A Guide to Early Church Documents -- Canonical, Early Church Fathers, Patristic
Texts, and many other documents for your review. http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/christian-history.html
THE FIRE OF DEVOTION -- Material from The Living Word National Museum. Traces the
history of our English Bible with accuracy and spiritual challenge. http://www.flash.net/~bibleetc/
Asahel Nettleton: Sermons From the Second Great Awakening--A featured site from the
Hall of Church History. http://home.navisoft.com/outreach/Nettleton.html
Christians Classical Ethereal Library--A host of good historical information.
Includes church fathers and other study aids. http://ccel.wheaton.edu/
Dead Sea Scolls -- Good site for those pursuing this subject. http://sunsite.unc.edu/expo
Documents of the Roman Catholic Church -- The Council, of Trent, Second Vatican
Council, Encyclicals, and other Papal documents. http://listserv.american.edu/catholic/church/church.html
Genevan Institute for Reformed Studies -- Founded to provide a center where
committed reformed scholars and students can work together to study and do research in
areas related to the historic reformed faith and its application to contemporary
situations. http://www.girs.com/
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible -- That is right! Access this
historic work. Provides excellent overview of Divine economy. http://ccel.wheaton.edu/henry/mhc/mhc.html
Project Wittenburg -- Project Wittenberg is home to works by and about Martin Luther
and other Lutherans. Here you will find all manner of texts from short quotations to
commentaries, hymns to statements of faith, theological treatises to biographies, and
links to other places where words and images from the history of Lutheranism live. http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/wittenberg/wittenberg-home.html
Sola Scriptura! -- A Reformed Theology Resource. An excellent site for reviewing the
roots of the Reformed movement, together with the sub-movements that sprang from it. The
discovery of significant truths occurred during this time. http://www.bridge.net/~mikebrem/sola.htm
The Scriptorium Center for Christian Antiquities -- For the probing mind that wants
to view the historicity of the Christian faith. http://www.website1.com/~Scriptorium/home.html
The First Apology of Justin--A vintage document that has stood the test of time.
Here is how holy men of old thought. Written in 150 A.D. http://www.gospelcom.net/chi/glimpses/brochure.html
The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians--These are the words of a disciple
of both Paul and Peter. His letter to the Corinthians covered urgent matters. http://www.gospelcom.net/chi/glimpses/clementone.html
The Persecution & Martyrdoms of Lyons In 177 A.D--Heart-rending accounts the
price for believing in a prior day. Believers do well to acquaint themselves with accounts
of this sort. They are vivid, and they are condemning of lukewarmness. http://www.gospelcom.net/chi/glimpses/lyons.html
The Works of John Calvin -- Peruse the expressions of a most controversial figure in
church history. You will find much to challenge your thinking. http://ccel.wheaton.edu/calvin/
issues in the sixth century. It is remarkable how the issues have changed very little in
our time. http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/history/council.2constan.txt
THE SPURGEON ARCHIVE. The prince of preachers still has much to say today! http://www.spurgeon.org
ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL CHURCH HISTORY TIMELINE, Traces major Christian events from the
2nd through the 15th century. http://mo.net/~mcurtis/church-history/timeline.htm
THE HALL OF CHURCH HISTORY, An abundance of historical reference material. You can
spend a lot of profitable time here, thanks to brother Phil Johnson. http://gty.org/~phil/hall.htm
FIRE AND ICE, Puritan and Reform Writings. An excellent resource for those with a
longing for the sobriety and straightforwardness that characterized the
Puritans--something that surely needs to be restored. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/WCarson/
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