Group Number 67
about the statement that Paul makes " All Israel will be saved" Does he not mean
"Israel" the modern church and Christians?
Romans 11:26 ("And so all Israel shall be saved")
is NOT a reference to the church, or to Christians. The rest of the verse, as
well as the surrounding verses, makes that quite clear. The rest of the verse
affirms the "Deliverer," who is Jesus, will "turn away ungodliness from Jacob."
If "Israel" is the church, then this verse is promising that Jesus will turn
ungodliness away from it, which thought is absurd. The church consists of those
who have been washed, sanctified, and justified (1 Cor 6:11). How foolish to
promise such a people, the Deliverer would turn away from them what they no
longer have. Secondly, the church is NEVER referred to as "Jacob." That is a
term exclusively applied to Israel, according to the flesh (Isa 10:20,21; 27:9;
41;14; Jer 31:11). Paul's statement (Romans 11:26), is a quotation from Isaiah
59:20, which is clearly speaking of the ancient people.
When Paul introduced Israel into his letter to the Romans, he declared he was
speaking of "my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh: who are Israelites"
(10:3-4). The entirety of the eleventh chapter makes quite clear that he is
speaking about the Jews, not the church. Paul sites himself as an example that
Israel is not in a hopeless condition (10:1). He declares there is a remnant
among them (11;6). He speaks of them being brought back to the Lord (11:11-25).
Then he makes the statement to which you referred (verse 26). He is referring to
the Jews, not the church.
it a sin, if an unbeliever divorces a believer and the believer remarries a person
who hasn't been married before?
In my judgment, such a person has not sinned. The
Scriptures inform us of a circumstance where the unbeliever is not pleased, or
content, to dwell with the believer. If they depart, the believer "is not under
bondage in such cases" (1 Cor 7:15). I understand "not under bondage" to mean
they are free to marry. There are some who strongly disagree with this,
believing it means the believer is not under bondage to live with the
unbeliever. That, however, does not appear to be the sense of the text, as the
only justification for living with someone is marriage itself.
This is a matter in which the individual must seek the Lord. God is merciful,
and is not seeking to put His children in stressful situations. He will teach us
to see the truth on this subject, and give us confidence to proceed to live for
His glory. We must not allow another person to determine what we are to do in
this area. I have shared my own perception with you.
on another bible study list I'm on a discussion arose from a question "how is
the bible only 6000 years old when earth is billions of years old." I suggested
that the days in Genesis are not meant to be taken literally, because of the
verse in psalm 90:4 and the other psalm verse which says "for a thousand
years in your sight are like a day" (NIV. KJV does not read "day". Someone else
replied that the days are literal 24 hr time because of a Hebrew word "yon."
Then someone ELSE said in the bible times they counted one day from sunrise to
sunset, then a second day from sunset to sunrise. So....what is the real day?
The real day is a 24 hour solar day. That is why
the Scriptures carefully state, "the evening and the morning were the _____ day"
(Gen 1:5,8,13,19,23,31). The attempt to assign long periods of time to the days
of creation are a feeble effort to pacify the evolutionists. There is no solid
support for the view that the world is billions of years old. That theory has
been developed because no noticeable change can be observed in time that will
support the evolutionary hypothesis. Therefore, the pseudo-scientists invent
long periods of time to account for the evolution that cannot be demonstrated on
any level, or in any specie of animal.
Peter refers to the Psalm 90:4 text, using the word "day" in the KJV: "beloved,
be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand
years, and a thousand years as one day" (2 Pet 3:8). The NIV reads, "With the
Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." The
expression "like a day," or "as one day," is not intended to define a period of
time. Rather, the intent of the expression is to show us that God is not limited
by time, and has no beginning or ending. A long time, such as that between
Christ's promise that He will return, and 2,000 years later, is not to be
considered a delay. That is Peter's point.
If the Spirit had intended for that expression to be applied to the days of
creation, He would have done so. He does speaks of "ages to come," or "coming
ages" (Eph 2:7). However, that word is never applied to the days of creation in
the Scriptures.
If a person has difficulty believing God created the world in six
evening-and-morning days, as the Scriptures affirm, I do not know how they could
be persuaded He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all they ask or think
(Eph 3:20).
Should we avoid all birth control methods? Doesn't the Bible say we are to
multiply and replenish the earth? Please help me with your opinion?
