- Bible Browser
To view the biblical passage of your choice, enter its book, chapter, and verse
- Bible Gateway Search the
Bible online in different versions and languages, for passages and translations.
- Bible: Revised Standard Version
Perform a variety of searches on this online Bible.
- Full-text Bibles and
Other Scriptures on the Internet Focus on Electronic Information, February
1997 issue, listing full-text bibles and other scriptures on the Internet.
- United Methodist
Disciple Bible Study Resources Includes scripture, charts, maps, outlines,
summaries, sermons, bible dictionaries and books.
- ARTFL Project: Bibles
Browse the Bible in different languages--French, the German Revidierte Elberfelder
Bibel, Jerome's Latin Vulgate and King James English.
- Audio Bible The King James
Version narrated by Alexander Scourby is online,
- Bibleshop A collection of
multimedia programs and related items with Bible as the main theme.
- Interpreting
Ancient Manuscripts An introduction to the study of ancient manuscripts that
are the basis of the New Testament.
- Lectio Divina
From the Order of Saint Benedict, a directory to the Bible and Christian authors.
- Mustard Media
Sight and sounds for children and young adults. Download a multimedia intro to the
- New International Version(NIV)
Bibles History of the NIV Bible, which in 1986, it surpassed the King James
Bible as the most popular English-language Bible available.
- Treasures of Saxon State
Library: The Bible A collection of about 2,800 editions of the Bible in
seventy-two languages.
- World Wide Study Bible
Comprehensive reference to the Bible--Old Testament, Apocrypha and New Testament, with
different versions, reference dictionary and commentary.
- Bible Quiz
Designed to give youth fun competition and a solid foundation in the Bible.
- The Most Incredible
Book Ever Written By Pastor Kyle Stephens of Blessed Hope Baptist Church,
Coon Rapids, Minnesota, USA.