In order for the LORD to be glorified, His labors
must not be in vain.
The LORD can withhold understanding.
We are in Christ, and there will be none closer to GOD because we are in Him.
Our faith is a project that GOD has undertaken in us.
The LORD sets a reward before us to keep us focused.
We want to fill up our measure here so we can receive the full reward there.
The world has been set up as an arena in which GOD grows His children. It will
only be used for one reason and our specified length in it is our growth time.
Our lot in this time is to remain in the world while separate from it.
Just a surely as we have tribulation, we have the peace that overcomes the
GOD, who gave us faith, is able to sustain and finish it.
The remnant are those who are separated from this world, whom the LORD has
Both the inheritors and the inheritance are being kept.
The Lord can open or close our eyes. It is a matter of His judgment that reveals the condition of our hearts.
We were not able to avail ourselves of the water of life until God opened our eyes.
Above all we are called to be followers of God.
The standard of perfection is Christ. Only those who seek for perfection now will be granted it in the end.
Pressing toward the mark will be met by opposition.
What we have gained from the Lord is not to be left behind. We are to add to those things.
For those who have died, all hope in this world has passed away.
We wait for the day when nothing will remain in us to distract us from the Lord.
Those who have no faith have no hope.
We are in God's image. Rather than a superscription as on Caesar's coin, this is an inscription.
It is only reasonable that we offer our bodies to God, seeing we belong to Him.
We are being perfected for the day when "the goods" will be presented to the Lord.
1. A ready mind clears the mind so nothing interferes with receiving God’s Word. (5/12)
2. Just as rain falls upon the earth to refresh it, so we can depend upon the Lord to refresh our spirits. (10/6)
3. Doing all unto the Lord has a sanctifying effect upon our mind. (10/6)
4. Christ’s promise to be with us is personal as well as collective. He is with us collectively because we have walked with Him personally. (10/20)
5. My desire is that those who see us will have no other alternative but to glorify God because of us. (11/3)
6. At the point we were reconciled to God, we became enemies to Satan and the world. (11/3)
7. In Samuel’s day the Word was seen as it really is – "precious." (11/17)
8. Revelation of the Word of God brings the revelation of God Himself. He reveals Himself by the Word. (11/17)
9. Any one who comes to the Lord with a desire to know Him will not come away empty. (11/17)
10. There is only one explanation for the love of the brethren. This is the Lord’s doing. (11/24)
11. The end result of being knit together is to be a habitation of God through the Spirit. (11/24)
12. Now, it is not known that God is just in all His doing. But in the day of the Lord, it will be abundantly clear. (12/15)
13.As long as we are in the Son, He will not take from us what He has promised. The door will not be shut to such people.
14. The Rock following us is not the ultimate benefit, but us following the Rock – or being led to it. (12/22)
15. If we are being led by this Rock, we will be able to build upon it. (12/22)
16. A whole nation was spared because of the intercession of Moses. (1/19/03)
17. When David sinned, he knew who it was against, and the amends that were necessary. (1/19/03).
18. When live in an age when more has been given by God. It is therefore expected that those living in this age should excel. (1/19/03).
19. If we can "see" the great cloud of witnesses around us, we can profit from them. (1/26/03).
20. Eating what the Lord has given may be sweet at first, but if often is bitter afterwards. (2/2/03).
21. What the Lord gives us must be pondered in order to be benefited by it. In causing our belly to eat, we gain the nutrients.
Being c hanged into Christ's image involves being conformed to the very image of God.
What is temporal cannot be conformed to the image of God.
Whatever the Lord has for us, we can rejoice in His goodness.
Believers can testify they are satisfied with God's goodness.
What we have by faith is unimaginable.
The only way the Word will help us is if we mix it with the substance and evidence of faith.
As long as we have this hope, we are steadfast and anchored.
We will not always have to fight with the flesh. Someday we will receive a glorious body.
Having this one hope brings purifying effects.
Now, in Christ, we are living in a shorter version of eternity.
I am joyful when I think of being presented blameless to Him.
We want to have our hearts open to receive the things of God.
Being in the presence of the Lord sharpens us, and enables us to mortify our members that are on the earth,
The only reason believers are a body is because of Jesus and what He has done.
