Do what you can.
Everyone comes to Christ humbly, honestly, tenderly (sensitively), willingly,
hopefully, and in faith.
The demands of salvation are to great to be half-hearted.
To be filled is to live a life that is hospitable to the HOLY SPIRIT.
“Be kind,” not “do kindness” – The point is WHY we did it, not WHAT we did.
An offense harbored in the heart will make the heart hard again.
Be very zealous to know everything about Christ that has been revealed.
Jesus expects us to continue in what He has shown us.
Flesh will forget.
Drawing back is vacating the position in which the LORD has placed us.
Content is much more weighty than form.
It doesn’t matter how much the LORD has given you, He has more for you.
Brethren can make you bigger.
Sin: Trying to get what only GOD can give from someone or something other than
GOD. [para]
We can’t have a new name until we are new.
The weight of words is largely determined by the one speaking them.
As the Son of GOD, Jesus is qualified to speak for GOD.
Believing “Jesus is the Son of GOD” opens the door of His ministry to you.
There is certain forgiveness to those who repent.
If you have come to repentance, you didn’t find the way yourself; GOD led you to
Repentance is attended with zeal and urgency.
At the first rebuke — turn!
Jesus is meek and lowly of heart toward the repentant (soul), but that is not
the only side of Jesus.
If we don’t use for Jesus what we receive form Jesus, He has the prerogative to
take it back.
Temptation comes with a package of lies; a system of reasoning.
To realize what is behind temptation begins to fortify our resistance against
An idol is anything that takes the heart from GOD.
If we don’t use for Jesus what we receive form Jesus, He has the prerogative to
take it back.
Temptation comes with a package of lies; a system of reasoning.
To realize what is behind temptation begins to fortify our resistance against
An idol is anything that takes the heart from GOD.
If everything in the spiritual realm were clear there would be no need to prove
or discern.
Faith can operate without all the details.
We find the details in fellowship with GOD.
The assembly of the saints is the time to get what you need.
The Spirit does not work in spite of man’s disobedience to GOD.
We disqualify ourselves from the fruit of the Spirit if we refuse to walk in the
The fruit of the Spirit is not a habit.
It is not profitable for us to consider ourselves until we consider Christ.
Christ’s sword kills what is of Adam and quickens what is of Christ.
Our standing before GOD depends on what we think of Jesus.
Satan opposes anything and everything that is of GOD.
Faithfulness comes with things to do.
Faithfulness is more than what you do with your hands, it is what you do in your
Death is the last note in the song of Adam.
Something temporal cannot be set on the throne of our hearts.
It is a fruitless endeavor to attempt to understand salvation without
understanding GOD.
Faithfulness has two aspects: things forsaken and things embraced.
GOD is not glorified by people who are hot one day and cold the next.
Faithfulness and ignorance cannot dwell together.
We will get no help from the flesh; we will have to faithful in spite of the
A “crown of life” speaks of life reigning.
Life and death contend with each other new, but it will not always be so.
To be confirmed is to see the work GOD has done in us.
In grace, a greater reason is provided NOT to sin than Satan can present in
tempting us to sin.
In saying “ye are light”, the emphasis is put on character not behavior.
The Spirit labors to show the church who they really are.
Darkness is a manifestation of judgment and light is a revelation of favor.
If we are only saved from most of sin, we are really not saved at all.
In Christ, GOD is making a new man, with new senses, for a new environment.
Jesus frustrates the natural work of death; He will circumvent the mission of
Death takes the overcomer but cannot hurt him; and must let him go.
Paul's requests for the church were birthed by His fellowship with God and his awareness of his own needs.
There is no room for assuming in the life of faith.
Christ's indwelling is contingent upon strength in the inner man.
Without being rooted and grounded in love the individual cannot expect to receive understanding from God.
It takes more than the individual's consent for Christ to dwell within the heart.
Our constitution in Adam cannot contain the Savior.
If we do not see Jesus as He is, we will not be able to see what we are without Him.
Real glory is always associated with God.
If God had not poured out His Spirit, we would have been forever unlike Him.
