"For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do." (Romans 7:15)

Devotion 23 of 23


    We have briefly reviewed one of the pivotal sections of Scripture that deals with our experience. Many a soul has succumbed to the battle simply because they were unaware of what was going on within them. The warfare that has been described reveals the foolishness of those who say we should be happy all of the time, and that there is never cause for any other feeling. Perhaps such people are sadly lacking in their desire for holiness, and a fervent desire to dwell forever with the Lord.

    When heaven is in your eye, and your affection is set on things above, and not on things on the earth, it is frustrating to confront the waywardness of the flesh, and have to contend with its imaginations. To be sure, there is grace for the battle, and we can come away with the victory. But that victory will not be achieved with a light- hearted spirit and undiscerning heart. If we do not "know" that nothing good dwells in our flesh, we may be prone to listen to it, and entertain its lusts. That inclination will either result in giving in to its desires, or concluding that we may not be in Christ at all.

    We have heard a telling explanation of why deliverance from the Law is necessary. Under the Law, men are condemned for the very presence of wayward thoughts and desires, whether they are honored or not. When the commandment "Thou shalt not covet" came home to Paul's understanding, that was the very thing he saw. He saw that his nature was ungodly and condemned.

    If it is true that, even after we are in Christ Jesus, we cannot stop the eruptions of the flesh, we must come away from any notion that we are justified by the Law. If there is no grace, there is no hope! If there is not a new creation in Christ Jesus, there is no hope! If we have not died to the Law, there is no hope. It will do no good to concoct a theology that says the Law has died, or that it has been abolished, or that it no longer exists. That foolish teaching does not come to grips with our situation. Salvation is so marvelously thorough that it will sustain us while the Law remains in full vigor! The grace of God is so sufficient that it will uphold us in the heat of an inward struggle that seems to contradict our profession of faith. It makes us equal to the battle.

    The flesh has not changed! The natural man remains the same. All of the weaknesses of the flesh remain, and it still has no capacity to desire or please God. But that is not all there is to us. We are more than "the flesh." There is more to us than the "old man."  The "law of sin" still remains within our earthly natures, but it cannot dominate us as we live by faith. You must never allow anyone or any teaching to rob you of this awareness! Now, be strong and of good courage to fight the fight of faith with confidence. In Christ, you do have something from God!

PRAYER POINT: Father, I thank You for the forgiveness of sin, deliverance from the law, and justification by faith. I praise Your name that I am not condemned for when thoughts I hate rise in my thoughts. In Jesus' name, give me grace to live in the power of this awareness.

-- Tomorrow, new Series" THE MIND OF CHRIST --