The Lord’s Supper is a blessing because Jesus is a
By nature, men are blind to the truth.
We can see beyond understanding.
Jesus devoted Himself to doing the will of God. (4/27)
By faith we encourage people to go on to a better world.
When we take the Lord’s Supper, we are declaring the Lord’s death until He comes. (11/17)
Jesus knew He was on a mission to die. (11/17)
Jesus is no longer with us in the flesh, but we recall His Word and His good example. (12/15)
If you do the Lord’s desire, you will store up treasure in heaven.(12/15)
The tree of the earth does not multiply its fruit. (12/15)
The more you please the Lord, the more treasures you have in heaven. (12/15)
If we stay strong in the truth, nothing can interfere with our relationship with God.
Some people cannot help themselves -- but God can help them.
The Lord is with us in every turn of life.
Hearing the words of the Lord will enable us to influence one another for Christ.
We need to dedicate every day of our lives to the Lord.
Adam and Eve did not have to eat the fruit. They chose to do so.
When we confront sin, we should strike it down, like David did Goliath.
When men seek to turn us away from God, the answer is simple. "From such, turn away."
God wants us to have the mind of Christ.
Jesus was on a mission to save the world.
Nothing in this world can impair the things of heaven.
Longing for the Lord is preparing for the judgment day.
If we are ready for the judgment day, we will be saved.
Longing for the lord keeps us close to the Lord.