There is no good word to a people who are of a hard heart.
It is the manner of godly people to pray for God's people.
The Lord's manner is to make known what He desires to do, in order that we might ask Him to do it.
A grant is something that is needed, yet cannot be purchased.
The One who gave the inner man strengthens the inner man.
Something from above cannot be strengthened from something from beneath.
In God, what is superabundant in quantity is also superabundant in quality.
Continual prayers for what do not require God's riches are insulting to those riches.
We are guaranteed to be weak if we are at a distance from God.
The length to which God has gone to save us shows the depths to which we had fallen.
When Paul came to grips with what he was, it made him a fit receptacle for the grace of God.
We are not to become hard to what God has said about our condition.
Outside of Christ, our condition was so bad we could not make an accurate assessment of it.
We are to mortify what has mandated the need for grace.
The Law solidified our condition, but provided no remedy.
1. Without grace, the poison of asps is under our lips. (4/28)
2. God created an outline under the Law, and filled it out under the New Testament. (5/5)
3. Faith enables us to see both the details and the summary of the Kingdom. (10/6).
4. Being knit together is not a single point of connection. It is more of an integration. (10/6)
5. When you come to your deathbed, you do not want to have to abandon what you have given your life to. (10/13)
6. The love of God is not integrated into the old nature. It is not compatible with carnality. (10/13)
7.Laying up treasures in one area means you have defected from laying them up in another. (10/20)
8. Let your sorrow and remorse drive you to redeem the time. (10/27)
9. Because the days are evil, you will have to work harder to redeem the time. You will have to have a greater zeal. (10/27)
10. If things that are available are not understood, they will be taken away. (11/3)
11. Some requirements of the faith life depend upon having understanding that comes from God. (11/3)
12. The grave has claims upon us, but God will redeem us from the grave. (11/3)
13. Nothing can teach us like grace – it is a heart teacher. (11/10)
14. The things that cause ears to be blessed is what they hear (11/17)
15. You cannot live in the flesh and plan to receive grace from God. 11/24)
16.Purging is more than the forgiveness of sins. It also sensitizes the soul. (11/24)
17. A spiritual environment suppresses hindering influences. (12/22)
18. "Burnout:" means they were not trusting in the Lord, but were operating in the flesh. (12/22)
19. Abraham and Sarah would have died without any children if God had not begun the work. (12/11)
20. When we begin to want what God offers, the work has begin. (12/22)
21. If a person does not remember their past with some degree of remorse, they are not likely to be zealous toward God. (12/29)
22. Riches, in a sense, are dependent upon an economy. Faith is the currency of the heavenly economy. (12/29)
23. There is no contrariety in the Word of God. (2/23/03)
The "eternal purpose of God" is the offspring of His will and wisdom. (2/23/03)
If the purpose of God is not perceived, His works will seem to be in conflict. (2/23/03).
24. God’s "eternal purpose" is the context of Scripture. (2/23/03)
25. A wrong emphasis is the result of not comprehending God’s purpose. (2/23/03)
The "Child" or "Son" was not given to the angels, or the various forms of life in the world. He was a proper Gift to men.
While Jesus is meek and lowly, He is also the "Mighty God."
The Lord did not negotiate peace. he made it, then offered it.
Man was not made for temporal things.
In the world, love and commandments do not go together. In Christ they do.
You cannot love the people of God and consistently know them after the flesh.
If the angels can bring swift destruction, what measures of blessing can they bring?
You will never see anything right until you see God right.
The most precise way of saying "foolish" is when God said, "they know not Me."
I like these superlatives: "rich in mercy," and "great love,"
To not believe is the epitome of foolishness. God cannot lie. How foolish it is not to believe Him.
Disobedience never brings advantage, strength, or blessing.
Simplicity is naturally an enemy.
Serving divers pleasures and lusts means when they suggest something, the individual bows to them in submission.
Jesus is the image of what we need. If we can see what He provides, we will see what we need.
Just as surely as Jesus was made sin, we are made the righteousness of God in Him.
People cannot be united together until their hearts are united.