God's power is now toward us and works in us.
The Spirit will often use the Word we have hidden in our hearts.
Just a little of God's Word will enrich us. Imagine what will happen when it dwells in us richly!
We bear fruit to God as a result of being with Him.
Whatever fruit comes out of us is the result of what is in our hearts.
Fruit is the result of faith.
They took note of Peter and John by seeing their fruit, concluding they had been with Jesus.
Once we were deaf, even though we have ears, and blind even though we had eyes.
The Lord calls to the part of us in which He has done a good work.
We are called to not only listen, but to meditate on what we have heard.
When the lord has our ears, He will give us promises to give us incentive.
Our salvation is the result of God thinking upon us.
Having an idle mind is truly a detriment to me.
Thinking upon the ways of the Lord is beneficial as well as necessary.
When we consider the works of the Lord, we make ourselves available to be used by Him.
The Lord does not throw a blessing to us. We must be close enough to receive it.
To cleanse our heart is to cleanse our motives and thoughts.
Whether we stand or fall is according to our faith, or lack thereof.
Seeing that what we receive is by faith, it is in order to ask, "Increase our faith."
I was agitated when I thought of many leaving Jesus in the manger.
The work Christ finished was given to Him before the foundation of the world.
Even though the days are evil, we can redeem the time.
When the Lord sends us, he will give us the resources we need.
Because only those commended by god are approved, it is foolish to seek the approval of men.
The Gospel does not depend upon man, and is not in conformance to man.
We have senses that are not physical that can be trained.
Trained senses can detect the other law in our members that wars against the law of our mind.
It made be glad to hear that Jacob referred to his life as the days of his pilgrimage.
it is good to confess to one another, and to all men, that we are strangers in the world.
Like Noah, we have been warned of things to come, and are working out our salvation with fear and trembling.
At some point, all of our enemies will be silent before us.
Any tendency to trust something other than God must be resolved.
One of the natural outcomes of being spiritually happy is to sing praises.
Once we saw that we were unclean, we were forward to come to the Lord.
The Lord ministers the seed to us that we sow.
The Lord multiplies the seed we sow so that the is equal to the sowing of much more seed. Disproportionate fruit is therefore reaped.
"Sin, righteousness, and judgment are a very large spectrum, pretty much entailing all of our lives."
"What better Helper to guide us into the truth than the Spirit of truth!"
"When the Spirit indwells us, we also will bear witness of Christ."
"Continuing in the Word is a confirmation as well as a requirement."
"Because Jesus is the Forerunner, we fix our eyes on Him."
"We look to Jesus, because He is our Hope--the Hope that is 'within the veil.'"
"If things in this world 'continue,' how much more will the things of the Kingdom continue--eternally!"
"At the name of Jesus, every knee will bow and every tongue confess. This shows the greatness of His name."
"Jesus has done, and will do, nothing except what honors the Father."
"We are joyful because we serve a living Savior."
"If we do not have confidence, we will not draw near to obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need."
"If we do not have confidence, we will eventually shrink away from God."
"It is encouraging to the saints of God to speak of tribulation, because through it we enter into the kingdom of God."
"Because we are partakers of tribulation, we also are partakers of the Kingdom."
"The Lord has given us a great hope, part of which is our reward."
"Our present rewards are only in part. the greater reward is yet to come."
"We will receive our reward from the Lord Himself, who is our inheritance."
"The promise brings hope to the believer."
"God has given us everything pertaining to life and godliness. We only have to avail ourselves of them."
"The Lord is very pleased when we take advantage of His gifts."
"All of God's gifts are designed to bring us to the greatest gift, which is eternal life."
"God has given us tools, and the ability to use them, in order to live godly."
"Because the end of all things is at hand, we need to be diligent in encouraging one another."
"Grace will get us through all of the things attending Christ's return."
"Jesus takes great joy in those who are confident in Him."
"The Lord gives us incentives for seeking."
"In view of our birth from God, the only reasonable thing for us to do is to live to the will of God."
"In this world we can show forth the good and acceptable and perfect will of God."
"Of we do the will of God, we are Christ's brethren."
"We are not on our own in our prayers. We have help from the earnest of the Spirit."