"I have planted, Apollos watered; but God GAVE THE INCREASE. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that GIVETH THE INCREASE. " (1 Corinthians 3:6-7)

Devotion 26 of 26

One Final Word

    The thought has occurred to me that some might have been offended by drawing attention to the fact that the word "evangelism" is not in the word of God -- even though it is not. The Greek word "euaggelizo" (preaching) is found several times in New Testament Scriptures -- no less than 89 times. However, that word refers to an activity, not a method -- and there is a vast difference between the two (Rom 10:15; 1 Cor 1:17; Eph 3:8; 1 Pet 1:12).

      Preaching is proclaiming, or announcing, accomplished realities. It is declaring or affirming a message, and particularly relates to the "report" of the Gospel of Christ. You can preach Christ, repentance, and remission of sins, but you cannot properly preach a strategy!

    The contemporary use of the word "evangelism" represents a mode of thought, and speaks more of human strategy than involvement with the Living God. Those who represent the Lord are obligated to speak as He did. No person speaking in behalf of Christ is at liberty to develop a unique nomenclature, and then bind it upon the people of God.

    The modern concept of "evangelism" is more related to duty than privilege, and is generally not perceived as the result of spiritual insight. If you have been in Christ for any length of time, you have probably heard of "personal evangelism," although that expression is not found in any English version of the Scripture. More recent translations of Scripture have references to personal "advisor" (Gen 26:26), "servant" (2 Sam 13:17), "vows" (2 Kgs 12:4), "treasures" (2 Chron 29:3), and "attendants" (Esth 2:2). Never do they refer to "personal evangelism." That is an expression coined and distributed by men, not God.

      I understand all of this may appear quite unnecessary and unproductive. And, indeed, it would be if the people of God did not have such terminology laid upon their conscience, and then judged by their conformity to the concepts related with it. What we have is a new religion on our hands. It allows people to wear the name of Jesus and be identified with the God of heaven, yet remain uninvolved in seeking to influence others for Christ. Thus an artificial means of increase is sought to stimulate an otherwise lethargic church.

      However, the truth remains that "God gives the increase" where His Word is both sown and watered. That is the manner of the Kingdom. There may be times when that Word is rejected, necessitating that the proclaimer depart (Acts 13:46). There may very well be regions like Chorazin and Bethsaida, that could not even be moved by the Son of the Living God (Matt 11:21). No amount of canned strategies can correct those situations. However, the faithful sower will also find individuals like the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:27-39), Lydia (Acts 16:14-15), and the Philippian jailor (Acts 16:27-34) in whom the increase of God will be revealed. There will also be cities like Samaria where Divine increase will be realized (Acts 8;5-8).

      It is ever true, "He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him" (Psa 126:6). There will come an eventual time of reaping for the sower, as well as for the reaper. God will give the increase when right seed is sown and watered, and He will reward those who have faithfully dispensed and watered His seed.

      I have labored to show you a glorious truth: God causes increase! He uses means, but He alone brings the increase. The good Seed of God's Word must be planted in the hearts and consciences of men in order for true increase to occur. That Seed must be nourished by exposition and clarification in order for increase to happen. Any expansion that occurs without the Word of God is not recognized by heaven, and has not come from God. It may be impressive, but it is not eternal, nor will it be rewarded by the Lord Jesus when He comes again.

    Let the people of God return to a regular diet of God's Word. Let ministers preach the Word, showing the greatness of the Lord and His salvation. Let the entertainers return to their homes. The body of Christ does not need distraction, but edification. Let the people of God demand to be fed the good Word of God; to be "constantly nourished on the words of the faith and of the sound doctrine" (1 Tim 4:6). If ignorance must exist, let it not be in the area of redemption! God will bring increase where these things are faithfully done.

PRAYER POINT: Father, in the name of Jesus, send forth laborers into Your harvest -- laborers who will sow, water, and reap for Your glory.

-- Tomorrow: New Series, LEAVING THE FIRST PRINCIPLES --