The Word of God must be imbibed to have power within us. to look momentarily at the Word of God does not accomplish what God desires.
The spirit of wisdom is to be desired more than wisdom itself.
Profitability is found in the cohabitation of wisdom and revelation.
When God makes something known to you, it tends to stabilize you.
Jesus was not humbled. he humbled Himself.
It almost seems impossible for God and flesh to get together. However, in Jesus, God was manifested in the flesh.
Revealed views of Jesus include, (1 what He was before he came into the world. (2 What He did while He was upon the earth. (3 What He became when He was exalted.
When the Savior sat down on the right hand of God, the work really got under way.
Sin pillaged the human race.
Before Jesus was humbled, He knew nothing of weakness and limitation, of suffering or pain.
The Lord is inclined to enter in when He is asked.
Christ's humanity made Him a suitable Savior for humanity.
The purpose of the Law was to confirm we needed to be justified, yet the Law itself was not the means of justification.
Some people are more concerned with identifying the antichrist than the Christ.
The only reason a person is not deceived by the antichrist is because He that is in us is greater than He that is in the world.
The world is a stage of competition for the hearts of men.
Preaching the Gospel is like being on the wall, looking for and announcing good news.
Being led by the Spirit is an evidence of being a child of God.
I have the capability of controlling my mind, but have never had good success at it. I prefer my mind to be controlled by the Spirit.
Walking has to do with the overall direction of your life. it is like a summation of all you do and are. It is like the posture of your faith.
I am glad to be with those who have believed the Gospel and love the truth.
In Scripture, long sentences indicate extraordinary truth.
The first chapter of Ephesians is making known what could not otherwise be known. It provides eternal knowledge.
Christ is the nucleus of everything God has done, is doing, and will do.
Every blessing that is received is because of Christ and what He has done.
It would be impossible to know of unseen realities without Jesus.
In Christ, we have gone from having the wrath of God upon us to obtaining an eternal inheritance.
Everything in the Kingdom of God returns to the glory of God.
Predestination emphasizes what God does.
Beseeching is compelling the people of God to move on.
I desire that all preaching would move the hearers Godward, and out of danger.
The world constantly tries to push its preferences upon the people of God.
Make it your intent to accomplish, by grace, what God has intended for you.
You want to react to fleshly lusts as your enemies.
The Gospel does not lead by fear and in trepidation.
Mercy will compel blind men to cry out the more, even when they are told to be quiet.
You are to make your body your slave so it will not disqualify you.
Things done in the body are recorded in heaven.
If you body is for the Lord, it is only right to present it to Him.
If the will of God becomes hazy to you, you are too close to the world.
Truth would remain unknown if it were not revealed.
The issues of life are illuminated by Christ.
Satan cannot use light. he can only use darkness.
The light enables you to see what flesh cannot see.
God does not want you to be what you used to be, but He does not want you to forget it.
The light shines into darkness, but the darkness cannot seep into the light.
A person's chosen environment will eventually get into them.
Effective ministry is the communication of ones faith.
Everyone who lives by faith requires comfort, help to stand, and enlightenment.
In the spiritual realm, bread and water are cuisine.
When you drink the water of life, it revives and sustains what God has put in you.
You cannot navigate the waters of truth by yourself. You need the Spirit to guide you.
Those who have embraced a false view of predestination have also embraced a false view of God -- and you cannot serve Him acceptably while holding false views of Him.
In Christ Jesus, it is impossible for the will of God to be thwarted.
One of the premier purposes of preaching is to show the people the fruit of the land to which God has called them.
As soon as Israel entered Canaan they went from wandering to fighting.
As people draw close to God, Satan has to bring out different weaponry.
Walking on hot coals is a great hindrance to travel.
Even if the flesh draws your water and hews your wood, it is still your enemy.
Grace has not come so we can clean up the old man, but so we can put him off.
The farther you get from the Throne, the more variable things become. The closer you get, the more stable things become.
Things that are wasteful are contrary to the Divine nature.
The grace of God is never without glory, yet it is never for mere display.
The coming of Christ was an epoch in the season of humanity.
