Truth is an environment where you
do a lot of thinking.
All false teaching, emphasis and all error can be traced back to a fundamental
ignorance of Christ.
Your chief asset is your heart.
GOD’s kingdom is primarily known by the changing of people; changing their minds
and hearts.
The prevailing proof of ignorance is the absence of Jesus.
Salvation is driven by an acute awareness of GOD and His purpose.
Jesus cannot work and nobody know anything was done.
A working Jesus becomes a known Jesus.
If you get to the right place, you will think the right thoughts.
In the miracles we are acquainted with the nature and power of Jesus.
It is not whether people can see your faith, it is if you have faith; a city set
oh a hill cannot be hid.
Hard to get to Jesus is not the same as Can’t get to Jesus.
Faith never escapes the attention of Christ.
Although flesh objects, Jesus always has the last word.
There is a new creation to which GOD speaks exclusively.
GOD did not make man for casual friendship.
GOD is not going to confirm Himself to you in the part of you He has cursed
(your body).
Faith pleads for sight to be able to see.
There is an enormous penalty to living on the surface of life.
Faith is strong, but it takes trouble to confirm it.
This matter of being certain of the end is very critical.
When Christ holds out the scepter of acceptance to an individual and he refuses
it, he is put in a situation from which deliverance is impossible.
What is made in GOD’s image responds in like manner as He does.
GOD is governing the world in regard to us.
The closer you get to GOD, the less you focus is about you.
Satan never changes his purpose.
Trials all have an end.
If there is not a personal reliance on Jesus, nothing else counts.
Death belongs to us, we don’t belong to it.
If you get distracted, you’re like a big open door to Satan.
If you can see beyond death it is not intimidating.