by Adah L. Hutchcraft
The value of salt comes of its saltiness; its ability to season and preserve from putrefaction. So what desire is there for salt that is not salty? Jesus Christ likens the children of God to salt, preserving the world until His return. As salt, we make souls thirsty--longing for the peace and joy of our Lord and Savior. But what of salt that has lost its savour?
Those who have put their hand to the plow, and have looked back, are such.These which have lost their saltiness are irretrievable and have no hope. For "wherewith shall it be salted?" Truly those who have fallen and again returned unto the Father did not loose their savour in the entirety of which Christ speaks here. Sin has always separated man from God. However, there comes a time when the heart becomes totally seared and callused by sin.
One sin has the ability to damn a soul! These who have lost their savour are in such a state, and are "good for nothing." There is remedy for unsavory meat--that is salt. But what remedy is there for unsavory salt? It is therefore "cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men." It has lost its entire worth. The hearts of such are insipid to God! When something is "cast out," you cannot use it again.
No one seeking salt chooses that which is unsavoury and "trodden on." Such is foolishness. The Father chooses salt that has kept its savour. With such He preserves and makes thirsty the hearts of men, that they might taste and see that the Lord is good, and in doing so, be made salt.
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