One of the primary things for which our churches are noted is the Lord's Table. Every Lord's day congregations around the world meet together to break bread and drink the fruit of the vine. It is a noble activity, supported and encouraged by the Word of God. Here we commune with the body and blood of our Lord (1 Cor. 10:16). We also proclaim the Lord's until He come (1 Cor. 11:26). Personal dedication takes place at this table, because we cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils (1 Cor. 10:21).

In spite of these things, our churches are not known for clear and forthright teachings and meditations around the Lord's table. My experience has confirmed that, as a rule, we have some very unacceptable presentations at this time. Often nothing at all is said, and people that are visiting do not even know what is happening. Although most of our churches are not advocates of "closed communion," that is, for all practical purposes, what we practice. Too often, prayers said at the table cannot be heard by the audience, and those that can be heard are frequently not worth hearing.

The Table is an excellent time to proclaim the death of our Lord. This is an activity of remembrance, and our memories of Jesus are to be stirred and challenged. Nothing should be said at this time that makes it difficult to recall our blessed Lord. Certainly nothing should be said that makes it difficult to think upon our Lord's death in our behalf. I have often had to overcome things said at the Lord's table to think upon Christ. This is not the place for a discourse on the beauty of nature, a challenge for the church to win souls, or an exhortation to have good families. These are all good things, but they are out of order at the Lord's table.