When Jesus finished His mission upon the earth, he went back to heaven. That ought to tell us something about the earth.
Sin became the gateway through which death entered into the world.
When God pours out His wrath without mixture, that is when you want to be saved.
As children of God, we never blaze a trail. we always go down roads that have already been traveled.
There is no commodity in the world adequate to redeem one man, let alone a whole world.
In some aspect, we all operate under our potential, for with Christ all things are possible.
With the abundance of grace, more can be done than is commonly perceived.
Read the book of Hebrews with the present ministry of Jesus in mind
Salvation is not a handout, it is obtained in a covenant -- within the parameters of a covenant.
The Law is not a failed ministry, but one of conviction.
When Jesus approached Jerusalem, He was bringing salvation.
God orchestrated the lives of many saints to portray the life of His Son.
If there were not things above, we would not be exhorted to seek them.
Rather than recovering or reconditioning the Adamic nature, we are to mortify it.
The new song is sung by the new man, with a new heart, and with a new spirit.
When you come up from being buried with Christ, you come up with access to everything you need.
There are words in the human language that are only there because of salvation.
A person who knows their life is vain is a prime candidate for salvation.
Salvation is more glorious than sin is destructive.
God has abounded toward us, yet there is no waste.
If you are reproached for Christ, that means there is some perceived similarity between you and Jesus.
The Lord has called us to glory, but He will not drag anyone there.
To quench the Holy Spirit is to forfeit the eternal inheritance and to exempt yourself from eternal life. It is to ignore the judgment to come and consider Jesus unnecessary.
Sanctification is when god brings you to the point where He can do in you what He wants to do.
If you do not have hope, you are more susceptible to throwing off the faith.
You are like Jesus to the degree that you see Him.
Believing does not make a slothful servant. Believing compels us to enter more fully into the process.
The courtroom of the Gospel only admits guilty people.
If you forget you were justified, you will retrogress.
It is a master stroke of the wicked one to minimize justification.
Our ministry to others is a stewardship -- handling what belongs to God.
Salvation is where you leave one camp, and come into another.
The fact that you do not want to touch the unclean thing is confirmation that God has received you.
It is common for God to first make truth known, then make a promise.
Truth declared demands a response.
The Lord gives grace to be the kind of person He requires.
Jesus is not a one time pill to keep you out of hell.
Things that spoil us do not come from Christ, but from the world.
If you are buried with Christ, death will not be able to hold you, just as it was not able to hold Him.
You cannot stumble into the strait gate.
After Jesus was raised from the dead, chaos did not upset the people of God.
Death had no hold upon Christ. he had to submit Himself to death.
If believing is not enough, then whatever men are calling believing is not "believing."
Sin kills the spiritual nervous system.
The eyes of the understanding are suited to perceive spiritual things.
To behold the love of God will never be the occasion for boredom. it is always worthy of your heart's attention.
The love of God is not just a conversation piece.
Holiness is only achieved by hope. Hope gives you power to stay pure.
"Those who are lukewarm are more of a stench to God than those who are blatantly against Him."
"Religious flesh is the worst flesh."
"God's jewels are not spoken into existence like the creation. All of heaven has put their hand to the making of God's jewels."
"God is going to inherit His people. He is not mocked. He will not receive less than He has invested. There is coming a time when God will reap His field, and it will not be a meager harvest."
"We are the goods Jesus took out of the strong man's house."
"The world says, 'Blessed are the rich, the successful, the entrepreneurs, and those who live in palaces.' The Lord says, 'Blessed are the poor in spirit, those who mourn, and the hungry and thirsty.'"
"When Jesus entered the realm into which Satan was cast, the confrontation with the devil became the sharpest."
"There are no promises of blessing to those who are overcome--only to those who overcome."
"Nothing can separate you from Christ against your will."
"The first matter in being made complete is the removal of what is unacceptable. This is accomplished through the circumcision of Christ."
"The only reason the Scripture can say anything favorable about us is because of Jesus."
"The people of God are not compatible with the temporary order."
"There is more power in believing God than in fulfilling an obligation."
