No one should expect a body of believers to have arrived at a state of moral perfection, with no flaws, and no need of a Savior. The "treasure" that we have from God is presently contained in "earthen vessels," or "clay jars" (2 Cor 4:7). Too, the saints of God willingly confess they have not yet apprehended that for which they have been apprehended (Phil 3:12-13). However, those with new hearts are NOT content with this situation, and long for the time when they will be freed from such encumbrances. In the meantime, there certainly are some attainable improvements to be realized by the average church. I would like to see congregations across the land where true spiritual qualities were found in abundance, and were not the exception. I know it is not realistic to expect flawlessness in the churches, but, for the most part, they could sure be better than they are. It seems that men have grown accustomed to spiritual mediocrity--something not tolerated by the Lord Jesus. He has revealed how He reacts to lukewarmness, misdirection, corrupt teaching, and glorying in externals. There is no reason for anyone to be uninformed in these things. I suggest there are alternatives to congregations being filled with people that give little or no evidence of being born again. Many believers face their most difficult times when they confront "the church." Their fervency is often challenged, and the dampening influence of half-heartedness is encounter when there. From young to old, many a soul has been awakened to glorious things, only to be discouraged when attempting to share it with their professed brothers and sisters in Christ. This is a grievous situation. There are exceptions to the rule, but they are exceptions. It is not necessary to tolerate a lack of appetite for God's Word, and a deficiency of interest in things pertaining to life and godliness. Weak and insipid preaching, and inferior teaching, do not have to be endured by hungry and thirsty souls. A large constituency, and extensive congregational activities, cannot make up for an absence of spirituality and a zealous quest for heaven. Imagine being part of a fellowship where the following conditions were found. 1. Elders were individuals noted for speaking the Word of God, whose faith could be safely followed. (1 Peter 5:2; Heb 13:7) 2. The edification of the saints had the priority in the assembly. (1 Cor 14;26) 3. Members were expected to be truly born again. (John 3:3,7; 2 Cor 5:17; Gal 6:15) 4. If Jesus showed up at 12 years of age, He would be able to sit with the learned, and not have to join the youth group. (Luke 2:42-46) 5. Godly women who had seen the truth could bear witness to it. (Matt 28:10) 6. Where qualifications were measured by what God had given the individual rather than what he had received from men. (1 Cor 12:7; 1 Pet 4:11) 7. The people were Scripturally literate, and hungered and thirsted for righteousness. (2 Tim 3:15; Matt 5:6) 8. Frequent gatherings were anticipated and attended by all the members. (Heb 10:25) 9. A strong appetite for the Word of God could extend from Sunday morning to Sunday evening. (John 8:47) 10. Time with God was not considered an inconvenience, and war was made on shallowness and brevity. 11. Sunday lunch ranked behind feeding on the riches of God. (Matt 4:4) 12. Young people were expected to be part of the congregation, being held to the standards God has given for all believers. (1 Tim 4;12) 13. Old people were not excluded from activity because of their age. 14. Caleb could take official responsibility at 85. (Josh 14:6-13) 15. Anna, over 100, would be able to announce glad tidings without the approval of congregational leaders. (Luke 2:36-38) 16. In the assembly, members could exercise the gift they received by God's grace. 17. Men were not held in high esteem because of earthly attainments. 18. Spiritual relationships took precedence over fleshly ones. (Matt 12:50) 19. A young evangelist like Titus could ordain elders. (Tit 1:5) 20. Where the content of singing ranked higher than its sound and rhythm. 21. Preaching would not be tolerated that did not strengthen the faith of the hearers. 22. When the clock reached twelve Noon, the meeting reached a crescendo and time was forgotten. 23. Lord's Supper meditations were insightful, challenging, and fresh. 24. Someone could interrupt the sermon by shouting, "What shall we do?" (Acts 2:37) 25. Jesus could stand and read the Scripture, then sit down and teach without a time restriction being placed upon Him. (Luke 4:18ff) I suggest these qualities should not be viewed as luxuries. It is questionable that any congregation remaining deficient in these areas can obtain Divine approval. Seek to be part of a growing number of people who insist on "churches" being approved of God. The thought of a body of professed believers being without Divine approval is an absurdity. Yet, it appears the perspective of a gathering that is pleasing to God is exceeding rare! Continue to set your affection on things above, and not on things on the earth. "Yet a little while, He that shall come will come, and will not tarry" (Heb 10:37). When the Son of man comes, will He find faith upon the earth? (Luke 18:8). By God's grace, He can find it in you! You can be ready for that grand day, and able to stand with boldness before the judgment seat of Christ (1 John 4:17). PRAYER POINT: Father, give me grace to distance myself from all mediocrity, to serve You with fervency of spirit, and to be a source of refreshment to all who are calling upon Your name. I ask this in Jesus' powerful and precious name.