Last Updated 05/08/03 10:29:34 PM


There are wrong ways to eat the Lord's Supper. (1) Treat it as an ordinary meal, without respect to the others -- despising the church of God. (2) Doing so unworthily. (3) Eating with divisions among us.

There are right ways to eat the Lord's Supper. (1)In remembrance of Christ Jesus. (2) In great humility because our sins necessitated Christ's death. (3) Filled with thanksgiving that God so loved us. (4) In dedication to serve Christ.

Our hearts are not sprinkled with water, but with the blood of Christ.

Christ offered Himself as a perfect sacrifice, and thus did so only one time.

The more we can envision Christ upon the cross, the better we will be.

The very nature of God is holy, holy, holy.

God delights to show mercy. May we bring great delight to God by receiving that mercy.

God's very holiness requires that He hate sin.

God loves for us to repent, for then he can have mercy upon us.

God's wrath is waiting for those who finally and completely reject Christ.

God would rather forgive than to destroy.

Joy is one of the greatest things we can experience.

it is difficult to measure joy.

It is reassuring to know we have a great High Priest who is taking our part.

If we do not show compassion, we are endangering our own soul.

It is just as important to stay saved as to get saved.

The first chapter of Colossians is like a huge warehouse, filled with all manner of precious jewels.

God loves to give His grace.

The truth bears fruit and increases.