THOUGHT FOR THE DAY by Given O. Blakely ______________________________________ GOD HAS SPOKEN THROUGH HIS SON, #7 He Has Inherited A More Excellent Name Jesus is superior to all angels; both individual and collective. Take that vast and "innumerable company of angels," and stand them next to Jesus. They are inferior in every way to Him. His Person is transcendent to theirs. Even in a low and humbled state, when He entered as a Babe into the world, the cry reverberated throughout all of heaven, "Let all the angels of God worship Him!" (1:6). Here is the declaration. It is grand conclusion to our introduction to Jesus. "So He became as much superior to the angels as the name He has inherited is superior to theirs" (Heb 1:4). Our text does not say the Son is superior to the angels BECAUSE He has inherited a name superior to theirs. This is an affirmation of comparison. His name is as superior to them as His name is to theirs! We only know of the names of two angels, and both of them are favored and mighty: Michael and Gabriel. But what are their names to compare with that of Jesus? They are "servants," and "ministers," He is the King of glory! They do the Lord's bidding; He determines the bidding! They stand around the throne, He sits in the throne! He is eternal, they are created. At the name of Jesus, every knee will eventually bow. Every tongue will eventually confess that Jesus is Lord of all! There is no possibility that this will not occur! God has made the appointment, and none can make it null or void. If, in this world, we choose to bow the knee to Jesus and confess that He is the Son of God, our participation in the day of universal confession will be joyous. To behold Jesus as He is NOW--in this world--and to embrace Him by faith, is salvation! No angel has ever, or ever will, be afforded such honor. But this is not an honor given to Him out of grace or mercy. It is one He deserves. His Person is greater! He has a name that has been "inherited." It is the reward for His grand and glorious work of redemption. Because this subject will be developed at length in the next lesson, I will go no further with it here. We have reached a grand conclusion to a glorious introduction. We have been exposed to the Lord Jesus in a few short words that challenge the mind, grip and heart, and dominate our affection. A grander Savior we could never have. We have the best in Jesus, in Whom is no deficiency at all! CONCLUSION Who can doubt the majesty of the Lord Jesus? He is worthy of our adoration, commitment, and fervent worship. Herein is the secret to spiritual productivity--beholding the glory of Jesus Christ. Let those that speak to the people of God make much of their Savior. This book was written, you must remember, to believers; to people that "have once been enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come" (Heb 6:4-5). It is unfortunate that the gales of legalism have drawn many a frail vessel into tempestuous waters. While sailing in such troubled realms, faith grows weak, confidence takes flight like a wounded dove, and this world appears to be the primary one. These things are delusions, created by the mists of law-keeping. While those in Christ are not "without law" (1 Cor 9:21), they cannot rely upon the Law for justification. When life is lived in dependence upon Law for Divine acceptance, a sound mind is not possible. Everything becomes distorted to such individuals. Hope is no longer vibrant and dominating. "Full assurance" (Col 2:2; Heb 6:11; 10:22) is not possible because of a defiled conscience. Salvation in Christ Jesus will not allow "confidence in the flesh" (Phil 3:3). The reason for this situation is straightforward. Law-keeping requires concentration on yourself. In such a case, the Lord Jesus no longer fills the vision. Settle it in your mind to concentrate on Jesus. It is He, and He alone, Who has taken away your sins. He alone has at last satisfied a thrice-holy God. It is Jesus that created everything, and for Whom it has been created. It has not been made for you, but you will obtain it all if you remain in Him! His domain is infinitely larger than your small world. See to it that you do not live within the confines of personal experience, and that your vision extends beyond your own difficulties. The empire of Jesus included things seen and unseen. He is over dominions and powers, that take orders from Him and report to Him. He will rebuke the devourer for your sake, and summon heavenly hosts to aid you! When the storms of life rage against you, He will rebuke them. When you are faced with great floods, He will enable you to pass through them! When the fire looks as though it will ravish you, He will not allow it to kindle upon you, and you will not be burned. H e is the "Breaker of Israel" that goes before you, clearing your path to glory. God has invested everything in the Son--everything! He had the responsibility of removing the defiling transgression. He alone could overthrow the "accuser of the brethren" (Rev 12:10), and plunder spiritual rulers that controlled entire segments of the world (Col 2:15). Only Jesus could fully satisfy the Father. Only the Son could enter into death and, through the power of the Spirit, triumph over death and the grave. Who else could be seated at the right hand of the Father, making effective intercession for us, and administering a "better covenant with better promises" (Heb 8:6)? He alone effectively expounds the Father and His purpose to the believer. Those that are intent upon gaining approval because of their obedience, must do more than keep what they conceive to be the essential commandments. They must remove their own sin, destroy the devil, and thoroughly satisfy the Father. It is incumbent that they defeat death and the grave, ascend up into heaven, and occupy the throne of God. If this cannot be done, they require a Savior. Thank God that is precisely what we have! Furthermore, it is the Savior that speaks to us. He does so in a manner conducive to salvation. If you will give heed to Him, making Him your focus, you will obtain His "great salvation." Trust in this Savior, pilgrim! Make Him the center of your thoughts, and the goal of your faith. He has promised never to leave you or forsake you! Considering Jesus will bring the blessing. Who is able to calculate the glorious benefit of that! (More on this subject tomorrow) In joyful expectation of glory Given O. Blakely