Forum for Generic Christians--For the exchange of messages, Bible study, prayer
requests, and messages of encouragement. http://www.wingnet.com/generic
Jack Van Impe Ministries--Evaluate a popular site http://www.jvim.com
Sermon and Sermon-Lectionary Resources -- A variety of offerings for the student.
Here you can access materials about divers theological persuasions that will be helpful in
dealing with people steeped in legalism. http://kanservu.ca/~fairchild/sermon.html
Spiritual Warfare Ministries--A variety of offerings you will find very profitable. http://www.sw-mins.org
THE CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY PAGE -- Superb site! Access listings of Christian Colleges,
Theological publications, Historical writings, etc. http://apu.edu/~bstone/theology/theology.html
Hot Links to the Web - Resources for those ministeering to Youth or Adults. A
Variety of resources made available to you. http://www.grouppublishing.com
WORDNET, A remarkably diverse website. Includes access to radio, charitable,
literary, friendship, computing, travel, and many other aspects of Christian ministry. http://www.netlink.co.uk/users/aduncan/wordnet.html
NEW LIFE MINISTRIES, A site driven by men who are under conviction to obey the
teaching of Matthew 5:27-30 that mental adultery is just as serious as physical adultery.
An aggressive ministry, with teatimonies of victory. http://members.aol.com/newlifemn/home.html
AMERICAN REHABILITATION MINISTRIES - A unique prison ministry, headed up by my good
friend Joe Garman. One of the key features of this site is their correspondence school for
prisoners. Over 11,000 current students are taking advantage this accredited Bible
education. http://arm.org
ESPECIALLY FOR PROTESTANTS, Orthodox Christian Information Center, A great number of
excellent historical articles. You will some documents here that are very difficult to
find anywhere else. http://www.accessone.com/~bbarnes/articles.htm
CHRISTIAN HIGHSCHOOL MOVEMENT, A site developed by Christian students for focusing
attention of Christianity in our schools. A noble work. http://www.chm-national.com/
CHRISTIAN SINGLES AUSTRALIA, The Official Home Page of #ChristianSingles,
an irc Chat channel for... you guessed it!!! Christians who are single!! Performing a
valuable service for a neglected segment of the body. http://www.eisa.net.au/~peteri/
Theophilus' World (cartoons with a point). A site devoted to making
provocative points with cartoons. http://www.theophilus.org
Christian Connection Pen Pal Newsletter, Christian Connection is a postal pen pal
newsletter for pen pals who want to share the Lord's Word! http://www.angelfire.com/az/ChristianPals/
WHITE FIELDS OVERSEAS EVANGELISM. A site updating you on the activity of this
innovative team of believers. They specialize in preaching the Gospel in virgin territory.
HELPING HANDS MINISTRY, A faithful servant of God introduces you to his labors in
Mexico. Opportunities for trips and sharing are provided for those who are interested. http://members.tripod.com/~helpinghands/home.htm
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