"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His
abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of
Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that
does not fade away, RESERVED IN HEAVEN FOR YOU, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time." (1 Peter 1:3-5)

Devotion 2 of 12


Two Primary Approaches

There are two primary approaches to, for want of a better term, the Christian religion: the heavenly and the earthly. All major evangelical thrusts are determined by one of these. Either heaven and earth must dominate, with the other remaining subordinate. Both realms CANNOT dominate simultaneously, obtaining equal value. One must become subordinate to the other. Some examples will suffice to confirm these things.

The Modernistic Approach

Modernistic churches obviously have chosen earth as their emphasis. To them, religion is a matter of making the earth a better place to live. They do not see the working of God and Christ to be central, or even relevant, to their mission. Thus they reject the Divinity of Christ, the inspiration of Scripture, and the miracles recorded in Scripture. Theirs is a miserable compliance with what has been cursed.

The Stately Approach

Stately denominations also consider earth primary. Their emphasis differs, however from the modernist. They do not deny the Deity of Christ, the inspiration of Scripture, or the miracles recorded there. These things are more like museum pieces, however, that really do not touch the heart of religion. For them, FORM is the primary thing. Their buildings are ornate, and their services highly ritualistic, emphasizing things that are seen.

The Holiness Approach

Several denominations are noted for their emphasis on piety (although such groups are becoming rare). These rely implicitly upon Scripture, teaching the necessity of separation from the world. What they present is true, but it is ranked too high. The earth is really their emphasis, though it may not appear so. Holiness is seen as an end of itself, and a strong tendency toward justification by works is found.

The Experiential Approach

Another segment of the Christian community emphasizes the vitality of new life in Christ. There is an attractiveness to their approach because it is so apparently pertinent to daily life. These emphasize the Holy Spirit, and speak of an added dimension to new life that is much better than salvation itself. But their real thrust is living in this world. They have a theology about the coming of the Lord, but it remarkably "this-worldly." The purpose of their religion is to give you strength, joy, power, and peace--to make you equal to the challenges of life.

The Evangelistic Approach

Some evangelical groups have made EVANGELISM their primary thrust. To them, the essence of true religion is reaching the lost for Christ, particularly as it relates to the expansion of the local church. The Scriptures are vital to their approach, but so are methods and techniques. These have expert soul-winners that assist others in this pivotal work. For them, reaching the lost is not a natural outgrowth of life, it is the result of instruction and discipline.


All these approaches contain some good things. It is not necessary to condemn everyone and every thing associated with them, and that is not my intent. We are not only at liberty to accept the good that they say. We have an obligation to do so. What I do want you to see is that they all have something in common. In them, HEAVEN IS NOT PRIMARY. The real aim of these approaches has to do with THIS world, together with results that can be seen and experienced in THIS world. The result of this is a widespread lack of confidence and assurance in the religious community. The error is not in dealing with matters related to this world, but in making such matters primary.

PRAYER POINT: Father, through Jesus Christ, give me grace to do Your will on earth as it be being done in heaven!