by Adah L. Hutchcraft
"But godliness with contentment is great gain." I Timothy 6:6
To be content is to be satisfied, not desiring anything more or different. In this case "more" would be something other than godliness, seeing that we desire for GOD to grant us His likeness in greater measure. The children of GOD joy in being like Him, but all do not share this same love for godliness. In too many cases people are uncomfortable with the thought of being godly and would rather be in the midst of people who are not. It is not hard at all to find these people disguised among the church.
Just as being content with godliness is great gain, so not being content with it is no profit whatsoever. Rather it will condemn, for all who reach Glory will be as CHRIST is. (I John 3:2) And if one desires not to be in His likeness, showing that they do not love Him, they will not be like Him.
Actions will display hearts. (I John 3:7-8) For an example of this, we go to Numbers and look at the account of the fiery serpents brought upon Israel because of their sin. One of the effects of the venom of these snakes was death. (Numbers 21:6) By this, you could see who had been bitten. Even so, the venom of sin makes us unresponsive to the life which is found in GOD and His people. Thus, the actions of such ones are not that which please GOD, but are rather of the devil himself. As for those who love GOD and have "godliness with contentment," their riches are in Glory. "For when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is."
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