Greater Works Than These Shall You Do

Devotion #1 of 13

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." (John 14:12)


In our consideration of this remarkable text, it is necessary to briefly review the matter of signs and wonders. Some observations are necessary that are not commonly made in circles having an inordinate appetite for such things. We mean to offend no one by these words, but someone must say them. Throughout history, the times of greatest revelation have been attended by the greatest obtuseness among men. Whatever men may think of "signs and wonders," they have never been effective in bringing men closer to God, inducing faith, or suppressing iniquity. This is a remarkable situation, and worthy of our consideration.

The Egyptians

When Israel was delivered from Egypt, God wrought remarkable wonders through His servant Moses. The ten plagues are unparalleled for greatness in all of history. The account of this incredible phenomenon is recorded in Exodus, chapters seven thru eleven. Do you remember what they were? (1 The waters of Egypt's streams, rivers, ponds, pools, and all vessels turned into blood. (2 A plague of frogs throughout all the borders of Egypt, in their houses, bedchambers, and kneading troughs. (3 The dust of the earth became lice throughout all the land of Egypt. (4 A grievous swarm of flies into all the houses of Egypt, which corrupted all the land of Egypt. (5 A grievous sickness upon all the cattle: horses, asses, camels, oxen, and sheep of Egypt. (6 A "small dust" in all the land of Egypt that caused boils to break forth with blains upon man and beast throughout all the land of Egypt. (7 Mighty thunder and hail, with fire running along the ground, in all the land of Egypt, upon every man, beast, and herb of the field. (8 A plague of locusts that covered the earth, making it impossible to even see the ground, eating everything that remained from the hail. (9 A pervading 3-day darkness covering the land that could be "felt," in which the Egyptians could not see one another, and could not leave their houses. (10 The death of all the firstborn in Egypt, including beasts, creating an outcry that has not been equaled since that fateful day. As great as these miracles were, they did not reach a single heart in all the land of Egypt. None of the Egyptians repented, none believed, none were moved to forsake their abominable idolatries. There was not an awakening in Egypt. No one put on sackcloth and ashes, as did Nineveh at the preaching of Jonah. In fact, Jonah accomplished more through his preaching than the accumulated effect of these ten mighty wonders! Suffice it to say, no modern miracle worker has approximated the magnitude of these ancient miracles. They are unparalleled for greatness, and yet not a single soul was changed by them. "Greater works" refers to a different level of activity -- one which is sorely needed in our day!