There are some matters
that are in the realm of conscience, and are to be settled between the
individual and God. This is one of those things. God did not speak directly to
this matter before the Law, during the Law, nor after the Law. The case of Oman
involved a direct order from the Lord through Judah (Gen 38:7-10).
The New Covenant is not a system of directives imposed on the people by others,
but one of reconciliation to God. In Scripture, women who had NO children, or
were childless, were subjected to reproach, not those who only had a few.
I speak as a person who has eleven children. I did not allow a person other than
God, whether ecclesiastically exalted or not, to dictate what I should do.
Neither should you. You have not been reconciled to the church, but to God. Ask
Him for wisdom on the matter. If you are in Christ, He will hear you.
had a member ask me about the Hadean Empire and how if any was it associated
with the Bible. I have heard about it but had no knowledge on what it was about.
So far as I know, there is no official expression
"Hadean Empire" -- at least I cannot find it. There is a realm that may properly
be called "hadean." It is the realm of the dead, and is taken from the word
"Hades." It is never referred to as an empire of government.
There is also a period men call the "Hadean period," purported to have existed
4.5 to 3.8 billion years ago. The following are quotations concerning that
thought (which I personally believe to be erroneous). This is a branch of
evolutionism, and makes no provision for the existence of God or His creative
activity. Some more information may be found on the following websites.
"Hadean time is not a geological period as such. No rocks on the Earth are this
old - except for meteorites. During Hadean time, the Solar System was forming,
probably within a large cloud of gas and dust around the sun, called an
accretion disc. The relative abundance of heavier elements in the Solar System
suggests that this gas and dust was derived from a supernova, or supernovas -
the explosion of an old, massive star. Heavier elements are generated within
stars by nuclear fusion of hydrogen, and are otherwise uncommon. We can see
similar processes taking place today in so-called diffuse nebulae in this and
other galaxies - such as the nebula M16, shown above left. The sun formed within
such a cloud of gas and dust, shrinking in on itself by gravitational compaction
until it began to undergo nuclear fusion and give off light and heat.
Surrounding particles began to coalesce by gravity into larger lumps, or
planetesimals, which continued to aggregate into planets. "Left-over" material
formed asteroids and comets - like asteroid Ida, on the upper right. Because
collisions between large planetesimals release a lot of heat, the Earth and
other planets would have been molten at the beginning of their histories.
Solidification of the molten material into rocks happened as the Earth cooled.
The oldest meteorites and lunar rocks are about 4.5 billion years old, but the
oldest Earth rocks currently known are 3.8 billion years old. Sometime during
the first 800 million or so years of its history, the surface of the Earth
changed from liquid to solid. Once solid rock formed on the Earth, its
geological history began. This most likely happened prior to 3.8 billion years,
but hard evidence for this is lacking. Erosion and plate tectonics has probably
destroyed all of the solid rocks that were older than 3.8 billion years. The
beginning of the rock record that is currently present on the Earth is the
inception of a time known as the Archaean. "
If by "Hadean Empire," the person is referring to the realm dominated by Satan,
the realm itself is not the emphasis of Scripture, but the personalities that
inhabit it. Satan is called "the prince of the power of the air" (Eph 2:2). The
NIV reads, the "kingdom of the air." Members of this dark realm include
"principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual
wickedness in high places" (Eph 6:12). This is the domain against which those in
Christ are aligned, and the personalities residing there are the focus of our
militancy. Demons also belong to this domain, and, among other activities, they
are busy promoting false doctrines among men (1 Tim 4:1).
there allusions to Jesus in every book of the Bible?
Yes there are. A number of people have developed their own listing of such references. Here is one I have developed.
