Christian Home School Forum - Helpful articles, tips on getting started in Home
Schooling, and other valuable aids. http://www.gocin.com/homeschool/
CHRISTIAN EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION INTL, Great resource for teachers, parents,
legislators, and concerned citizens. A tremendous amount of useful information and links
related to school choice, home schooling, etc.
CHRISTIAN HOME SCHOOLING FORUM, Many helpful tips for the home schooler. http://www.gocin.com/Homeschool/
COVENANT HOME' CURRICULUM'S WEB SITE, Providers of a full, eclectic, K-12 curriculum
for home educators. Valuable materials. http://www.covenanthome.com/
NASCO, Leading supplier of home schooling materials and supplies. http://www.nascofa.com/
THE YOUNG WRITER'S CLUB, Provision for your children to join a writer's club and see
their articles on-line. http://www.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/~david/derya/ywc.html
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