"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing EVERY THOUGHT into captivity to the obedience of Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)

Devotion 9 of 12


Think of the words of our Lord. "And why take ye thought for raiment? CONSIDER the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin" (Matt 6:28). "CONSIDER the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?" (Luke 12:24). Notice how the Lord encouraged extensive thought. CONSIDER HOW the lilies grow! CONSIDER HOW ravens are fed without storehouses and barns. Undue concern for physical welfare can be averted by a proper consideration of the Lord presiding over creation. But if we do not ponder these things, we will be prone to dishonor God by fretting instead of believing.

Consider what is said

Paul admonished Timothy to fight a "good warfare," not vacillating or proving unworthy in the good fight of faith. He reasoned with him concerning the absurdity of becoming involved in the affairs of this world. With wisdom he spoke of striving for mastery, or excellence, and being the first to partake of the fruit resulting from your labors. But it was not enough to merely pass along some information. He wanted Timothy to profit to the fullest from his counsel. How would this happen? Some suppose it will be brought to pass by repeating the counsel. The world says, "repetition is the mother of all learning." But this is not what the Spirit says. Paul does not rehearse his instruction again, from a different point of view. Instead he calls upon Timothy to think! "CONSIDER what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things" (2 Tim 2:7). See what happens in the work of consideration! The Lord grants understanding! That is because consideration, when done in faith, is a form of fellowship with God. The failure of the religious masses to see Jesus can be traced to their failure to CONSIDER Him--to think upon Him. Such thinking is not done in the abstract, in theoretical ways. Productive spiritual thought is conducted in the arena of revelation. Hear what the Spirit says. "Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, CONSIDER the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus" (Heb 3:1). "Now CONSIDER how great this man (Melchizedec) was, unto whom even the patriarch Abraham gave the tenth of the spoils" (Heb 7:4). "For CONSIDER Him that endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds" (Heb 12:3). The Holy Spirit declared the Lord Jesus with power and effectiveness, showing Him to be superior to men and angels. But after that declaration had been made, the readers had to take the matter into their minds and give consideration to it. There is where the profit would be realized, for there is where they would meet God!

Mary pondered

When the shepherds saw the "holy child," they rejoiced, making known abroad what was told them by the angel of the Lord (Luke 2:15-18). The effects of those Bethlehem events upon the mother of our Lord, however, were not cursory. While others only marveled at what they saw and heard, Mary "treasured up all these things" (NIV) in her heart, and considered them with deliberation. It is written, "But Mary kept all these things, and PONDERED them in her heart" (Luke 2:19). What richness must have flowed from those sacred contemplations! PRAYER POINT: Father, I desire to linger long upon Your truth--to take it into my heart and dwell upon it. In Jesus' name, give me grace to honor You more in my thinking, my contemplation, and the pondering of Your holy Word.