"I have planted, Apollos watered; but God GAVE THE INCREASE. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that GIVETH THE INCREASE. " (1 Corinthians 3:6-7)

Devotion 15 of 26


    Sowing the seed is not engaging in problem resolution. Pointing out the need for preaching the Word is not sowing the Seed. Giving people wise advice about social, domestic, and political concerns, is not sowing the Seed. What is generally perceived as "counseling," however noble it may appear, is not sowing the Seed. Becoming involved in the personal lives of others doubtless has a place in the lives of God's people. However, the priority is not to be placed on such things. They are, by their very nature, temporal, and are to be conducted within the framework of the greater work of planting and watering the Seed, which is the Word of God.

      This is not to say there is not a place for productive involvements in the lives of others -- especially when they are conducted in the spirit of faith and love. However, these do not constitute the planting and watering which God causes to increase.

      It is true that "all Scripture" is "profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2 Tim 3:16-17). These things are Kingdom essentials, but they are not its heart! The Gospel, or "word of Christ" is what enables "faith," the experiential working element of the kingdom (Rom 10:17, NASB).

      Faith does not come by hearing what the Bible says about marriage, the home, government, or other such interpersonal relationships. God's Word does speak on such matters. However, they are not the hub upon which our relationship to God revolves. It is ever "the Gospel of Christ" that is God's power "unto salvation!" (Rom 1:16), and never man's attempts to correct, what appears to be, misdirected lives. It is the Seed that promotes faith, by which life in all of its aspects can be lived to the glory of God.

    If you have been exposed to preaching for any length of time, you already know the rarity of planting and watering the Word. Men are proclaiming everything from social issues to political freedom. If Barabbas was alive today, I would not doubt he would be invited to speak at some God-and-country rallies! After all, he was an insurrectionist, fighting for the freedom of the Jews from Roman tyranny (Mark 15:7).

      Today, in the Western world, we hear emphases upon family, government, social issues, flagging religious movements, and personal fulfillment. Some are foolish enough to try and support an emphasis of such things with the Word of God. While these things are mentioned in Scripture, however, they are never its focus--never! Faith in God and the hope of the resurrection will never take a back seat to matters pertaining to this world!

      The Seed of the Kingdom has to do with readying people for eternity -- preparing them to make the transition from this world to the world to come. The "increase" that God gives moves people toward a readiness for and anticipation of the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ.

PRAYER POINT: Father, through Jesus Christ, grant me grace and wisdom to be a consistent sower and/or waterer of Your Seed.

-- Tomorrow: A DIVINE EMPHASIS --