MAN MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD Devotion #13 0f 17

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle , and over all the earth. So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them"

(Genesis 1:26-27)

The light of knowledge in Christ's face

God is clear on this point. An understanding of God is irrevocably associated with the spiritual perception of Jesus Christ. "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ" (2 Cor. 4:6). Our transformation into the divine likeness takes place to the degree we see Jesus; i.e., to the degree we comprehend and embrace Him. This is an arresting truth that has not been grasped by the religious multitudes. It must not be so with you! Whatever area of ignorance people allow into their lives, it must include the Son of the Living God! I may choose to ignore vast segments of history, the sciences, and various areas of human experience. But I cannot ignore the Son of God with impunity. I am confounded at how very little is said of Christ these days; how minuscule the amount of effort that is put into expounding Him. Is it any wonder that "church folk" come so far short of the divine image when they hear so very little of their Savior? An issue-oriented church can never be like Jesus! God has not called us to become embroiled in issues, or even to identify with people in their need. That is a hard saying, yet it is true. He sent His Son to be identified with humanity, and our insightful proclamation of Him is the best and most effectual identity we can develop with lost humanity. Let no person think that this justifies ignoring those in need. Rather, it is the only effective way to address their need! You simply cannot walk with Jesus and be insensitive to suffering humanity. You cannot be experientially reconciled to God and ignore human need. Notwithstanding, that is a secondary level of involvement, not the primary one.

Whatever clouds the face of Jesus retards spiritual transformation!

It is tragic that much of the religion of our day obscures Christ. It is institutional-centered, not Christ-centered, and thus inhibits spiritual growth. God will not allow His appointed objectives to be realized by humanly-devised schemes! It is not possible to effectively violate this principle. Methods contrived by men will not produce the work of God. In fact, such things retard transformation, if not render it impossible. It is not pleasant to think of a religion that is actually a handicap. Yet, that is precisely the situation with which we are faced. Myriads of people could make significant progress in their spiritual life if they were not handicapped by their "religion." It stands as a hindering barrier to progress in Christ Jesus. The "face of Jesus" is a phrase denoting His priority and sufficiency. Once seen, everything else pales in insignificance. While seen, God and His purpose become clearer. The due consideration of Christ Jesus will convince the individual of the accessibility of God's grace, strength, peace, and power. God's glory--the outshowing of His beneficence--is seen in the Person of His Son, Christ Jesus the Lord. The illumination that proceeds from Christ's Person transforms the believer, conforming Him to the Divine likeness.