Are these alleged codes for real?

Isaac newton thought so. Check the links below and you decide!



  1. The End of All Flesh Cryptogram matrix (gif) by Victor Pereira of Portugal (June 13, 1999)
    An artistic and beautifully done matrix.

  2. God and Jesus are One matrix (gif) by Victor Pereira of Portugal (June 13, 1999)
    Another beautifully done matrix by Victor.

  3. Ehud Barak's election as Prime Minister (gif) by Dr. Asali Zaki of Italy (May 18, 1999)
    Matrix done 30 days prior to the election that showed Barak becoming Prime Minister.

  4. Ehud Barak election as Prime Minister (gif) by anonymous (May 18, 1999)
    Matrix done two weeks prior to the election that showed Barak becoming Prime Minister.

  5. Littleton, Colorado Shootings (gif) by J.W. Embry
    Terms related to the April, 1999 shootings at Columbine High School.

  6. Kosovo/Serbia matrix (gif) by Asalli Zaki from Italy
    Some terms that may relate to the present NATO action in Kosovo.

  7. Dead Sea Scrolls (gif) by Asalli Zaki from Italy
    Terms related to the Dead Sea Scrolls from Qumran.

  8. Rabbi Joseph Teomim (gif)
    From the Great Rabbis experiment in the book of Genesis.

  9. Arsenic by Kevin Acres from Australia (gif)
    Terms related to arsenic.

  10. Desert Storm war (gif)
    A small matrix on the 1990/1 war.

  11. The Lord is God matrix (gif) by Victor Pereira from Portugal
    Center term and surrounding terms about God.

  12. Nairobi Embassy Bombing (August 1998) (gif)
    27 terms with some appearing multiple times. Used on the TV program, Secrets of the Bible Code Revealed, although they only showed part of it. Names, dates, time of bombing, truck bomb, type of truck, etc. This is an example of a valid Hebrew codes matrix.

  13. Hydrocarbon matrix (gif) by Kevin Acres
    Small matrix on use of hydrocarbon products.

  14. Large Hydrocarbon matrix (gif) by Roy Reinhold & Kevin Acres
    Uses of oil & oil products, 14 terms

  15. Hebrew Letters & Letters as Numbers (a pdf file that requires Acrobat Reader & browser plug-in)
    The pdf file shows the 22 Hebrew letters, what they look like in Hebrew, the standard keyboard keys for the Hebrew letters, and their values as numbers. I also show how to use letters as numbers and how to do the years in the codes using letters.

  16. Unbiased Comparison of All Hebrew Bible Code Software Programs. Compares all Bible codes software programs for the PC (some old and slow DOS programs not evaluated).
