARE ABOMINABLE AND DISOBEDIENT. Other versions read “detestable and disobedient,” NASB “rotten and disobedient,” LIVING and “detestable and loathsome.” AMPLIFIED The word “abominable” means “detestable,” THAYER “abhorrent,” FRIBERG “vile,” UBS and “disgusting.” LIDDELL-SCOTT And who is it that regards these teachers in such a manner? First and foremost, it is the Lord Himself. There are people who will have their part in the lake of fire that are referred to as “the abominable” (Rev 21:8). The book of Job refers to menwho drink iniquity like water as being “abominable and filthy” (Job 15:16). Solomon referred to a “false witness” and “he that soweth seeds of discord among brethren” as “an abomination” (Prov 6:16-18). It is possible for the Lord to “abhor” people who have been called by His name (Deut 32:19; Psa 106:40; Zech 11:8). Our text states clearly, “THEY . . . being abominable!” – loathsome and detestable to God Almighty.

               Here them abomination is joined to disobedience. They are fundamentally wayward, recalcitrant, and insistent upon going their own way – even though they profess that they know God. Disobedience is what characterizes people who are NOT in Christ (Tit 3:5). It is what constrains men to disallow, or reject, the Stone that has been made “the Head of the corner” (1 Pet 2:7). This is the word that characterized those who were destroyed in the flood (1 Pet 3:20).

               REPROBATE TO EVERY GOOD WORK. Here the apostle affirms that those in question are incapable of doing good works – they are simply not adapted for them. The word “reprobate” means “failing to stand the test, unqualified, worthless, disqualified, useless.” THAYER This is stated doctrinally in Jeremiah 6:30: “Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the LORD hath rejected them.” To be “reprobate to every good work” means to be rejected as a suitable person to do a good work. Other versions read, “disqualified for every good work,” NKJV “worthless for any good deed,” NASB “unfit for doing anything good.” NIV and “unfit and worthless for good work (deed or enterprise) of any kind.” AMPLIFIED God will not allow this kind of people to do, what He refers to as, “good works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (Eph 2:10). The corrupt thinking, conscience, and manners of those in question have disqualified them for Divine employment. Their claim to know God is false through and through, and what they confirms that to be true. That is why their mouths must be stopped. Is why they are a liability to any people who hears them. Men may postulate that God loves such men, but God says they are an abomination and have been rejected.