"The circumcision of Christ enables you to see what God does, hear what God says, and receive what God gives."
"Once satisfaction was realized in heaven, it spilled over into the earth."
"The relation of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is so close, they cannot be separated."
"Godliness is the normality of the Kingdom. Anything else is a departure."
"Our death, burial, and resurrection with Christ are all in the present tense (On Romans 6:1-5).
"As a rule, when the Spirit gets on the subject of dying with Jesus, He stays with it for a while."
"The burden of Scripture highlights Jesus Himself."
"Jesus did not allow anything or anyone to prohibit Him from drinking the cup the Father gave Him."
"God mixed the cup, Jesus drank the cup, we receive the benefits of the cup."
"Jesus went farther than sin. where sin did abound, grace has much more abounded."
"If you have come out of the world, God WILL receive you."
"This is the time to draw water out of the wells of salvation."
"If people knew it would result in their condemnation, they would not remain in the darkness."
"You want to be able to leave the world, which you will inevitably do, without losing anything."
"Salvation and the Gospel are the source of exhortation. We are only exhorted concerning things pertaining to salvation."
"Salvation is the nucleus of God's Word."
"Faith does not come short in any way."
"There is no profitability in the flesh, and no liabilities in the Spirit."
"If you are not risen with Christ, unlike Lot, you have not come out of the doomed city."
"The bite of sin is universal, and has spoiled man at the core."
"Outside of Christ, no one has any valid credentials or boasting rights before God."
"Man cannot do anything about sin. that is why God DID do something about it."
"Our members upon the earth that must be mortified (Col 3:5) are the effects of the serpent's bite."
"The venom of sin changed the nature of men, making them children of disobedience. Disobedience, therefore, is more than a mere deed. It is inherent in the human nature."
"A gross heart can pass through the Red Sea on dry land, and complain on the other side."
"When a person sees what great advantages there are in Christ, and what great disadvantages there are in the world, he will extend himself to come to Christ."
"Humbling yourself is putting yourself in a position where God can use you."
"Do not let Christ be superceded by anything or anyone."
"The consideration of Christ engages both the heart and the mind.,"
"Jesus is more active now than He was when He was in the world."
"We still have in us things that God cannot accept, and they must be put down."
"The enemies of the saints will all be repaid--but not by the saints. God will repay!"
"As the Lord lives, the new heaven and the new earth will not be defiled. It is perfectly in order, therefore, to rid ourselves of defiling things now."
"God has spoken extensively about His wrath: when it is coming, why it is coming, and what it will do. This is a mercy!
"Once you are released from the body, you will have no more members upon the earth."
"You cannot make your flesh be silent."
"The fact that God throws us the ball, so to speak, means the matter is doable."
"If your body is not your slave, you will be its slave. The flesh knows no limits. You must make it your slave."
"You cannot teach yourself like the grace of God can teach you."
"Christ was able to take our sins away from God, leave them and come again. the burden did not belong to Him."
"Every one is going to be found. The objective is to be found 'in Him.'"
"Partaking of the Divine nature involves you becoming part of the Divine nature, and the Divine nature becoming a part of you."
"When we leave this world, our heavenly citizenship will be more full, but not more real."
"In the church, God is building a temple for Himself. That means the people of God are quite a house."
"Whatever God has promised cannot be obtained apart from Him. That is why He made the promises."
"The reason God tore us is so that He could heal us. he has smitten us so He can bind us up."
"The flesh is like a scavenger. It can live on anything from the world."
"Christ is the Word--the expression of God to the world."
"God always blesses an effort to remember Christ."
"Faith is never discounted by God."
"Righteousness is never mentioned outside of the context of God and Christ."
"All things needed are available to the saints. If we have not, it is N OT because God gave not."
"In the flesh, blessings are considered extras. In the Spirit, they are necessities."
"In meeting together, we are enabling one another to get a better grasp on eternal things."
"Paul preached the judgment day to the heathen."
"There really is no bad news for the believer or good news for the unbeliever."
"Christ will be honored on the day of judgment. God will set right the abuses and rejection of the Son."
