"They have corrupted themselves, their spot is not the spot of His children: they are a perverse and crooked generation."  (Deuteronomy 32:5)

There are ways of identifying the children of God and the children of the devil. It is, as our text affirms, possible for the children of God to take unto themselves the characteristics of the world. Israel, chosen by God and for God, came to the place where they were a "perverse and crooked generation." God did not make them that way, and that is not the way they began.

Speaking of their noble beginnings, the Lord said, "Yet I had planted thee a noble vine, wholly a right seed: how then art thou turned into the degenerate plant of a strange vine unto me?" (Jer 2:21). Those who imagine that what God begins cannot possibly revert to a corrupt state need to examine this text. God planted them a noble vine. There was nothing about them that was defective, but they were, in their beginning, "a seed of highest quality"
(NKJV), and "a completely faithful seed" (NASB). Yet, they became a "degenerate plant" (NKJV) and a "corrupt, wild vine" (NIV). It was certainly NOT because of how they began.

Our text goes on to say "their spot is not the spot of His children." Other versions read with remarkable and arresting strength. "They are not His children because of their blemish"
(NKJV). "They are not His children, because of their defect" (NASB), "to their shame they are no longer His children" (NIV). Of course, this contradicts the theology of some. However, it is the expression of the mind of God, and is right in the most precise and exacting sense.

With care the Lord states the case. They were not corrupt because of their dealings with the Lord, but "corrupted themselves." Although they started out as the Lord's people, singularly blessed by Him, yet, because of their own activity, their status was changed.

The reasoning of the Lord is so powerful it takes hold of our hearts. He asks Israel to consider their past – to ask their fathers about it. He states that God separated the sons of Adam, dispersing them throughout the world, and "set the boundaries of the peoples According to the number of the children of Israel" (verse 8). Rather than the nations influencing them, they were chosen to influence the nations. These people were the Lord's "portion" and "the place of His inheritance" (verse 9). Yet, they "corrupted themselves" by acquiring the traits of those whom God had rejected.

Methinks James must have had this passage in mind when he spoke of "pure religion and undefiled before God the Father." He said one of the essential traits of true religion is this, "to keep oneself unspotted from the world"
NKJV (1:27).

      And what may be said of you? What "spot" do you have– what mark of identification do you carry? In the end, God will publicly assess every soul, before an assembled universe of both men and angels. Without exception, all who are received by Him will bear His "spot," and those who are rejected will not. Some of the rejected ones, like Israel of old, will have had a noble beginning in the Spirit, but sought to be made perfect in the flesh (Gal 3:3).

While we await the appointed day of judgment, let us be assured that God has not only planted us a "noble vine," but has provided all of the resources necessary to bring forth fruit that is pleasing to Him (Rom 7:4). There is no reason for anyone in Christ coming short of glory – no reason at all!

PRAYER POINT: Father, I thank You in Jesus name for a noble beginning. I never want to forget it, but rather build upon it, bringing glory to You through a fruitful life.