Genesis –"Seed" of the woman, Shiloh (3:15; 49:10)
Exodus –The Lawgiver, High Priest, Mediator (24:12; 31:10; 34:9-10)
Leviticus –The Lamb, Scapegoat , Bullock (14:12; 16:8-26; 16:14)
Numbers –Water and Manna (20:8; 11:6-9)
Deuteronomy –The prophet (18:15)
Joshua –Captain of the Lord's hosts (5:14-15)
Judges –The Judge (2:18)
Ruth –Kinsman Redeemer (3:9-13)
1 Samuel –His Anointed (2:10; 16:6)
2 Samuel –King with a house (7:11-16)
1 Kings –King that blesses (8:55)
2 Kings –One who dwells between the cherubims (19:15)
1 Chronicles –The Man of rest (22:9)
2 Chronicles –Cleanser of the temple (29:18)
Ezra –a ready Scribe (7:6)
Nehemiah –The Builder (7:1)
Esther –One bringing deliverance (4:14)
Job –The Daysman (9:33)
Psalms –Stone the builders rejected (118:22)
Proverbs –Wisdom (8:1-5)
Ecclesiastes –The Preacher (12:9-10)
Song of Solomon –Beloved, Chief of ten thousand, and Rose of sharon (2:10; 5:10;
Isaiah –Covert, Emmanuel, Son, Servant (32:2; 7:14; 9:6; 42:1)
Jeremiah –The Lord our righteousness (23:6; 33:16)
Lamentations –My Portion (3:24)
Ezekiel –Plant of Renown (34:29)
Daniel –Ancient of days, Messiah (7:9,13,22; 9:25,26)
Hosea –My Son (11:1)
Joel –The Lord (2:31)
Amos –Tabernacle of David (9:11)
Obadiah –Savior (1:21)
Jonah –Sign of the Prophet Jonah (1:17)
Micah –Whose goings forth are from everlasting (5:2)
Nahum –Stronghold (1:7)
Habakkuk –Holy One (1:12)
Zephaniah –One who turns captivity (2:7; 3:20)
Haggai –Desire of all nations (2:7)
Zechariah –Fountain opened for sin and uncleanness (13:1)
Malachi –Sun of righteousness (4:2)
Matthew –The Christ, King (16:20; 21:5)
Mark –Holy One of God, Son of Man, Son of the Blessed (1:24; 2:28; 14:61)
Luke –The Chosen of God, Son of the Highest; Dayspring; Lord's Christ (23:35;
1:32,78; 2:26)
John –Word of God, Lamb of God, Bread of life, Light of the world, Good
Shepherd, True Vine, Son of God (1:1; 1:29; 6:48; 8:12; 10:11; 15:1; 1:49)
Acts –Prince of life, Holy Child, Prince and Savior (3:15; 4:30; 5:31)
Romans –Propitiation, Firstborn among Many Brethren, the Deliverer (3:25; 8:29;
1 Corinthians –Our Passover, Last Adam, Second Man (5:7; 15:45,47)
2 Corinthians –Unspeakable Gift, (9:15)
Galatians –Seed of Abraham (3:16)
Ephesians –The Beloved, Cornerstone, Head of the church, Savior of the body
(1:6; 2:20; 5:23)
Philippians –Lord, He who humbled Himself (2:8,11)
Colossians –God's dear Son, Firstborn from the dead (1:13,18)
1 Thessalonians –Lord Jesus Christ (1:1)
2 Thessalonians –Coming Lord, Lord of peace (1:7-10; 3;16)
1 Timothy –Mediator between God and man, Ransom, God manifest in the flesh,
Blessed and only Potentate, King of kings, Lord of lords (2:5,6; 3:16; 6:15)
2 Timothy –Our Savior, Righteous Judge, Seed of David, the Righteous Judge
(1:10; 2:8; 4:8)
Philemon –Giver of grace and peace (1:3,25)
Hebrews –Brightness of God's glory, Express Image of God's Person, First
begotten of God, Captain of Salvation, Testator, Apostle, High Priest, the
Forerunner, Surety, Minister of the sanctuary, Author and Finisher of our faith,
the Great Shepherd of the Sheep (1:3,6; 2:10; 3:1; 6:20; 7:22; 8:2; 12:2;
James –Lord of glory (2:1)
1 Peter –Chosen of God, Precious, Elect, Stone of Stumbling, Rock of Offense,
Shepherd and Bishop of our souls, Chief Shepherd (2:4,6,8; 2:25; 5:4)
2 Peter –Day Star (1:19)
1 John –Word of Life, Eternal Life, Advocate, the Righteous, Propitiation,
Savior of the World, (1:1,2; 2:1,2; 4;14).
2 John –Son of the Father (1:3)
3 John –Truth (1:3,4,8,12)
Revelation –Faithful Witness, First Begotten of the Dead, Prince of the kings of
the earth, King of kings, Lord of lords, Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End,
First and Last, the Amen, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Root of David, the Lamb
Slain, the Word of God (1:5,8,17; 3:14; 5;5; 13:8; 19:13)
Not a position but a Physician, not a doctrine but a Deliverer, not a movement
but a Mover, not a sect but a Savior, not a routine but Righteousness, not a
dead letter but a Living Hope.
If you are wandering, He is a Shepherd. He you are ill, He is the great
Physician. If you are deficient in wisdom, He is The Wisdom of God. If you are
lost, He is the Savior. If you are weak, He is the Power of God. If you are in
darkness, He is the Light of the world. If you need access to God, He is the
Door. If you need nourishment, He is the Bread of life. If you need counseling,
He is the Wonderful Counselor. If you need leading, He is the Captain of our
my studies I hear a lot about a woman named Semiramis, the mother and wife of
Nimrod. There is no mention of her is the Bible where do all these Bible
teachers and authors find out about her? Where is she written of?
It is my understanding that Semiramis is a product
of Grecian mythology. Some have referred to her record as "tradition," with some
historical value. Most encyclopedias refer to her as someone famous in "ancient
There is a tendency in professed Bible teachers (whether they be so or not
really needs to be established) to attempt to blend Scripture with uninspired
writings, such as secular history, religious tradition, etc. This is a fatal
blunder, for Scripture is distinct. It is not simply the record of facts, but
has a Divine reason for its existence: i.e. "that the man of God may be
complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2 Tim 3:17), "that we
through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope" (Rom 15:4),
to make us "wise unto salvation" (2 Tim 3:15) . . . etc.
Such a purpose cannot blend with the traditions, myths, and legends of men. To
attempt to harmonize such writings with Scripture will end in corruption, for
they were not written for the same reason as Scripture, not being inspired by
God. Whatever accuracy may happen to be in them has nothing whatsoever to do
with what God has said or what God is doing.
God provides what He wants us to know about Nimrod. He was a mighty warrior in
the earth, and a mighty hunter before the Lord. Babel, Erech, and Accad, (all in
in Shinar) were the beginning of his kingdom. He went into Assyria and built
Nineveh, Rehoboth-ir, Calah, and Resen (Gen 10:9-12). The Lord makes no mention
of Nimrod's wife. That should be sufficient to confirm there is no value in
having such knowledge -- if, indeed, it is even possible.
Is it a sin for a Christian
to kill if they are in the military during war time? When is it all right for a
Christian to kill?
Throughout the centuries, serious Christians have been in
disagreement on this issue. I conclude that it is a matter of conscience --
something that each believer must determine before the Lord, seeking His wisdom
and strength. I could not consent to personally kill under any conditions. I
realize there are difficulties related to this choice, and thus have prayed
throughout the years that the Lord would not lead me into temptation, but
deliver me from evil, as Jesus taught us to pray (Matt 6:13; Lk 11:4). Each
believer is responsible for arriving at a conclusion that does not violate his
own conscience on this matter. The reason for this is that God has not spoken
directly to this issue.
<< Would it be a sin for America to retaliate after the terrorist attacks that
happened Tuesday? >>
The Word of God established that God has ordained civil government for the
punishment of evil doers. In fact, that is one of its primary roles, as outlined
in Romans 13:2-4. In this case, it is not a matter of retaliation, but of
punishing those who are a menace to society, and doers of base wickedness.
Whether on a personal level, city, state, national, or international, rulers are
to see to it that violent men do not prosper, and are put out of business. That
is the teaching of the thirteenth chapter of Romans. God is greatly to be
praised that this responsibility has not been given to individuals, or to the
church, but to civil authorities.
you saying that when a person truly believes they have been reconciled to God
and their sins have been atoned for, that when the Holy Spirit convicts
that person of a sin they have committed, even if they don't ask for
forgiveness, because of the faith God has given that person, they are still
saved ?
Remember, we are children of God "by faith" (Gal
3:26). We ARE (not were) justified by faith (Rom 3:28; 5:2). We stand by faith
(2 Cor 1:24), live by faith (Heb 10:38), and are saved by grace through faith
(Eph 2:8). Salvation is never viewed independently of faith, and faith is never
taken for granted. We have to fight to keep it (1 Tim 6:12).
Faith will always move the believer to do the right thing -- always.
There is such a thing as an evil heart of unbelief entering into one who has
believed, constraining him to depart from the living God (Heb 3:12). God has
declared He will not take pleasure in such a person
(Heb 10:39).
Only the person who IS believing is secure. However, we must assure our hearts
that this is the case. No one who is trusting in the Lord will be abandoned by
Him. God has nowhere pledged, or remotely suggested, that anyone else is saved.
He has only pledged Himself to keep and save those who ARE believing -- and that
is a matter requiring our diligence, for which God will supply us with an
abundance of grace.
Also I'm
beginning a series of studies in the book of Genesis and was
hoping you could help me get started with Genesis Chapter's 1 and 2.
Perhaps you already have
something prepared like a commentary, or can simply
give me an overview of those difficult passages, particularly
Chapter 1 verses 1-10, 26, 27 and Chapter 2: 1-17, 23.
In approaching these texts, faith
must be the primary thing, not understanding. Remember, God knows the difficulty
men have with words and understanding. Thus, He has spoken with the greatest
clarity. We simply take Him at His word.
"The beginning" refers to origin the realm in which we reside. The Word of God,
being written to us, not angels, starts with the realm created for us. The days
are regular twenty-four hour days -- each one consisting of an evening and a
morning, just as it is written. Adam and Eve were real people, not myths. Eve
was the "mother of all living" (Gen 3:20). Adam is the one person from whom all
nations were made (Acts 17:26). He is the head of the natural order, with the
whole human race, and its tendency to sinfulness, being traced back to him (Rom
5:12-19). He is the "first man," with Christ being the 'second," or second order
of, man (1 Cor 15:45,47).
Jesus taught that those who did not believe Moses' writings, could not believe
what He said (John 5:46).
I am sure you can take it from there. Review what Jesus said about the record of
creation and the formation of man and woman. Read what the apostles said about
those texts. Our responsibility is to say the same thing they did. it is really
just that simple.
In the book of John it says
"In the beginning was the word and the WORD was with God and the word was GOD-"
now --------does this mean that Jesus was- and is -the word of God??--the Holy
Bible?? that we read down here is Jesus?? . . . and He came down here in human
flesh I understand this -but-was HE the Written word of God---and that's why we
cannot take away anything from the word of God -out of His book. Thanks for
explaining this ahead of time.
Jesus is not the Bible. He is the Living Word, as
compared to the Bible being the written Word. The "Word" of John 1:14 existed
long before a single Word of the Bible was written -- even before the world was
created, as you already know.
When Scripture says the Word became flesh, it means God was expressed in a human
form, like a human word is expressed in something than can be seen, like an
apple, tree, etc. As the Word, Jesus was the means through which God expressed
Himself. An example is that God made the world through the Lord Jesus (Heb 1:2).
When He became "flesh," God was expressing Himself to humanity.
Jesus is still 'the Word of God," as declared in Revelation 19:13. That does not
mean He is the Bible, but that he is God's expression to us. The focus of the
Bible is Jesus, as He Himself said in John 5:39. You might say the Bible is a
Word picture of Jesus, and Jesus is the fulfillment of the Bible.
I have never been baptized
with water. I have been born again with the Holy Spirit. I'd been taught that
water baptism isn't necessary for salvation, because
it is Christ that saved not getting baptized with
water. So I took that belief and was never baptized in church. (BTW do any
churches even baptise correctly?) My first question
is, is baptism of the Holy Spirit and baptism of water
have the same meaning in the bible? Second question is,
is it necessary for salvation to be baptized with water? I see it's
significance--to die to sin, as a sign to other christians--but how does water
bring salvation?
First, all of the varied views of baptism have
originated with men. None of them have been prompted by what the Lord has said
about baptism. It is never questioned in Scripture. Its validity is never
doubted. No one ever rejected baptism but the Pharisees and Lawyers of Jesus'
day. Scripture says in so doing, they "rejected God's purpose for themselves"
(Luke 7:30). Jesus was baptized, He said, "to fulfill all righteousness" (Matt
3:15-17). Jesus said those who believed and were baptized would be saved (Mark
16:16). He did not say those who believed and were saved should be baptized. On
the day of Pentecost, Peter told those who asked what they should do, to "Repent
and be baptized" (Acts 2:38). Philip baptized the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:38).
Saul of Tarsus (later called Paul the apostle) was told to arise, be baptized,
and wash away his sins (Acts 22:16). Peter commanded those of Cornelius’ house
to be baptized (Acts 10:48). The Philippian jailer was baptized "the same hour
of the night" (Acts 16:33). Lydia and her household were baptized (Acts 16:15).
Cripus, a ruler of the synagogue, and his household were baptized (Acts 18:8).
Upon hearing certain Ephesian disciples had not received the Holy Spirit since
they believed, Paul had them baptized in the name of Jesus (Acts 19:4-5).
