"The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language Where their voice is not heard." (Psalm 19:1-3, NKJV)

Devotion 5 of 6


God has qualities that cannot be seen--qualities that are even greater than precision, consistency, and beauty. Those can be seen--God has qualities that cannot be seen with the eye or touched with the hand. Those qualities can be perceived in nature, or "the creation." "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse" (Rom 1:20).

What a remarkable thing--"invisible qualities" than are "clearly seen." That is not a contradiction. The "invisible qualities" of God are seen, but not with the eye. They are perceived through reason, not physical vision. If you think upon what can be seen visually in creation, you will begin to consider God's invisible qualities. The stimulus for the consideration is found in the creation. The Divine qualities themselves are comprehended through the understanding.

The power of God

What is "the power of God," and how is it perceived in creation. The word "power" emphasizes God's authority and ability. His power is greater than "the laws of nature." If someone you knew developed a miniature universe that ran on its own and required no power, you would call it a miracle. That miniature universe would remind you of the authority and ability of the one that made it. In this same way, the authority and ability of Almighty God is seen in creation.

If you have wondered whether God is able to help you, sustain you, or even save you, look at the creation! It speaks to you of God "invisible qualities." His power, or ability to create, save, and sustain, are declared by creation. Look carefully at it, and you will see the power of God. That unbelievably massive universe was created by God--that is why it is called "creation." He created it in an orderly way. It is not spinning out of control. You can set your clock by the universe, and use it to develop a calendar. If you can depend that much upon what God made, how much do you think you can depend upon Him?

The Divinity of God

The King James Version of the Bible refers to the "Godhead," instead of "Divinity." The word "Godhead" might be better understood if we use the word "Godhood" -- the things that make God what He really is--GOD! Again, this refers to the completeness and sufficiency of God. He is "Divine." He received none of His qualities from someone else. Whatever you have, you have received, but this is not true of God. He is Divine. You have grown, God has not. He is Divine. You have developed and matured, God has not. He is Divine. You have changed, God has not. He is Divine. God cannot be trusted if He changes. He cannot be everything we need if He changes. But He does not change, He is Divine.

This quality of God--His Divinity--is "clearly seen" in "the creation." Aeronautical engineers depend on the "laws" of nature when they construct their airplanes. They know nature is unchangeable! Mountain climbers equip their minds and bodies to avoid the downward pull of gravity. They know nature is dependable! Those who explore the oceans equip themselves so they will not be crushed by pressure, or overcome by seeping water. They know nature is consistent. No sane person attempts to fly by flapping his arms like wings. Why not? They know nature will not sustain the attempted flight of a man, even though it will that of a little sparrow or mighty eagle.

What has been perceived, or seen, in creation, allows people to come to these conclusions? They have seen the consistency of creation, and have come to depend upon it. The Word of God, however, is more precise on this subject. It informs us that the "invisible qualities" of God is what has really been seen--not the so-called laws of nature. God created the world so these things--aspects of His Person-- could be seen. He wants people to depend upon Him, to trust Him, and to mold their lives around Him. His precision, consistency, and beauty can be a source of strength to you. They can be trusted--in fact, they MUST be trusted. Can you see the God of creation in His creation? He has left His thumb print on the universe! Look for it!

One additional word is necessary. God has imbedded evidence of Himself in creation because He wants to be known. Although it seems like He has hidden Himself, He has not. He has shown enough of His Being in the universe to make us curious about Him. However, you cannot see this validation of God's existence, without looking for it. When you do look intently for the evidence, God will help you to find it.

You will not get all of the answers in creation, and do not try to do so. Nature is marvelous, but it is not the greatest marvel! It is beautiful, but it is not the greatest beauty. Your mind and heart are to be by the Creator more than the creation!

PRAYER POINT: Father, In Jesus' name, help me to see past the seen. Help me to see your invisible qualities in what my eye beholds in creation.