Partial confidence is no confidence at all.
Confidence is a conclusion.
the words man and confidence are not naturally bound together.
There is no time in our walk of faith we are not asked to do something; there is
no idle time.
Understanding in the word of GOD is an evidence of the working of the Holy
Spirit in us. [para]
Christ is glorified in His people; if He is not, they are not His people.
There is never a time GOD looks at Jesus and is not pleased.
No one wants to know about GOD or about Jesus by accident; it was given to you.
The blessings that have overtaken us really belong to Christ, and He is giving
them to us.
You wouldn’t want anything but the real GOD, and He doesn’t want anything but
the real you.[para]
Faith demands a promise.
Salvation is of the LORD; if we were not recipients, we would have noting to do
with it.
There is no one who has found his way without Jesus.
It is impossible to know GOD apart form Jesus; we might have known something
about Him, but without Jesus it would yield no benefit for us. [para]
The wicked servant lost that which the master put under his charge because he
never made it his through use.
Man’s dominion was evidence he was in GOD’s likeness.
In Christ we have a preference for righteousness and true holiness.
If GOD had not exalted His name, the exaltation of Christ’s name would have
meant nothing.
The reason GOD is revealing Himself is so men will call upon Him.
When you see GOD for who He is, it has an altering effect upon man.
The open door in heaven confirmed that the sacrifice of Christ had been
You cannot look into heaven unless you are in the Spirit.
There is no life that did not have its origin in the throne.
In order to enter into the work of GOD, we must see it.
There isn’t any event going on in the earth that GOD is not governing.
All of heaven is on the welcoming committee.
When we gather together, let us let the Word do its work among us.
GOD has an inclination to those who come to Him with a purpose.
GOD is not arbitrary, He operates by reason
GOD only uses what comes from Him.
Salvation is a cunning work – Bro Bob.
You’d never have godly inclinations if it were not for Christ.
Waiting cannot be accomplished independently of watching.
GOD has to do a work in us before we can see His glory.
The prerequisite of partaking of the glory of GOD, is partaking of the divine
The LORD has put things in us that shine out of us.
Being asleep is really close to being dead.
When the world is being consumed by the brightness of His coming, the saints
will be saved it.
When you cause people to understand more about GOD, you have glorified Him.
The purpose of GOD required Christ’s suffering and glory.
There is not a power in heaven or earth that can stop the Gospel from coming to you. It only remains to establish that we have ears to hear it.
We need to check the foundation to ensure we are on the right one.
What Good said to Abraham was sufficient for his trip.
Believing the record God has given of His Son endears us to God.
We cannot be separated from Christ by external elements.
1. Every time we look to the Lord, or call upon His name, mercy rises out of the darkness. (4/18)
2. If you are in the Spirit, your trials are light and momentary. If you are not, they are too difficult to bear. (5/12)
3. When you see God correctly, it motivates you to walk humbly. (5/12)
4. Death is actually a good appointment. (11/24)The change required to be with Jesus is a two-point change. One is going on now, and one is to come. (11/24)
5. The resurrection is a forced situation, but we have embraced it by faith.(11/24)
6. Second Corinthians five is faith viewing death, and commenting on it. (11/24).
7. God does not say we will not remember our sins, but that He will not. He has given us a means to remember He does NOT remember our sins. (11/24)
8. The only reason the earth is here is that God is gleaning kings from it. (12/1)
9. Because we are priests, it is wrong not to come into the presence of the Lord. (12/1)
10. Our "ashes" make us candidates for "beauty."(12/8)
11. The clothing God gives us has to be kept on. (12/8)
12. It is important to be acquainted with godliness, and that can only come by an acquaintance with God Himself. (12/8)
13. Because we were in Christ our minds were corrupt. We could not think right. (12/8)
14. God links Christ’s resurrection with our resurrection. (12/15)
15.You could not walk in newness of life if you were not raised with Christ to do so. (12/15)
16. When men are calling for rocks and mountains to fall on them, it will be a good time to be associated with Jesus. (12/15)
17. Until you have fled for refuge to Christ, He is not precious to you. (12/15)
18. Any religious that does not have its fruit in fellowship with the Father needs to be abandoned.(12/15)
19. We have flesh, and we have to deal with it. God will not jerk us into heaven. (12/22)
20.You do not have to be fearful on the way to glory. (12/22)
21. The fact that we are strengthened by assembling with the saints is our token that such an activity is ordained of God. (12/22)
22. God is not going to put all fullness in Christ only to work independently of Him. (12/29).
If you believe God, you will have a lot less difficulty navigating through this present evil world.
Do not let Satan minimize what you can do for God. You can bring glory to Him.
Lazarus was not told to remember. That was the word to the rich man.
God is worthy of delight.
When you commit your way to th4e Lord, you are headed in the right direction.
There is not a time when you meditate upon the Lord, when you will come away empty and sorrowful.
The things of God are attractive if you have the Spirit.
As you get closer to the Lord, you begin to anticipate the ages to come.
Untested faith is not worthy very much.
Our strongest moment is when we remember Christ.
We are to remember the cost associated with our salvation.
The creation is desiring the revelation of sons of God more than some people who are Christians.
The Lord's table is not a place to remember me, but remember Him.
Thinking about Jesus tends to purify our thinking.
God is on the initiative to bring us where He is.
There will be no one in glory whom, God did not keep here through their faith.
Anything short of obtaining the glory of Christ falls short of God's purpose.
If God was going to fellowship with us, He had to deal with the dilemma of our sin.
When God took away His wrath, He deferred it to Christ, who took the brunt of it.
The gathering of the saints is a critical issue with God.
There is neither resurrection nor life without Christ. He IS the resurrection and the life.
Man's duty to believe has been blended with the operation of God.