Group Number 17
When some people confront
the sick, immediately start praying for a miracle. Do we have a scriptural precedent
for this?
Prayer is not regulated by a procedure or formula. We are
encouraged to let our "requests" be made known to God (Phil 4:6). They ARE
"requests," not demands. Nor are such prayers asking the Lord to fulfill what He
has promised. I know of no place where God has guaranteed health to His people. Some are
fond of quoting John's desire for Gaius: "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all
things and be in health, just as your soul prospers" (III John 2). The key in that
text is "as your soul prospers." That would mean the sure death of many I know.
Too, it was a deep seated desire of John, not a condition promised by God. Were it
something God promised, John would have exhorted Gaius, not prayed for him.
If the people who pray for your sister really desire what they are
requesting, I would not discourage them from making their request known to God. It does
not have to be in your sister's presence to be effective. God invites them to let their
request be known to Him. Like He did with Paul and his thorn, He may not answer as they
desire, and they should be resolved to accept His answer. If, on the other hand, they are
praying mechanically, imagining that it is God's will to keep His people in a state of
perfect health, they are not praying from their heart but from their head (and a confused
one at that). Such prayers bounce off the ceiling, so to speak, and are reprehensible
because they are not driven by faith.
You may recall Jesus often asked questions of people who came to Him. He asked the mother
of James and John, "What do you wish?" (Matt 20:21). In that case, He denied the
request because it was off-center. The mother did not realize what she was asking, but was
evidently sincere in asking it.
On the other hand, Jesus asked the two blind men on the road to Jericho, "What do you
want Me to do for you?" When they said they wanted their sight, He had compassion on
them and healed them. In Mark's account of the healing of Bartimaeus, Jesus said, "Go
your way; your faith has made you well" (Mark 10:52).
I understand these cases to reflect the Divine manner. It is like saying "Let your
request be made known." However, that is not to be equated with a guarantee of an
affirmative answer. Philippians 4:6-7, after admonishing us to make our requests known,
promises that God's peace will keep our hearts and minds not that the request will
be answered as we desire.
People who pray for miracles should have a faith that corresponds with their request.
There is nothing in Scripture that indicates such prayers are out of orderbut if
they are to be answered, they must be motivated by faith, not feeling. Repeating the
prayer often and loud does not obviate the need for faith.
My understanding of miracles
is that they were performed to authenticate a new revelation or the bearer of the new
I was brought up under this teaching. It is not, however, a
statement or concept affirmed in Scripture. It is a human conclusion, not a Divine
affirmation. I believe it was developed largely to counteract false claims of miracles.
While it is true miracles often authenticated the messenger, or validated a new
revelation, that was not always the case. Sometimes sheer compassion motivated the Lord.
The feeding of the 5,000, healing the Nobleman's son, the Gadarene demoniac, the daughter
of the Syrophonecian woman, Peter's mother-in-law, raising the son of the widow of Nain,
and the healing of the woman with the issue of blood are cases in point.
Some have developed special classifications of Divine workings, choosing to call some
"providential works," and others "miracles." I personally think they
have been to aggressive to make a distinction where none is really required. James (who
was not an Apostle) spoke of the sick calling for the elders, who were to pray over the
sick person, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. The promise is, "the
prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has
committed sins, he will be forgiven" (James 5:16). To me, it is evident this is not a
mere procedureand it should never be approached as though it is. The thing that
makes the prayer effective is faithit is "the prayer of faith" that
brought the results. I can tell you this prayer cannot be prayed at will. Nor is any other
kind of prayer guaranteed an answer. This is not for people who live at a distance from
the Lord. It is possible, however to live close enough to the Lord to have prayer
answered. I know of no revealed limitation on how close we can come to God in Christ
Jesus. He is still able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think according to
the power that works in us (Eph 3:20). Receiving benefit from Divine ability, however, is
in strict accordance with the power working through usnot in spite of us. All of
that postulates that the individual is in close communion with the Lord. Even then, the
prayer is circumscribed by the will of God, as shown in the case of Paul's thorn.
I believe that "with
God, nothing is impossible"; but we should be understanding about how to pray within
God's will, shouldn't we?
God's will is the foundation upon which all answers to
prayer are granted. Often that will is hidden from the holiest of people. Recall the
mighty prophet Elisha. Ordinarily, he had insights that transcended that of ordinary men.
On one occasion, however, he confronted a widow whose son had been born miraculously
through the prophet's word. He asked the widow how the boy was, not knowing he had
actually died. When he detected by the widows action that something was wrong, he said to
his servant Gehazi, "the LORD has hidden it from me, and has not told me" (2 Kgs
4:27). The prophet then proceeded to find out what was hiddenor to know the will of
the Lord. He knew he could not operate independently of that will. Neither can we.
The promise is, "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask
anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we
ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him" (1 John 5:14-15).
The Spirit continues by promising life will be give to a wayward soul because of the
prayer of a faithful one (verse 16). Even in that case, however, the will of the Lord
dominated, for "the sin unto death" (or a sin that was in order to death, like
Ananias and Saphirra, and Judas) could not be corrected by prayerfaith or not.
At no point does the human will ultimately supersede the Divine will. However, I have
heard many speak as though this were the case. They deride asking things according to the
Lord's will. They are ignorant of the fact that our Lord Himself prayed in strict accord
with the will of His Father, choosing to forfeit His own in preference of God's (Lk
22:42). James reminded us we should say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do
this or that" (James 4:15).
