"I have planted, Apollos watered; but God GAVE THE INCREASE. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that GIVETH THE INCREASE. " (1 Corinthians 3:6-7)

Devotion 7 of 26


"So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that GIVETH THE INCREASE. "

    I am becoming more convinced that the church of our time has not seen this with any degree of clarity.  The remarkable popularity of "methods and techniques," and those who create and market them, confirms this to be the case. Whether the matter of personal growth in Christ is addressed, congregational advancement, or the spread of the Gospel to the remote quadrants of the world, procedural experts are in great demand. They are at every convention, and their books are in every bookstore. They are the "HOW TO" experts -- at least, that is how they are billed.

      Our text says that those who plant and those who water are not "anything" in the grand scheme of things. Rather, the God who gives the increase is everything. In our time, God is simply not getting top billing!

      I will tell you that these "experts" would have found no place at all in the church described in the book of Acts. They would have been useless and offensive in the mighty wake of the healing waters of the Gospel! Can you imagine how a series of booths with the following banners would have appeared on the day of Pentecost. "How to win souls," "The purpose driven church," "The successful pastor," or "How to reach your community for Christ." After hearing Peter and the others powerfully proclaim the mighty Gospel of Christ, how would "How-to" workshops have really appeared/

    There are at least three explanations for the change in spiritual climate that dominates the Western world.

(1) Perhaps the Gospel has, in fact, lost its power, which was, by Divine intent, intended only for the launching of salvation. Those who would dare to support such a postulate are denying the power of God, thereby making room for their own wisdom.

(2) Another possibility is that Satan has adjusted his diabolical strategy, thereby neutralizing the power of the Gospel. The evil days, in this case, have successfully diffused the power of the Gospel. There is some element of truth to this, but it certainly does not tell the whole story.

(3) A final possibility is that men have actually departed from the Lord, thereby placing them beyond the perimeter of Divine blessing. They have chosen to occupy a spiritual realm where the power of God is neither needed nor functional. In this case, men have descended into the pit of unbelief, all the while choosing to wear the name of Christ. This is the condition of which the Apostle warned, calling such days "perilous times" (2 Tim 3:1ff).

    My persuasion is that the latter is the environment ("perilous times") in which the Western world now finds itself. Nevertheless, it is not locked into this condition. God can use faithful souls to awaken men Godward, thereby opening the door for the type of increase described in the book of Acts. Even in our time, there are sections of the world where such increase is presently occurring. There is no reason to doubt that it can happen again--where we are! God still causes increase! The Spirit never prophesied that God would cease to be such a One! However, He only increases the proper seed that has received the proper water!

PRAYER POINT: Father, in Jesus name, I lift to You the prayer of the prophet Habakkuk. "O LORD, revive Thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy."