"For NOW see through a glass, darkly; but THEN face to face: NOW I know in part; but THEN shall I know even as also I am known." (1 Cor 13:12)

The condition of those in Christ Jesus is glorious. They are even now "washed," "sanctified," and "justified" (1 Cor 6:11). God Himself has placed them in Christ, causing Him to be their "wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption" (1 Cor 1:30). However, lest we become wise in our own conceits, we must be reminded we have not yet experienced the fulness of salvation. It does not yet appear what we shall be (1 John 3:1-2), and salvation in its totality is "ready to be revealed" (1 Pet 1:5).

Accentuating this situation, the Spirit speaks of "now" and "then." These are more than terms defining time. "Now" refers to the current status of the sons of God–while they remain in the body. "Then" refers to their position in the world to come–when they shall have a glorious body.

However far we may progress in this world, we will never get beyond this point: seeing through a glass darkly. "Glass," in this case, does not mean window pane, but a looking glass, or mirror. The reflecting glass is the Word of God, and the One beheld in the glass is the God "in the face of Christ Jesus" (2 Cor 4:6). The text affirms that although we see God in His Word, and have been introduced to Him by means of regeneration and unity with Him, yet we do not see Him with total clarity. In the world to come, however, we shall see Him "face to face" with clarity and thorough satisfaction (Rev 22:4).

The obscurity to which the text refers is not owing to any deficiency in the Word of God. It is not a cloudy looking glass! The vagueness is because of our vision. While we are in the body, we are greatly handicapped by the flesh. Even though we are able to see, it is not with complete clarity. The text is saying precisely the same thing as 1 John 3:2: "it doth not yet appear what we shall be."

But "THEN" it will be a different situation! The promise is staggering. We will know God fully, even as He now knows us fully. This is another way of saying there will be no limitations as are experiencing in this world. There will be complete satisfaction. We will realize the fulness of what we long to possess even now. What we see is right, with no confusion–but it is only introductory to what is to come. The greatness of our salvation is glorious!

PRAYER POINT: Father, I thank and praise You through Jesus Christ for providing me such a glorious future!