"Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils" -- 1 Corinthians 10:21

Devotion 14 of  14


      The night Jesus was betrayed, He ate the bread and drank the cup with His disciples. He knew what was occurring, but they did not. He promised them, however, that He would drink of the fruit of the vine in a new sense with them in His Father's kingdom. His words are arresting. "But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father's kingdom" (Matt 26:29, NASB).

    Do not suppose that He was speaking only of the world to come--the glory. He said He would drink of "THIS fruit of the vine . . . " in a new sense. When we remember Jesus, He is in our presence! Never are we more gathered together in His name than when we sit at His table! He is there with us, ministering to us, and strengthening us. Only a few of the "members" of His body are with us, but all of Jesus is with us!

    Some have questioned whether or not we will partake of the Lord's table in glory. The Word does not speak specifically to this matter. I can see, however, how this would be possible. Throughout eternity, we shall never forget why we are with the Lord! It was because of a vicarious atonement, offered "once," but effectively, for the entire world. I cannot conceive of that ever growing old. Whether or not that will involve some form of eating at this table, I do not know. However, in this world, remembering Jesus in an effective and profitable manner IS related to this table.

    In the meantime, however, Jesus has spoken about this ordinance, and instructed Paul to tell the church about it. This was part of the personal instruction he received from the Lord (1 Cor 11:23ff). Let us keep the feast with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. Let us do so in memory of the One that took away our sin, destroyed our adversary, and opened heaven to us! The early church continued "steadfastly" in its observance of this table (Acts 2:41), and we do well to do the same.

      The Christian community is shamefully divided over this wonderful ordinance. Divisions exist over the substance in the cup, as well as the number of cups to be used. Others have divided over what happens to the bread and the cup when they are blessed, and other such things. The existence of such divisions is a reproach to Christ, and has reduced Him in the minds of those who chose to argue about this table rather than sit at it.

      Still others have divided over the frequency of our participation at this table. Some choose to partake of it monthly, quarterly, and even annually. The Scriptures remind us that early believers did so at least weekly (Acts 20:7), and, in the beginning, possibly every day (Acts 2:46). I suggest that choosing to remember Christ infrequently puts one in a position that is not enviable. I question that faith can be sustained without such a remembrance, or that the human intellect is capable of summoning Jesus to consistent remembrance without sitting at the table He ordained. Also, what kind of reasoning could support having to deny the devil's table. which is placed before regularly, while participating in the Lord's table irregularly?

      It is the business of the church to attach meaning to this table. That is what Jesus did when He ordained it. Let sensitivity, understanding, and holy recollection be found when we gather around this table.

PRAYER POINT: Father, thank You for the privilege of remembering Your son with joy and eternal benefit. In His name, grant that this will become more powerful among those who bear Your name.

-- Tomorrow, New Series: THE CURRENT REIGN OF JESUS --