"That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God." (Ephesians 3:17-19)

Devotion 17 of 20


    I realize this continues to be a very controversial realm, particularly in religious academic circles. The subject of Divine enlightenment (and there is no other kind) is regularly discussed and debated among those who overstate the capacity of the human intellect. For those, however, who choose to "live by every Word of God" (Prov 30:5; Luke 4:4), there is nothing to debate, only truth to be affirmed.


      The nature of salvation mandated the prayer of the Apostle. It is too large for our finite capacities. Insightful people do not let the matter end with this observation. They know God intends for salvation to be comprehended. They realize that our appreciation of salvation depends upon our perception of it. Thus Paul prayed the Ephesians would be given the "spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him."

    The purpose of this insight was not the comprehension of the complexities of life, as wonderful as that may be. The understanding of God, through the comprehension of redemption, was the point of it all! Because I have dealt extensively with this text at other times, I will briefly summarize it here.

    Triumph over the adversary of the soul, and arrival before the presence of the Lord with exceeding joy, require an understanding of God.  The "eyes of our understanding (heart, NIV)" must be "opened" to see the magnitude of our "great salvation."

    The reason why He has called us ("the hope of His calling") is to be comprehended. The extent of our role as God's own inheritance ("the riches of His inheritance IN the saints") must be understood to a measurable degree. The magnitude of the power that is committed to the exoneration and glorification of fallen man ("the exceeding greatness of His power toward us") is to be discerned. To the extent this is mysterious to us, we will lose the battle to Satan. Salvation in Christ is effectual only to the extent that we perceive it. In the economy of grace, ignorance is a liability. It "alienates" us from the life of God (Eph 4:18).

    Paul prays for the Ephesians because he knows the nature of the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Here is one of least known aspects of the faith, and that ignorance has yielded bitter fruit throughout the world. Countless believers flounder in the sea of guilt and circumstance only because they do not see what great things the Lord has done.

1. The prayer (Eph 1:17ff) is that the Ephesians might see the EXTENT of their salvation. It reaches further than they think. It brings more to them than they have dared to conceive.

    Where it is bringing them, transcends their fondest imaginations. The degree of Divine commitment to them challenges the most prodigious minds. But it is not enough to simply be overwhelmed by the greatness of it all. That greatness is to be comprehended. That is why Paul prayed, and it is why we must do the same.

PRAYER POINT: Father, thank You in Jesus' name for giving us access to the understanding of realities that are far beyond the scope of human knowledge!