Believers are told they are baptized into Christ’s death, and raised by the
glory of the Father to walk in the newness of life (Rom 6:3-4). Their baptism is
a reference point that testifies of their identity with Christ, and is called
"the form of the doctrine," which is the death, burial, and resurrection of
Christ (Rom 6:17). They are told "for all of you who were baptized into Christ
have clothed yourselves with Christ" (Gal 3:27). Peter, speaking of water, says,
"baptism doth also now save us" (1 Pet 3:21). The circumcision of Christ, where
He cuts away the whole nature of sin from our persons, is specifically related
to baptism (Col 2:11-12).
Whatever question has arisen about baptism, it certainly is not from the Word of
God. Baptism is always commended, never questioned, and never spoken of lightly
-- never. The word of God never speaks of believers who were NOT baptized. It
frequently speaks of those who were.
Ponder the things with which the Holy Spirit has related baptism. See how great
they are, and ask yourself how the knowledge of them could move anyone to
question baptism in any sense.
1. Repentance (Acts 2:38).
2. The remission of sins (Acts 2:38).
3. The gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38).
4. Believing (Mark 16:16; Acts 8:12; 18:8).
5. Salvation (mark 16:16; 1 Peter 3:21).
6. Being buried with Christ (Rom 6:4; Col 2:12).
7. Being raised with Christ (Rom 6:4; Col 2:12).
8. Being identified with Christ's death (Rom 6:3).
9. Becoming dead to sin (Rom 6:2-3).
10. Becoming alive to God (Rom 6:3-11).
11. The circumcision of Christ, in which the whole body of sin is cut away (Col
12. Faith in the operation, or working, of God (Col 2:12).
13. Coming into Christ (Gal 3:27).
14. Putting on Christ (Gal 3:27).
15. A commandment (Acts 10:48).
16. The confession of Christ (Acts 8:36-37).
17. Gladly receiving the Word of God (Acts 2:41).
18. Washing away our sins (Acts 22:16).
19. Coming into one body through the Spirit (1 Cor 12:13).
All of these things are related to salvation. None of them relate to anything
Dear sister, you should be baptized. Jesus was, and you should be. The people on
the day of Pentecost were, and you should be. The Ethiopian eunuch was, and you
should be. Saul of Tarsus was, and you should be. Cornelius and his household
were, and you should be. Lydia was, and you should be. The Philippian jailer
was, and you should be . . . etc., etc., etc.
As to HOW a person should be baptized, the Word of God is too clear on this for
anyone to have a question about it. We are "BURIED" with Christ in baptism,
which is called the "form" of the doctrine, or the outward display of it (Rom
6:4; Col 2:12). Jesus went down into the water to be baptized, and came up out
of it (Matt 3:16). That is the precise moment when God the Father confessed
Jesus was His beloved Son (Matt 3:17). The Ethiopian eunuch went down into the
water when he was baptized, and came out of it (Acts 3:38-39).
Being baptized WITH the Holy spirit and being baptized IN water are not the same
thing, but they are two sides of the same coin. Jesus called it being born "of
the water and of the Spirit" (John 3:5). There is an "operation" of God that
occurs within us by the Spirit, when we are baptized in water (Col 2:12).
To say there is no need to be baptized is like telling Naaman the leper he did
not have to dip in the River Jordan seven times to be healed, as the prophet
Elisha said (1 Kings 5:10-14). It would be like telling the blind man he did not
have to go and wash in the pool of Siloam in order to see, after Jesus put clay
on his eyes (John 9:6-11). God has associated baptism with salvatgion, like He
did dipping in Jordan to Naaman beoimng healed, and washing in the pool of
Siloam to the healing of the blind man. Neither Naamon nor the blind man would
have been healed if they had balked at doing what they were told. What possible
reason can be adduced for not being baptized -- particularly since the Word of
God has taught so much on the subject, and so many examples are provided for us.
After knowing what God has said about baptism, precisely what is there that
would move a person to think it was unimportant, optional, or unrelated to
It simply is foolish for anyone, however sincere they may be, to say you do not
have to do something Jesus said, Jesus commanded, Peter commanded, and believers
consistently did. If you can find no other reason for being baptized (and there
are many of them), do it because your Lord did -- even after John the Baptist
tried to talk Him out of it (Matt 3:14-15). I have every confidence you will do
the right thing. If Jesus' being baptized pleased God, you may be sure he will
also be pleased with you being baptized. That, after all, if what you really
want, regardless of the teachings of men.