Abraham’s faith was confirmed when he din not refuse
to offer Isaac.
Apart from Christ, there is no acceptable likeness of GOD within us. [para]
The new man has new desires.
Jesus came into the world, mostly to die.
Many good things have been produced by Christ’s death.
Heaven is pure because of the presence of GOD.
As servants we work together with the LORD in His work.
Here we are to develop an appetite for the things above and seek them.
The fact that we are dead to sin removes any reason to serve it.
Christ will bring favor to those who desire to be with Him.
There is assurance associated with calling upon the name of the LORD.
GOD would not encourage us to call upon His name if He did not hear us. [para]
We are gathered together as children of one GOD.
It is Christ who unifies us.
Hope constrains us to continue.
If you do not know where you are going, you will soon drop out.
God is light to all of His people, therefore they should not fear darkness.
The better you can see the path, the better you can travel on it.
Light is frequently referenced to life.
Those who are in fellowship with God shine as lights in the world.
1. Hearing God’s Word will motivate us to draw close to Him. (5/5)
2. When you get close to God, you begin to grow in wisdom and knowledge. (5/12)
3. Since Christ’s blood has paid our debt, we are no longer the servants of sin. (10/6)
4. Those who are in the Lord will go through tests of their faith, to see how strong they are. (10/20)
5. Although we cannot see these things now, we have hope we will eventually see them. (10;27)
6. Jesus did not merely take away sin, but was made sin for us. (11/3)
7. We must feast on spiritual things to stay alive in this world. (11/10)
8. The world is like a barren land, and those who live close to it will perish. (11/10)
9. If we use what God has given us, we will receive more than we received at first. (11/24)
10. We can expand what God has given us. When we do so, it pleases the Lord. (11/24)
11. Christ’s blood means God is no longer angry with us. (12/1)
We have been justified, the wall between us and God has been broken down, and we have peace with God. There is no reason for failing to come to Him.(12/1)
12. If we do the Lord’s will and wait with patience, we will obtain the promises. (12/8)
13. The Lord’s table is not a place where we remember our sins, but where we remember that the Lord has forgiven them.
14. Christ is the goat offered to the Lord, the scape goat led into an uninhabitable place, and the fit man who led him there. (/12/15)
15. Under the Law, slaves were redeemed with money. In the New Covenant, redemption is through Christ’s blood. (6/16)
God is our inheritance. he will be giving Himself to us. He is our exceeding great reward.
Man is not worthy of praise.
God will do His will in this world until it ends.
The carnal mind attempts to make God in its own image.
The Lord will bless us if we fear Him, and will move us forward.
When the body dies, it loses all of its advantages.
Those who are living always have a reason to praise God.
The Lord never sides with what is wrong.
We are to consider the judgments of God as worth more than the world's best.
Any time you want to know what is right, find out what God has said about it.
Something innocent had to die in order to cover the shame of Adam and Eve.
To serve sin is death. to serve God is life.
After our redemption, we have no reason to sin.
We are urged to sin by our old man and the world, but we do not have to obey them.
Why serve sin when you can serve something better?
By taking the Lord's Supper, we are DOING, not just saying.
The body and blood of Christ are the reason for our salvation.
Being like a tree by the waters means we always have something to drink.
The size of the seed does not determine the size of the tree.
You have faith like a child, but as it grows you will be able to move mountains.
As we learn, we are not only gaining knowledge, we are growing.
If you mix the things of the world with heavenly things, thing begin to go down.
God cannot think carnally, thus all carnal thoughts are have nothing to do with Him.
If we dwell on high, we dwell with God.
We get rewards when we fight the battles of the Lord.
God always gives us what we need when we need it.
It is serving God to hate wickedness.
Jesus opened the door we could not open ourselves.
Before redemption, the whole world had an incurable disease.
Our wound was taken away because of Christ's wounds.
Because of Christ's death, we can understand more about God.
The lord has enabled us to speak in a more spiritual mindset to edification.
By words, souls can be helped toward life or toward destruction.
Being a good hearer is necessary to being a good speaker unto edification.
when you become new in Christ, you will not want to do evil.
when I hear "old," I think of something with no value -- something that is passing away.
These decaying bodies will no longer be needed when Jesus comes again.
We must come into Christ to enjoy the benefits of salvation.
If you talk about the world, you provoke the desires of the world.
Thinking about the Lord makes you want the things He offers.
Jesus' death was a life-giving death.
We have the capability of choosing between life and death.
When we call upon the name of the Lord, we are relying upon Him to do His work.
When we were baptized, we made a connection with Jesus. Without that connection, we could do nothing for God.
The whole point in not knowing WHEN He is coming is to always be ready.
Not knowing when He coming makes us more alert.
If we know Jesus may come at any moment, we will be more careful about what we do.
There are things God has saved us from that we do not even know about.
God saves us in our troublesome times.
In Christ we are no longer wicked, but righteous through His blood.
Jesus died for us, even though there was no good in us.
When we walk in the Spirit, we walk with God, for the Spirit leads us to God.
Walking in the Spirit makes us free from the vulnerability of the flesh.
When the new law came in, there was a new path to follow.
The flesh makes us weak.
When you are carnally minded, you die.
If the Spirit is in you, the flesh loses its prominence.
Jesus is the perfect example of overcoming evil with good.
When evil is overcome by good, things begin to get better.
When you side with the Lord, there will be victory.
"It takes more to save and strengthen people that saying "God loves you," or "God bless you."
"Now that Jesus died for us, we can live for Him."
"While we are preaching to others, we want to be sure we are doing what we say ourselves."
"Godly leaders lead God's people in the right direction--toward God and life."
"To be a leader is to be a helper of those in the Lord. This requires a good understanding of Scripture."
"A good leader teaches people to hear the voice of the Lord."