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  1. Bible Browser   To view the biblical passage of your choice, enter its book, chapter, and verse reference.
  2. Bible Gateway  Search the Bible online in different versions and languages, for passages and translations.
  3. Bible: Revised Standard Version   Perform a variety of searches on this online Bible.
  4. Full-text Bibles and Other Scriptures on the Internet  Focus on Electronic Information, February 1997 issue, listing full-text bibles and other scriptures on the Internet.
  5. United Methodist Disciple Bible Study Resources  Includes scripture, charts, maps, outlines, summaries, sermons, bible dictionaries and books.
  6. ARTFL Project: Bibles   Browse the Bible in different languages--French, the German Revidierte Elberfelder Bibel, Jerome's Latin Vulgate and King James English.
  7. Audio Bible  The King James Version narrated by Alexander Scourby is online,
  8. Bibleshop  A collection of multimedia programs and related items with Bible as the main theme.
  9. Interpreting Ancient Manuscripts  An introduction to the study of ancient manuscripts that are the basis of the New Testament.
  10. Lectio Divina   From the Order of Saint Benedict, a directory to the Bible and Christian authors.
  11. Mustard Media   Sight and sounds for children and young adults. Download a multimedia intro to the Bible.
  12. New International Version(NIV) Bibles  History of the NIV Bible, which in 1986, it surpassed the King James Bible as the most popular English-language Bible available.
  13. Treasures of Saxon State Library: The Bible  A collection of about 2,800 editions of the Bible in seventy-two languages.
  14. World Wide Study Bible   Comprehensive reference to the Bible--Old Testament, Apocrypha and New Testament, with different versions, reference dictionary and commentary.
  15. Bible Quiz   Designed to give youth fun competition and a solid foundation in the Bible.
  16. The Most Incredible Book Ever Written  By Pastor Kyle Stephens of Blessed Hope Baptist Church, Coon Rapids, Minnesota, USA.