Academic Political Science
Papers on Church-State Issues - examining religious liberty, the separation of church
and state, the establishment clause, school prayer and other issues.
Genesis - study of the biblidal concepts related to American law and first
Baylor University -
Church-State Studies - dedicated to the study of church-state relations and religious
liberty in a university setting. Publisher of the only academic journal dedicated to
church-state relations.
Culture Wars 101 - objective,
online tour of the American culture wars over abortion, homosexuality, the separation of
church and state and more. News stories are added daily.
EagleCross Alliance - Christian
political organization dedicated to returning our government to the Biblical values and
principles upon which it was founded.
Freedom From Religion Foundation -
works to keep state and church separate and to educate the public about the views of
Intolerance Expo '97
- about the controversy over Etowah County Judge Roy Moore's refusal to cease opening
court sessions with prayer and other issues of separation of church and state.
National Secular Society -
Britain's secular organisation, campaigning for the separation of Church and State.
Religion in Politics (ISRP) - dedicated to the
analysis, study and dissemination of info relating to the intrusion of religion in
Spirituality and Politics
- site dedicated to the continuing pursuits of combining the common virtues of all major
religions with public policy.
Theonomy & Theocracy
- a biweekly journal refuting Christian Reconstructionism, dominion theology, and
Web Directory: Social issues and
religious opinion - web resources related to gay rights, reproductive freedom,
separation of church and state, and the diversity of religious opinion.
Zealot Watch - an
information exchange about evangelical Christian activism in British politics.