We are free to yield to
The things we go through here are preparing us for what we will be doing there.
Jesus never made this world or Himself His focus; He came to do the will of the
Father; and who are we, are we better than Him?!
The reason people lose sight of their (eternal) inheritance is because they
focus on something in this world.
We have to have a grip on GOD’s purpose.
We have to see what GOD is doing beyond what is going on around us.
If we lose sight of what GOD is doing through Jesus Christ, we will not make it.
The reason people live for here is because they cannot see past here.
A branch that is not producing fruit has got to go in the interest of the
overall plant.
If we lose our connection with Jesus, we sill be removed.
We must be able to see to the end, or we will fall short.
The more appetite you have, the more you receive.
Hope can strengthen and overshadow you in any problem.
In glory, we will be an important part of things; we will be an important part
of what GOD is doing.
It is important to cultivate a love for Christ’s appearing.
GOD is satisfying– you can come to Him as often as you want and receive as much
as you want.
In order to receive what Satan offers, you must give up everything the LORD
A branch that is not producing fruit has got to go in the interest of the
overall plant.
If we lose our connection with Jesus, we sill be removed.
[LORD’s Table] The price had to be paid with something that would stand the test
and go on into eternity.
It is good to think of being with a GOD who wants to be with us.
The devil’s master stroke is to get your minds off of Christ and the world to
come and onto this world.
Were it not for Christ, we would receive GOD’s wrath, not His love.
Jesus’ obedience is connected with our salvation.
Can you imagine trying to understand GOD on your own?
The world has nothing to offer us; it is condemned already.