"Now is the time to set your destiny for the day of judgment."
"If the things of God are number four on your agenda, then you really do not want them."
"When men are convinced of their accountability to God, the Gospel begins to sound good."
"It makes very good sense to begin preparing for the day of judgment as soon as we can."
"The world will not be able to hold us up when Jesus returns."
"We are living in the first stages of the judgment. It has begin with the house of God, as manifested in the word to the seven churches of Asia."
"What you receive initially from Jesus will be needed in the day of judgment."
"You always lose something when you are not watchful."
"All of your liabilities are in the flesh. Make no provision for it."
"In every facet of what God made Christ to be, He was exclusive."
"Christ is the only Expositor of God."
"Words of excellence are never unduly or inappropriately applied to Jesus."
"The Lord's Table is not to be trifled with. The Lord will not hold him guiltless who does so."
"Because Jesus had no sin in Himself, God accepted His offering and applied it to us."
"When people are persuaded someone had to be given for sin, they will have much more interest in Christ."
"Christ knowing His sheep is not a mere factual knowledge. He knows them because He was made like them and dwelt among them."
"Christ knows the way to glory by experience--the valleys and the mountains."
"In His death, Christ was touched with our infirmities. In His intercession, He is touched with the feeling of our infirmities."
"We cannot find our way to green pastures. We have to be led to them."
"You can toil and toil and toil to no avail, but one word from Jesus will change the whole scenario--and the catch of fish will not break your net."
"Shall never hunger" does not mean you only eat once, but that you go nowhere else."
"Christ does not meet you at the starting line and give you some instructions. He goes with you."
"If you do not know WHY God made the natural order, you will not have any true understanding of it."
"There are criteria that must be met before we can enter into life."
"When they crested the promised land, Joshua and Caleb said, 'Let us go up and possess the land.'"
"The adverse consequences of faith only last as long as your presence in this world."
"In our world there is a smorgasbord of reality."
"A fight presumes some militating factor in our surroundings."
"A large portion of the good fight of faith is defensive--not letting gain go."
"Believing on the Lord Jesus Christ puts you at variance with the devil."
"Being born again creates a conflict of natures within."
"If you run aimlessly, you will not get anywhere."
"If all you know about the fight of faith is that you were not fighting flesh and blood, you would know that need help."
"In the world you will have tribulation because that is where the opposition is."
"If you can really only fit into one place, and the world hates you, that is good news!"
"Everything connected with the world is your enemy."
"When Satan said, 'Ye shall not surely die,' he only added one word--but he took the truth away."
"Even though the flesh has been consigned to death, it still cries out its desires from the cross."
"You cannot take up your cross until you first deny yourself."
"Counselors need to use this word: "If you live after the flesh, you will die."
"We have been given the right clothes in Christ. Fighting the good fight of faith is keeping them on."
"The whole armor of God is not optional or a luxury. without this armor you will not be able to stand, and will fall."
"Your battle is not in a carnal arena. the armor is not designed for that kind of warfare."
"By the light, God keeps evil at bay."
"Darkness has a way of expanding."
"The only way we could get out of darkness was to be delivered."
"You cannot walk in darkness and expect to come out. You had to be delivered the first time."
"To be made righteous completely discounts everything man has done."
"Righteousness is not cosmetic, it is not a cloak. God makes men righteous, thereby canceling all bragging rights."
"What God is doing in Christ is righteous. It is done in righteousness to make men righteous."
"Righteousness is always in order, and unrighteousness is always out of order."
"Paul left people God-conscious."
"You are drawn to the Gospel. make sure you are not drawn away from it."
"If you are prepared for the destruction of the world, you are prepared for what will occur after that."
"Faith is what believing is, and believing is what faith does."
"The justice of the just is retained by faith."
"Salvation is the filter of all cognitive activity."
"There are two dominating considerations in Colossians. Who you are in Christ, and where you are in Him."
"There is not circumstance or time in Christ that allows for the expression of sin."
"Forbearance is in order and reasonable because we are not yet perfect. All of us have things about us others will have to forebear."