One further consideration on this. It is essential that believers settle it in their minds
to know the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, and never to seek things contrary
to it determined to always pray in strict accord with the Divine will. Remember,
God did not want Israel to have a king, yet they asked for one anyway. God granted their
request, considering they had rejected Him (1 Sam 8:7). The Lord fed Israel with manna,
food appropriate for their wilderness journey. However, they desired meat, and asked for
the same. The Lord answered their request, giving them meat in abundance. Then,
"while the meat was still between their teeth, before it was chewed, the wrath of the
LORD was aroused against the people, and the LORD struck the people with a very great
plague" (Num 11:33). The time came for Hezekiah to die. He turned his face to the
wall and asked for an extension of life. God reciprocated by adding 15 years to his life
(2 Kgs 20:2-6). That merciful extension, however, became the occasion during which the
nation was cursed (2 Kgs 20;12-19).
His blood covers sin, but do
we pray for it to cover physical infirmities.
Associating the blood of Christ with illness is a human
innovation. I know of no such connection in Scripture. Jesus' blood is associated with
eternal life (John 6:54), remission (Matt 26:28), being brought close to God (Eph 2:13),
peace (Col 1:20), cleansing the conscience (Heb 9:14), entering the holiest (Heb 10:19),
the new covenant (Heb 10:29), cleansing (1 John 1:9), redemption (1 Pet 1:18-19),
propitiation (Rom 3:25), justification (Rom 5:9), the forgiveness of sins (Eph 1:7), and
sanctification (Heb 10:29) BUT NEVER HEALTH! That is an association men have made.
The death of Christ was necessary because of our alienation from God. The blood of Christ
resolves that separation, being the means through which we are brought into fellowship
with the Lord. If Christ's death, or the shedding of His blood is the basis for
healingor if healing is in the atonement, as some claimthen sickness alienates
us from God. I see no way to avoid this conclusion. A vicarious atonement is not required
by sickness. Bodily infirmity does not alienate men from God, and thus does not require
the blood of Christ. The Spirit reminds us, "Without the shedding of blood, there is
no remission" (Heb 9:22). He NEVER says, however, "Without the shedding of
blood, there is no healing."
Pleading the blood over flesh and blood is an absurdity. Flesh and blood cannot inherit
the Kingdom of God, having been cursed by God. Christ's blood has to do with eternal life,
and its sole efficacy is in that arena. Bodily healing has to do with faith and the Divine
will. No Divine guarantees are offered in regards to health.
If you accept that God is
truly calling you home, then you can rest on his promises and find peace and even joy in a
terminal situation. Any rejoinder?
At the close of his life, Paul said, "I am ready to be
offered" (2 Tim 4:6). From an earthly point of view, if anyone had a reason to live,
it was Paul. He was a "chosen vessel," and the ONLY Apostle of the Gentiles.
Yet, he sensed the time of transition had come, and he was ready to go. Peter also knew he
would "shortly" put off his earthly tabernacle (2 Pet 1:14). Our blessed Lord
Himself yielded up His relatively young life, knowing He had finished His work. Some of
the patriarchs would "gather" their feet into their bed, breathe their last, and
be gathered to their people (Gen 49:33) indicating they were reconciled to their
Death, as you know, is by appointment (Heb 9:27). Our times are "in His hand"
(Psa 31:15). There does come a time when we "finish" our course (2 Tim 4:7) and
complete the race (Heb 12:1). When that time comes, it is a blessing to realize it, and
look forward to gaining the prize. It seems to me that those who have an inordinate desire
to remain in the body have only confessed their lack of faith. It is possible for Christ
to be our life, and for dying to be gain (Phil 1:21). For the faithful, that means there
are really no disadvantages in death. Death belongs to usit is ours, even though it
is an enemy (1 Cor 3:21-23). It cannot separate us from the love of God, and in it, we are
more than conquerors (Rom 8:35-39).
What about "prayer
walks." Where does this come from? Am I missing a scriptural reference on this? Whole
groups of people will spend rather large amounts of money to travel over to India or other
far country, just to walk around city streets or idol temples and "pray down
Again, this represents a human conclusion. I suppose it is
based on the account of Israel marching around the walls of Jericho. Of course, God had
given Jericho to Israel, else their marching would have been an exercise in futility. I am
fully sympathetic with those who have a strong desire to see the bastions of idolatry and
false religion overthrown. It is not my understanding, however, that this cannot be done
procedurally. The whole approach smacks of Old Covenant religion. That covenant was
procedural because the people themselves were alienated. Although we have numerous
accounts in the book of Acts of the actions of holy people, there are no accounts of
"prayer walks." Scripture does not tell us strongholds are "prayed"
down, but that they are "cast down" (2 Cor 10:3-5). The utilization of powerful
spiritual weaponry is not associated with praying, but with "walking by faith."
I do not question that prayer is involved in such overthrows. However, the dissemination
of light comes primarily through godly influence. While that can be assisted by fervent
and effectual prayer, it is the individual's association with God that makes it
If marching around a city is the means God uses to subdue it, it seems to me Jesus would
have gathered His disciples and marched around Jerusalem. He did have a heart for that
city. Too, when the whole city of Samaria believed and turned to the Lord, it was not the
result of a "walk," but of the preaching of Philip. God did not tell Jonah to
walk around the city of Nineveh, but to walk through it, preaching as he went. There
simply is too much in God's Word on this subject for men to go about creating their own
If people want to walk around cities, people, etc., they have done no wrong. But a tree is
known by its fruit, not its looks. If their action yields results because of their faith,
I will be the first in line to give thanks for them and their work. But I will not adopt
such a procedure as though it were the Divinely appointed and revealed means of
overthrowing the wicked one.