All the Godhead is for us.
We would not know of overcoming if GOD had not revealed it.
It is good to be resolved to extol the Lord.
God's benefits should be an occasion for praise and thanksgiving.
When Paul and Silas sang, the prisoners heard them, but the jailor did not. He was awakened by an earthquake.
1. When we examine ourselves as we are admonished, we can know the truth about our condition. (4/28)
2. If we are grieved with the condition of the professed church, how much more is the lord grieved. (10/13)
3. By necessity, the man who lives by faith needs new and fresh bread daily. (6/9)
4.The word mixed with faith will develop an appetite for heavenly manna. (6/9)
5. Light has penetrated our hearts, diffusing light into every corner of them. (9/8)
6. A willing mind is a consenting one. (9/8)
7.In our spiritual life, we have a stewardship over our thoughts. (9/8)
8. We cannot go our own way and arrive at a good place. (10/13)
9. The early church picked the refrain of Divine goodness and proclaimed it (2/9/03)
10. The riches of God’s goodness is a storehouse for us (2/9/03).
11. God did not change Moses’ name. It suited him precisely. (2/16/03)
12. Moses did not suffer the curses of Egypt, even though he was raised there. (2/16/03)
When our prayers mean something to us, they will also mean something to God.
We have not been called to a work into which we cannot enter.
Prayer is taking hold of God's willingness to show us His will.
In Christ, the church has enough bread for the whole world.
We have been joined to God in through Christ, and have entered into a very large work.
God is always on the initiative to help us. it is His nature to bless.
In our pilgrimage, we need the assistance that comes from the Lord.
God's work is done in God's way.
Let us make full use of the provisions God has given us in Christ Jesus.
Our spiritual armor perfectly fits our needs.
We have been called to a specific cause.
In Scripture, there are many noteworthy man and women for our example.
There is an expected end to all battles.
Some of our warfare requires much mental and physical effort.
When God's Word is hidden in our hearts, we have ample protection.
We want God's Word to be what disciplines our day.
The purpose for sowing and planting is reaping and gathering.
As long as the Lord tarries, what he has given remains for our use.
Man can bring about more for himself than he is able to bear.
Without Christ, we would be vagabonds like Cain.
Noah rode upon the watery grave.
Joseph had not planted in Egypt, but he did some great reaping there.
It will not be long until we will reach our expected end.
Whatever God creates, he provides for.
Only those who feed on Jesus live forever.
We are nourished by those to whom we are connected.
Only our Lord Jesus could bring us close enough to god to be nourished by Him.
We need all of the Godhead to assist us in overcoming the flesh.
Toils are not difficult when Jesus is in the boat with us.
Sometimes it appears as though we gather but a little. but at the word of the Master, we can gather much.
We have been warned about things not yet seen.
If Joseph saw God's hand for him in the land of affliction, we should be able to see it also.
God always has a purpose in speaking to His people.
When God's glory is taken from us, he is no longer with us.
By faith we see the enthroned Savior, who has brought us near by His blood.
Jesus is Himself the Ransom and the Redeemer.
"Any words that are watered down or glossed over are idle words."
"Some words are so weighty the people have to be lifted up before they can receive them.
"Some assemblies choose to emphasis the lesser things in order that they may attract more people. Too often only a part of the truth is spoken, with the weightier part being omitted.
"Sin creates a debt to God."
"If we cannot forgive one another, we should not expect God to forgive us."
"God makes a way of escape from temptation for us. We must look for it."
"Our physical nourishment is in order that we might serve the Lord."
"God has orchestrated creation so that continual praise can go up to Him from around the world."
"Being as a little child involves tenderness. A child has not yet been hardened by the experiences of life."
"If you fill your mind with the Word of God, you will have a large arsenal on which the Spirit will draw, bringing it to your remembrance."
"Sometimes fasting involves refusing to sleep--spending all night in prayer.
"God has not given us something to do that is not doable.
"Going to the assembly is like going to the market place for exchange."
"We have but a short time to serve our generation well."
"We are to be wiser than the one who seeks to bring us down."
"David understood more about the things of God than many in the professed church today."
"No matter where we are in life, there is still room for forgiveness."
"God has given us a provision for cleansing from sin. We want to be quick to acknowledge and accept it."
"Sorrow comes in many forms, but it does not need to come because of our sinful state."
"You cannot serve God by a formula or routine."
"Faith reasons on trials and leans upon the Lord."
"Second Samuel 22:1 says, 'And David spoke unto the Lord.' I like that!"
"There are people who profess faith, yet do not have the possession of it."
"A lack of forgiveness is evidence of a hard heart."
"Whenever God, Christ, or the Spirit speaks, none can prevent it."
"The promises and blessings of the Lord are received in coming to the Lord."
"Our transformation continually holds out promise."