The general weakness in contemporary preaching is that many preachers apparently have very little to say. They have no message, no burning word they are compelled to speak. Much of what represents itself as preaching is nothing more than a form of entertainment. Of more recent prominence is psychological hype, called motivational preaching. It is sometimes interesting, even challenging--but it has no edifying power. There is a reason for this situation. Much preaching falls into one of two categories: an attempt to garner souls for the institution, or an attempt to induce external change in the assembly. Neither objective is noble enough to become a constraint for preaching! The prophets and John the Baptist stood above their peers because they had something to say--something to affirm. They did not major on providing an analysis of political and domestic circumstances. Can you imagine John the Baptist having a workshop on finances, marital fidelity, or challenging young people? Is it possible to conceive of the Lord Jesus holding a seminar on church growth, organizing a Sunday School class, or starting a new congregation? Such representations are not only absent in the Word of God, they are contrary to the thrust of Scripture. The power of God's Word is in its AFFIRMATION, not in using it as a solution-tool. The Gospel of Christ is an affirmation, or proclamation. Contrary to the notion of some, preaching is not an attempt to meet humanly diagnosed needs, but to inform people of the "wonderful works of God." It is the declaration of an accomplishment, not a possibility. The preaching of the cross is said to be "the power of God" (1 Cor 1:18). It is an affirmation, or report of something achieved for those to whom it is declared. When Ezekiel preached to the dry bones (Ezek 37), he told them what God was going to do-- an affirmation (Ezek 37:5-6). On Pentecost, Peter simply affirmed what God had accomplished (Acts 2). This procedure may appear foolish, but it is not. It pleases God to save those that believe through the "foolishness of preaching," or Gospel proclamation. The power of God attends such reporting. Gospel affirmation provides something for faith to grasp. This is the crying need of our day, when faith is weak and fruit is sparse. If you are a leader, among God's people, seek to have something to declare! Faith needs an affirmation--the declaration of what the Lord has done. Tell it! PRAYER POINT: Father, in the name of Jesus, raise up laborers for Your harvest that will faithfully declare what you have done through Christ Jesus.