Greater Works Than These Shall You Do
Devotion #7 of 13
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." (John 14:12)
Our text is an announcement of involvement! Doing the works of Christ! Doing greater works because Christ goes to the Father! Receiving what we ask because we ask in Jesus' name! The Father glorified in the Son by us receiving what we ask! Christ unreservedly doing what we ask! Those rescued from the snare of sin and guilt, found loving Christ and keeping His commandments! Former ages did not enjoy such marvelous benefits.
The Time of Exploits
This is the time of exploits prophesied by Daniel: " . . . but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits" (Dan. 11:32). The religion of aloofness is terminated in Christ. Prior to His death and resurrection, the people identified with God were themselves aloof from Him. They did not, as a whole, love Him, or did they keep His commandments. Their hearts were not circumcised, and they did not have the hope of glory. Their's was a formal connection with no experiential fellowship with the Lord. Prophets spoke for God to them, and priests interceded for them to God. But now, the religion of the "specialist" acting in behalf of God's people has come to an end. Jesus does not say we will receive what SOMEONE ELSE asks for us (although such things do occur). Rather, He emphasizes, we receive what WE ask. Intercession is still the privilege of the saints of God, but the EMPHASIS is different. Instead of us seeking for an intercessor on earth, we ourselves become intercessors: "kings and priests unto our God" (Rev. 1:5).
Unanimity Is the Point
There is a great deal of talk in the religious community about praying "in Jesus' name." I regret to say that most of this talk is the prattling of spiritual infants. Jesus is not announcing the power of a formula. He is not saying that the power of darkness runs when it hears the word "Jesus," or that God vaults into action when it is heard from His children. Those approaching this text in such a manner do themselves great harm. Only those that are "joined to the Lord" can pray "in His Name." This is a phrase denoting oneness with Christ. Our minds are in harmony with His, and our wills and perception have been reshaped by our unity with Jesus. This is involved in putting on Christ (Gal. 3:27-29). We have been made "partakers of Christ" (Heb. 3:14), and it has affected our hearts and our words. Whatever is asked out of our union with Christ will be given. It is as though Jesus were expressing Himself through us, like God the Father expressed Himself through Christ. It is possible for the saved to live in acute awareness of Christ and His will, just as Jesus lived in keen discernment of His Father's will. It would be good if less time were spent speculating about the privileges of saints, and more time spent in fellowship with Jesus. After all, that is what God has called us into (1 Cor 1:9).