"When longsuffering and forgiveness are found in us, God is reaping what He has sown in us."
"The history of the world prior to Christ can be accredited to the forbearance of God."
"Knowing the forbearance of God is not a license. He is forbearing in anticipation. He will not be forbearing forever."
"Aggressiveness to get to Christ will always be rewarded."
"Jesus did not give specific direction concerning the frequency of the Lord's Supper,, but He did on the manner in which it is to be taken--"in remembrance of Me."
"Because of our faith, hope is not just speculation."
"If Christ were to depart from His ministry for a single moment, we would fall."
"Your faith is the point of conflict. what is against you is against you because of your faith."
"If we do not know of the good fight of faith, we will live aimlessly."
"Faith is not based upon evidence, but is itself the evidence, or proof."
"Faith and trust are not synonymous. Trust is part of faith. We trust because we have faith."
"There is no place in the world where the saints may put their guard down and be comfortable."
"Faith is the only thing that commends us to God."
"Everything you receive from heaven is through your faith, and everything you send back to heaven is by your faith."
"You cannot walk in the newness of life while dominated by the old life."
"Faith uproots you from where you are, and makes you a citizen of where you have never been."
"The day salvation comes to your house is the day conflict begins."
"You have been justified, but you are in a world that is condemned."
"Justification is getting rid of everything that cannot enter into heaven."
"Satan is seeking those whom God has accepted."
"We must be fortified in order for Christ to dwell in us."
"Your flesh will not assist you to obey God."
"God is not pleased with anyone who does not have faith."
"Looking is a posture of our faith. It involves expectation, desire, and seeking"
"Looking shapes and manages your life, and involves progressing toward what we are looking at."
"If we are not fervent for Christ, we will be led away from our steadfastness."
"The gate is narrow that leads to life, and you need to be diligent and have grace to get through it."
"No one can fight effectively if they do not know why they are fighting."
"Eternal life is the nugget of salvation and the core of the Gospel."
"When the world passes away, if you do not have eternal life, you do not have anything."
"You have to be close to the world for it to look good. You have to be close to Christ to see it as it is."
"Eternal life is the grand summation of everything God has to offer."
'You cannot put eternal life on the scale with anything else."
"What Jesus did on earth was a precursor to what He is doing in heaven."
"What God has given by grace outweighs what sin took from us."
"The driving force of fighting the good fight of faith is the persuasion of good things to come."
"Having eternal life is not like being struck by lightning.
"In laying up a good foundation for what is to come, you are estranging yourself from this world."
"Israel ate the real fruit of Canaan before they got there."
"The only way to know God and to serve God is to be in the heavenly places."
"The greater realities of Christ trickle down and transform the entirety of our lives."
"The peace of God has a ruling nature about it."
"The blessings of Christ are not niceties, but necessities."
"The absence of the peace of God makes a person vulnerable."
"Where there is faith, there is need for God, grace, and assistance."
"Satan really does not have anything else to do but seek whom he may devour."
"In Scripture, philosophy is never mentioned commendably."
"God will not be known unless He makes Himself known."
"We have to be greatly helped in the matter of knowing God."
"God is the Subject of the Spirit's lectures."
"First the truth is confirmed, then it is applied."
"You cannot make the word of Christ dwell in you, and you can let it grow in you."
"When Jesus was confronted with temptation, the Word came out."
"The Word dwelling richly in you makes you profitable to others."
"You do not add Christ to your agenda. H must BECOME your Agenda."
"Jesus was begotten and came into the world to die."
"If Jesus did not die, He would not have been able to preach."
"Christ's death and resurrection validated everything else He did."
"If Jesus did not lay down His life, He could not have died."
"Jesus' death is the only one that can have its value transferred to someone else.
"The Prophets have a special place in the Kingdom because they served in spiritually dark times, and often died cruel deaths."
"Obligation and fear do not take us far enough."
"All you have to do is outlast your body."
"There is no valid message if Christ is not risen from the dead."
"Anything that captivates was taken captive by Jesus."
"There is only one accuser of the brethren, but he had many followers."